Kathy's Life Without Cancer
New Me!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
What's been happening?
Health-wise things are going ok. However back on 7/18/2016 I went into dermatology at Mayo Clinic to have a small pencil eraser mole looked at. I had noticed that it appeared on my right thigh relatively fast and had changed color along with becoming raised. The dermatologist did a punch procedure and sent that along with a spot that they noticed on my back to pathology. Unfortunately the pathology on my right thigh came back as a very low grade of melanoma skin cancer and the spot on my back came back as basal cell skin cancer (very treatable). They scheduled me to see plastics since it was melanoma they needed to get more margins around the mole sight. It wasn't just a small incision. It was 3 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide and pretty deep. That also went to pathology and thank goodness that came back as no cancer remained. Thank the Lord! Going forward I have to be seen by dermotology every 3-6 month or if ever any more suspicious moles appear.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Update on things with Marie and baby.
Marie and Justin had a beautiful little boy and they named him Gideon Justin. Gideon name means Warrior and that he is. Marie had a relatively normal high risk birth and Gideon was born with a few health issues but as of today his is doing very well. He is getting big and is hitting all of his milestones so far. We couldn't be happier and we are truly blessed with all who provided prayers for his and Marie's wellbeing during her difficult pregnancy and after. Sister Everleigh loves him to pieces and every time we see them, Everleigh pulls our hands and says "brother, brother!" She wants us to come see her little brother...so sweet!
This is a more recent picture of him. Like I said, he's getting Big!!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Answered prayers - 07/30/2015
Marie went in for her ultrasound today and our prayers we answered!!
The fluid around Baby Gideon's heart is completely gone!!
We will continue to pray that he comes into this world strong and with full health.
We love you so much already little boy!!
Praise the Lord!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Update on Gideon and Marie - 7/28/2015
For the past several weeks the fluid on baby Gideon's tummy has subsided considerably even to the point where the doctors were saying it was gone!! He continued to have small fluid accumulations in his kidneys and ventricles (brain). They had told her last Monday (7/20), that her and Justin should pick out a due date the last week of August. So they've chosen 8/24 (Monday) for the c-section birth.
At the appointment yesterday (7/27), they thought they saw some accumulation of fluid again around his heart. They are going to double check that again this Thursday with another ultrasound. If they are seeing more fluid then they saw on Monday, they will deliver the baby that day. If the fluid is the same or gone again, they will proceed with her normal ultrasounds each Monday with hopes to get to the 8/24 delivery date.
We ask that if you could offer continued prayers for baby Gibeon and Marie (and her family) during this difficult, roller coaster of a time in their lives. We have great faith in God and hope that Gideon will be a healthy, strong little boy.
Thank you from the bottom of our heart!
God Bless
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Baby Gideon
So how do I start????
As I posted in my previous post Marie is pregnant and due the later part of August. She went to her regular 27 week appointment last week and found that there were some issues with the baby. They aren't 100% sure what is going on but they are calling it undiagnosed non immune hydrops fetalis which basically is an accumulation of fluid in his tummy and a small amount of fluid on his heart. They don't know why he's gotten this as it is not genetic, not an infection or issues with their blood types ( after many tests ). She did not have this on her last ultrasound so it appeared quickly. She will have ultrasounds twice a week until she delivers and is now considered a high risk pregnancy. The baby supposedly has a 60-90% mortality rate...so they think the odds are against him. However at her appointment on Tuesday, the fluid on the heart was gone and the fluid on his tummy was unchanged....to me that sounded like a positive! We are praying for baby Gideon to our hearts content and are praying to God for a Miracle!! So if your so incline - say a prayer for baby Gideon.
I've been saying this prayer for Gideon many times a day...
Father, thank you that when your Son graced this earth He welcomed the children and blessed them. Thank you that the same power that raised Him from the dead is at work within Gideon now.
Lord, we give you Gideon.
We invite you to come by the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this beautiful child to health. Come and pulse through his body by your Spirit. Bring your healing and strengthen his being. We ask that in the name of Jesus that this sickness would leave his body now. Thank you that you hear our prayer and no matter what happens You cherish Gideon and hold him in the palm of your hand now and forever. Amen
We give it up to you God....
Thursday, April 30, 2015
It has been a LONG time since my last post...!!!!
May 1, 2015 Catching Up...
Well my last post was way back on July 2013. Way to long and a lot of things have happened since then.
At the time of my last post Marie was pregnant. She had Everleigh Marie in September 2013. She is a healthy, beautiful, 19 month old little girl as of today. Full of spirit and kisses!! Love her so! Today Marie is expecting her second child coming the end of August or first part of September 2015...Grandchild #4 for us! They know it's going to be a little boy!! How fun! And Everleigh is going to be a big sister so moving into her "big" bed will happen soon.
Benjamin just celebrated his 3rd birthday in March 2015 with a space themed birthday. He LOVES space stuff and curious George, of course. He recently got a new brace for righty and it's taking him a bit to get used to. He actually does pretty good even without wearing a brace. This little boy has come so far! Love him to pieces!! Cathy and Bill have also added another member to their family...grandchild #3. January 2015, Cecilia Catherine came into the world. She is already 3 months old and growing so fast. She likes to sit up and she even coos and jabbers at you. She looks a little bit like Benjamin but definitely has her own Ceci look!
Don and I went on a week long trip to St. Thomas, January 2015. We were joined by my brother, Dave along with his daughter, Emma. Plus my sister, Sharon and her hubby Ted and sister, Mary and her hubby, Raughn. We had a wonderful time and many memories were made! We can't wait for next year! And who knows where we will end up!!
March 2015, Don went on his annual bike trip. They went to Fredericksburg, Texas again and had great weather and a wonderful time with his Lakeville biking friends. At the same time I went to the Big Island to the city of Kona, Hawaii and visited Karrin who is a grade school friend. We saw many sights - numerous waterfalls, Botanical gardens, Hilo, beautiful beaches, etc. She and her hubby were gracious hosts and we saw many sights there. On my last day there, Karrin and I flew to Honolulu and spent the day seeing many sights - Pearl Harbor, pineapple fields, Waikiki beach, Diamond Head crater, etc. It was a trip of a lifetime and I am blessed to have been able to do this!
As far as me and my health, everything is going good. I have recheck appointments with Dr. Tim (oncologist), every 6 months, with my last one being the end of March. For some reason I've developed a little bit of positional vertigo. I had a head MRI to rule out any other issues and everything was fine. Thank the Lord!!
I will try to post more often in the future.
Have a great summer!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
July 22, 2013 - It's been awhile!
July 26, 2013 - I think the last time I've posted anything was back in Feb 2013. Sorry for that but I've been rather busy. Since February, I've made a major change in my life - I've retired from 30 years at Mayo Clinic on July 12, 2013. After my year long journey with breast cancer in 2012 and getting back to working fulltime earlier this year plus all the 'crap' that is going on at work, I didn't need the stress any longer. I am grateful that I was eligible to retire and grateful that my family supported my decision. After being 2 weeks into retirement mode, I'm really liking it! But let’s see once the pay checks stop coming :( Don and I have decided to defer my pension payments for as long as we can, maybe 5 years or until Don decides to retire which my be in 7-8 years...we'll see how living on ONE income works out.
I had my 6 month recheck with Dr. Tim (oncologist) back in June 2013 and everything looked ok as far as my health...although I've had no labs since 12/2012 and no x-rays/MRI/Ultrasound since the fall of 2012 so I'm not sure how they know that everything is ok 'inside' my body. Dr. Tim explained that he will do a physical exam on me every 3 months including checking my lymph nodes under my arms, etc. He said that if I notice any changes in my health/body that last greater than 72 hours then he should be notified. I don't know about you but wouldn't that be to late then?? I'm the kind of a person that likes preventative healthcare, not reactionary healthcare. Seems odd, I know and it’s not like I don't have this conversation with him every 3 months.
I've also started with a chiropractor (Pratt Family Chiropractic) in February or March 2013, with prompting from my sister Mary, and had much success. Besides doing adjustments on me they also focus on exercise to be fit, nutrition, and educating people on what is good to eat and what is not good to put into your body. That was one area that Mayo did not offer any assistance with for cancer patients. Mayo basically said to go back to the life you were living…well isn’t that what got me into this mess in the first place, so something had to change. I’m having less back issues and feel less stressed (maybe that is because I’ve retiredJ). I’m thankful to say that I’ve lost about 15lbs of chemo weight just by watching the foods I eat and exercising most days. My goal is to lose about 20 more lbs., time will tell but I have great hope!
Benjamin update – he is now 16 months old! He is crawling everywhere, climbing, standing, saying a few words and is FULL of life! Don and I were privileged to take him to one of his physical therapy appointment this past Tuesday inMankato . He wears a little brace on his right leg and the therapist has him doing all sorts of things. Walking on a treadmill, scooting around on a little horsey, and walking (with assistance) with a small walker, to name a few. He has gained some function back in his right hip flexors and he moves his toes quite well. They said the progress could/would be slow but he is still little and they say that Benjamin will be the one to want to move around on two feet….it’s up to you little boy and we are all there to rally round you! Just knowing he has the Gerhart/Kramer genes in him, I’m positive that he has the determination!! Nothing is going to hold him back! We love you Benjamin with all our hearts! Xoxoxoxoxo
Baby Reisdorfer update – Marie is due the end of September – first part of October and is doing well. She is 30 weeks along on Saturday and looking more glowing each day. They found out that they will be having a baby girl so very excited about that! She and baby are doing well. Here is a picture of her at 28 weeks along.
Back on Mothers Day 2013, Don, Marie and I went up to the Mall of America to walk in the Susan B. Komen walk for breast cancer awareness. There were thousands of people there and very inspiring to see so many survivors!
July 2013, Cathy, my daughter-in-law was part of a team at the Mankato Relay for Life and invited Don and I to attend. So Cathy, Bill, Ben, Don and I attended and walked the luminary trail. It was very inpiring to see all the luminaries with survivor names along with luminaries of people that have passed because of the dreaded disease. Let's find a cure!
The end of August Cathy, Bill, Ben, Don and I are heading up to northern Wisconsin for some R&R. We will be staying at a cabin on the lake...so relaxing. Can't wait!
Bye for now!
I had my 6 month recheck with Dr. Tim (oncologist) back in June 2013 and everything looked ok as far as my health...although I've had no labs since 12/2012 and no x-rays/MRI/Ultrasound since the fall of 2012 so I'm not sure how they know that everything is ok 'inside' my body. Dr. Tim explained that he will do a physical exam on me every 3 months including checking my lymph nodes under my arms, etc. He said that if I notice any changes in my health/body that last greater than 72 hours then he should be notified. I don't know about you but wouldn't that be to late then?? I'm the kind of a person that likes preventative healthcare, not reactionary healthcare. Seems odd, I know and it’s not like I don't have this conversation with him every 3 months.
I've also started with a chiropractor (Pratt Family Chiropractic) in February or March 2013, with prompting from my sister Mary, and had much success. Besides doing adjustments on me they also focus on exercise to be fit, nutrition, and educating people on what is good to eat and what is not good to put into your body. That was one area that Mayo did not offer any assistance with for cancer patients. Mayo basically said to go back to the life you were living…well isn’t that what got me into this mess in the first place, so something had to change. I’m having less back issues and feel less stressed (maybe that is because I’ve retiredJ). I’m thankful to say that I’ve lost about 15lbs of chemo weight just by watching the foods I eat and exercising most days. My goal is to lose about 20 more lbs., time will tell but I have great hope!
Benjamin update – he is now 16 months old! He is crawling everywhere, climbing, standing, saying a few words and is FULL of life! Don and I were privileged to take him to one of his physical therapy appointment this past Tuesday in
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Ben and his little friend Amelia! |
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Ben in his fort! |
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Ben 15 months old! |
Baby Reisdorfer update – Marie is due the end of September – first part of October and is doing well. She is 30 weeks along on Saturday and looking more glowing each day. They found out that they will be having a baby girl so very excited about that! She and baby are doing well. Here is a picture of her at 28 weeks along.
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Marie at 28 weeks (and Caption, her dog - not sure what's wrong with him!) |
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Don, me and Marie - Susan B. Komen walk at MOA |
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These are some of the surviors that were present. |
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Mankato Relay for Life July 2013 |
The end of August Cathy, Bill, Ben, Don and I are heading up to northern Wisconsin for some R&R. We will be staying at a cabin on the lake...so relaxing. Can't wait!
Bye for now!
Friday, February 1, 2013
February 1, 2013 - Survivorship
February 1st - I have been asked to be involved in something new at Mayo, it's called Mayo Survivorship. Basically it's working with breast cancer survivors that are through with all their treatments and surgery and looking at the aftercare of a cancer patient. Through the breast clinic I have been set up with a series of appointments which are a massage, an appointment in the lymphedema clinic to assess how my shoulder/armpit are doing following the mastectomy and lymph node removal, an acupuncture appointment, an appointment with a wellness coach with a final appointment with a physician in the breast clinic. They are trying to determine if these therapies are important to a survivors health and to lessening the chances of recurrence. I always wondered what happened when all the treatments, surgeries and appointments were through, what was I to do in regards to my nutrition, exercise, diet, etc? The oncologist basically told me when I asked him about the topics, he said I should exercise, eat right and to let him know if I have any "new" pains that last greater than 72 hours. Seems simple right...but it's not that simple when you don't feel as energetic as you used to, don't look the same and your body is not what it was a year ago. I hope that this program will aid other breast cancer survivors in their aftercare.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
January 19, 2013 - One year out
January 19th - yesterday, January 18, was one year ago that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I've been feeling pretty good (with exception of getting the flu a few weeks back) since the mastectomy back in August, then radiation therapy then the ovary surgery in November. I still get tired rather easily however I'm trying to push myself into getting back to the healthy living center to workout. Two of my coworkers and I are doing a ten week Ride It Out for women, which is on spin bikes. Hopefully this goes well as my stamina and endurance is rather low right now. Wish me luck!! Marie and I have also been trying to frequent it as many times as possible too. We are trying our hand at yoga! We have a cruise booked for late April/early May. Can't wait!!!!
I don't have a follow up appointment with Dr. Tim until mid March but I'm going pretty well on the Arimidex (hormone drug). Just a few mild hot flashes to contend with which is good from my opinion.
Tomorrow we are heading to St Peter as Benjamin is getting baptized. He was 10 months old on January 17th. I had the pleasure of watching him on Tuesday this past week as Cathy's parents were both not feeling well. They've moved back from Spokane and now live in Eagle Lake and provide day care for Benjamin.
Here to a cancer-free year and many more to come.
P.S. Don and I may go down to the Eagles cancer telethon this evening which starts at 8:00pm and goes through tomorrow. Lets hope they find a CURE for cancer soon!!!
I don't have a follow up appointment with Dr. Tim until mid March but I'm going pretty well on the Arimidex (hormone drug). Just a few mild hot flashes to contend with which is good from my opinion.
Tomorrow we are heading to St Peter as Benjamin is getting baptized. He was 10 months old on January 17th. I had the pleasure of watching him on Tuesday this past week as Cathy's parents were both not feeling well. They've moved back from Spokane and now live in Eagle Lake and provide day care for Benjamin.
Here to a cancer-free year and many more to come.
P.S. Don and I may go down to the Eagles cancer telethon this evening which starts at 8:00pm and goes through tomorrow. Lets hope they find a CURE for cancer soon!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
January 8, 2013 - Don & I both sick over New Years
January 8th - Don came home the Friday before New Years weekend not feeling well. We was down and out with chills, fever, headaches, cough and body aches. I was thinking I was going to fend it off but unfortunately New Year's Day evening I came down with a scratchy throat and before you know it I had all the symptoms that Don had. He even stayed home from work that whole next week as he still was having headaches and was just not feeling 100%. I still have a pretty good cough that's hanging on but for the most part feel a little better. We both had the flu shot but had heard the this "flu" was the A strain of the flu which of course we were not vaccinated for. This is the sickest we've both been in over a year!! Don and I hope that the rest of 2013 will keep us healthy!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
December 27, 2012 - update on hormone pills
December 27th - Well I'm about 2 weeks out from starting the Arimidex hormone pills and the side effects haven't been too bad (knock on wood). Just a few hot flashes and joint pain. Along with the hormone pills I also have to take 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU's of vitamin D3 on a daily basis. This is because the bone mineral density test showed that I was on the verge of having osteoporosis which causes fractures and we don't want that to happen. Also the Arimidex causes bone thinning also not good. I will also have to have two shots per year of Xgeva which is a bone strengthener. Lets hope the side effects are kept at bay for many years to come as I have to take the hormone pills at least for the next five years or more.
I will be starting back to work starting 1/2/2013 working half days through January, the upping to 6 hours per day in February with the hopes of returning full time in March. So have to get my brain back into work mode...aghhhh!
Christmas was very fun this year with little Ben. He was on cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, great grandparents and present overload. We had the Kramer Christmas at the villa in Hayfield, the Gerhart Christmas at Mary and Jerry's here in Rochester and our family Christmas at my daughters home and he made all three and did extremely well!! It was so much fun seeing everyone!!
Don and I hope that you all have a blessed and healthy 2013!
I will be starting back to work starting 1/2/2013 working half days through January, the upping to 6 hours per day in February with the hopes of returning full time in March. So have to get my brain back into work mode...aghhhh!
Christmas was very fun this year with little Ben. He was on cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, great grandparents and present overload. We had the Kramer Christmas at the villa in Hayfield, the Gerhart Christmas at Mary and Jerry's here in Rochester and our family Christmas at my daughters home and he made all three and did extremely well!! It was so much fun seeing everyone!!
Don and I hope that you all have a blessed and healthy 2013!
Monday, December 17, 2012
December 17, 2012 - doctor's appointment
December 17th - On Wednesday I have a few appointments at Mayo. Starting off with blood work, then a bone mineral density test then onto an appointment with Dr. Tim plus another appointment after that. So needless to say I will have a busy day at the Mayo Clinic. The bone mineral density test is to ensure that my bones are strong enough so that he can start me on the Arimidex - hormone therapy.
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half. Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.
Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half. Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.
Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 - home from surgery
December 6th - I had to report to Methodist Hospital today at 7:15am, and went into surgery around 10:00am. Dr. Bakkum removed the ovaries and tubes in an outpatient procedure to get prepared to start taking the hormone therapy that Dr. Tim wants to place me on. After getting back to the room around 1:00pm, I was informed that the procedure went well and no cancer was found!! Since the surgery was done laparoscopically they checked other areas in the abdomen area (like the liver, kidneys, etc) and there was no other areas suspicious of concern, which was terrific to hear. I was dismissed around 4:00pm and other than some lower abdomen pain and feeling tired, I'm not doing too bad (knock on wood)!!!! Now onto the recuperating and starting 2013 out on a healthy note!!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!
Monday, December 3, 2012
December 2, 2012 - Yet another surgery
December 2nd - I started back to work November 19th working half days until Thursday of this week when I will be having another surgery which will be to remove my ovaries and tubes. This is all being done on an out-patient basis and laparoscopically unless something else is discovered while the surgeon is in there. I pray that nothing else is found!!!! The surgeon says its a 2-3 week recovery time which is much better than the last surgery.
This reason for all of this is to ensure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen as possible so that it decreases the chance of a recurrence. The ovaries are the biggest producer of estrogen thus the surgery. I am scheduled for a bone mineral density test the 19th of December, depending on all of these results Dr. Tim will be placing me on Arimidex hormone therapy for 5 years. I will be seeing him that day also.
Since I went back to work I've had the great opportunity to work from home which is wonderful. I wasn't sure that I'd like it but its growing on me.
I'd like to wish my niece Alyssa happy birthday on December 4th. Have a great day!
Also I want to remember my Dad who passed away December 4th back in 1999. I can't believe he's been gone for 13 years already. I miss him so much still each and every day...love you Dad!
This reason for all of this is to ensure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen as possible so that it decreases the chance of a recurrence. The ovaries are the biggest producer of estrogen thus the surgery. I am scheduled for a bone mineral density test the 19th of December, depending on all of these results Dr. Tim will be placing me on Arimidex hormone therapy for 5 years. I will be seeing him that day also.
Since I went back to work I've had the great opportunity to work from home which is wonderful. I wasn't sure that I'd like it but its growing on me.
I'd like to wish my niece Alyssa happy birthday on December 4th. Have a great day!
Also I want to remember my Dad who passed away December 4th back in 1999. I can't believe he's been gone for 13 years already. I miss him so much still each and every day...love you Dad!
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 - Appointment with Dr. Tim
November 19th - I had a follow-up visit with Dr Tim last Thursday. We talked a lot about the aspect of placing me on Arimidex (hormone therapy - HT) to reduce the risk of a recurrence. Prior to him starting me on the HT he wants to make sure that my bones are strong enough so he has scheduled me blood work and a bone mineral density test in December as the HT causes bone thinning. He won’t use Tamoxifin as that can cause blood clots which I’ve had problems while on chemo. Since the tumor was estrogen positive they need to make sure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen possible prior to going on this drug (Arimedix is a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors). This works by decreasing the amount of estrogen the body makes. This can slow or stop the growth of many types of breast cancer cells that need estrogen to grow. Because they are not 100% sure that I’m in menopause he is recommending having my ovaries removed. A hysterectomy may also be an option to relieve any anxieties of any gynecological types of cancers. I will be meeting with a GYN surgeon sometime in the upcoming weeks. This is all very overwhelming to me and the information that I’ve read on Arimidex and the side effects are not the most appealing. Heaven help me make the best decision.
Dr Tim also thought I may have shingles as I had a rash on my right shoulder blade. He placed me on Valtrex for this but I’m not 100% convinced that I have it as I have no itching, pain, or any other symptoms…weird, I know.
I started back to work today, working up to 4 hours as tolerated. Today went well as it was nice to see my co-workers and reconnect with them. Many things have changed while I was away from the office for 10 month so Jenny and Melissa (my co-workers) will have to take some time to “re-train” me in.
I have a new found prospective on work which is to try not to take it too seriously and get all stressed out about it. Life, family and happiness are way more important to me then getting all riled up about work stuff. Any who…We’ll see how that goes!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~Edward Sandford Martin
Dr Tim also thought I may have shingles as I had a rash on my right shoulder blade. He placed me on Valtrex for this but I’m not 100% convinced that I have it as I have no itching, pain, or any other symptoms…weird, I know.
I started back to work today, working up to 4 hours as tolerated. Today went well as it was nice to see my co-workers and reconnect with them. Many things have changed while I was away from the office for 10 month so Jenny and Melissa (my co-workers) will have to take some time to “re-train” me in.
I have a new found prospective on work which is to try not to take it too seriously and get all stressed out about it. Life, family and happiness are way more important to me then getting all riled up about work stuff. Any who…We’ll see how that goes!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~Edward Sandford Martin
Friday, November 9, 2012
November 9, 2012 - what's new in November
November 9th - an update on the radiation burns - other than a little bit of pealing skin remaining, the burns are healing quite well. My checkup with my oncologist and plastic surgeon are on Thursday this coming week. Other than tiredness, I've had some low back and leg pain which I feel is a different pain than my normal back pain. It could be due to me trying to get back to DAHLC (Mayo's fitness center) to get back into shape or the meds I'm on for hot flashes. This will certainly be a topic of conversation at my appointment. Also Dr. Moynihan has given me the ok to come off the Lovenox (blood thinner) by the end of 2012!!!! It is good news!!!! Giving yourself shots in your belly twice per day is not a fun thing. I have a greater respect for diabetic people that have to do that daily.
Update on Ben, he will be getting the IVIG treatments this next week. They will be staying with us for four days as he will be getting the treatments on an outpatient basis at St Mary's. The treatments take about four hours to complete so they will be at the hospital most of the mornings. Good luck to you my sweet grandson! Prayers are coming your way for this treatment to aid in your recovery for your little leg. God be with you!
Today I'm heading into the DAHLC for a Reiki treatment. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. So I'll see how I feel after this...can't wait!
Have a great weekend with your families!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012 - Ben update
October 27th - I realized that I haven't given a Benjamin update for quite some time. Ben has regained some movement in his right hip, toes and ankle but has a ways to go to gain full strength and movement in the right leg. Despite this Ben is a happy - go lucky 7 month old. He is sitting up by himself and rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back so his set back hasn't stopped him from moving around. He is receiving physical therapy and will be getting a second series of IVIG treatments here shortly. The 1st doses where given when he was in the hospital back in August. Lets hope and pray that this series of IVIG will help stimulate somemore of the nerves in the little right leg.
Ben 7 months
Ben and Daddy in their Vikings gear!
Ben out for a stroller ride.
Ben has brought great happiness to our family! We facetime with him and his family quite often as we need our Ben fix. We love him with all of our heart and will do anything we can for our grandchild.
Dear God, keep Ben in your loving care and bring him strength and complete healing in that little right leg...Amen!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012 - dealing with radiation burns
October 23rd - I'm still dealing with the radiation burns. Putting on Aquaphor and Xeroform gauze strips to get the burns to heal. It's a slow process but seeing some slight progress. The radiation nurse and nurse practitioner didn't feel the burns would be better by next week so they have delayed my return to work from 11/1 to 11/19/2012. I see Dr. Tim (oncologist) along with Dr Jacobson (plastic surgeon) on 11/15/2012 for a check up so hopefully that goes well. They have adjusted my medication for hot flashes as they were causing some weird sides effects such a dizziness, headaches, weight gain and the list goes on and on. I need to talk to Dr. Tim more about that when I see him on the 15th to see if this is all really necessary. I assume at that appointment he will be talking about placing me on a hormone therapy. Not sure which one that will be or what the side effects will be.
Here are a couple of pictures that show the radiation burns...and YES they do hurt!! Along with these two there was one on my right back shoulder blade area and a smaller patch on the front upper right closer to my neck. Those two areas have healed up nicely and just look like a light brown tan. This would not be my recommendation on how to get a tan:) They said I would have to wear 30 spf on my skin in those areas along with a 15-20 spf on the rest of my exposed areas.
Arm pit radiation burn
Chest radiation burn
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
October 10, 2012 - Last day of treatment!
October 10th - well today at 11:00am is my LAST radiation treatment!!!
It's a very exciting and emotional day for me as this has been a long and trying journey.
I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband, Don, my kids and their families,
my family, Don's family, our many supportive friends and the belief and faith in The Lord.
Once the last radiation treatment is done, Desk R has a bell that patients ring three times to let all know that their treatments are complete...I get to ring that bell today!! I can't wait!!
On my last day of treatment I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me after treatment. Don, Bill and family, Marie, Don's parents, my brother Dave, along with several friends were there to see me ring the bell! Thanks to all of you that were there to share this day with me. It was an emotional experience for me...an end to cancer treatments and a new beginning to life without cancer! What a great feeling!!
It's a very exciting and emotional day for me as this has been a long and trying journey.
I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband, Don, my kids and their families,
my family, Don's family, our many supportive friends and the belief and faith in The Lord.
Once the last radiation treatment is done, Desk R has a bell that patients ring three times to let all know that their treatments are complete...I get to ring that bell today!! I can't wait!!
I'll write more later today once the treatment is done.
More to come!
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Radiation scanner - Desk R |
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Radiation Techs - Dave and Tracy on last day of treatments |
Ringing the bell.
On my last day of treatment I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me after treatment. Don, Bill and family, Marie, Don's parents, my brother Dave, along with several friends were there to see me ring the bell! Thanks to all of you that were there to share this day with me. It was an emotional experience for me...an end to cancer treatments and a new beginning to life without cancer! What a great feeling!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October 3, 2012 - update on radiation treatments
October 3rd - just an update on the radiation treatments. I've completed 20 of 25 treatments. I have two treatments left this week and three next week. Wednesday, October 10th will be my LAST radiation treatment!!!!! Having said that I've developed a pretty good sunburn on my front chest and on my back right clavicle area. Its pretty painful, itchy and red. They say that the effects from radiation will last 2-3 weeks after radiation is done so I may see blistering yet. I've been somewhat tired but not as tired as when I was going through chemo, thank goodness!!
I can hardly believe that my 9 1/2 month cancer journey is coming to an end. You know someone told me early on, the day I became a cancer patient, I also became a survivor! I didn't feel so much of a survivor at that time but now that I'm nearing my last radiation treatment I'm getting that feeling of a survivor!!!! And it feels mighty good!!
Prayers go out to those that are newly diagnosed with cancer and those who are in the midst of it!
May God be with you and give you strengh!
I can hardly believe that my 9 1/2 month cancer journey is coming to an end. You know someone told me early on, the day I became a cancer patient, I also became a survivor! I didn't feel so much of a survivor at that time but now that I'm nearing my last radiation treatment I'm getting that feeling of a survivor!!!! And it feels mighty good!!
Prayers go out to those that are newly diagnosed with cancer and those who are in the midst of it!
May God be with you and give you strengh!
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