New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012 - update on hormone pills

December 27th - Well I'm about 2 weeks out from starting the Arimidex hormone pills and the side effects haven't been too bad (knock on wood).  Just a few hot flashes and joint pain.  Along with the hormone pills I also have to take 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU's of vitamin D3 on a daily basis.  This is because the bone mineral density test showed that I was on the verge of having osteoporosis which causes fractures and we don't want that to happen.  Also the Arimidex causes bone thinning also not good.  I will also have to have two shots per year of Xgeva which is a bone strengthener.  Lets hope the side effects are kept at bay for many years to come as I have to take the hormone pills at least for the next five years or more.

I will be starting back to work starting 1/2/2013 working half days through January, the upping to 6 hours per day in February with the hopes of returning full time in March.  So have to get my brain back into work mode...aghhhh!

Christmas was very fun this year with little Ben.  He was on cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, great grandparents and present overload.  We had the Kramer Christmas at the villa in Hayfield, the Gerhart Christmas at Mary and Jerry's here in Rochester and our family Christmas at my daughters home and he made all three and did extremely well!!  It was so much fun seeing everyone!!

Don and I hope that you all have a blessed and healthy 2013!

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012 - doctor's appointment

December 17th - On Wednesday I have a few appointments at Mayo.  Starting off with blood work, then a bone mineral density test then onto an appointment with Dr. Tim plus another appointment after that. So needless to say I will have a busy day at the Mayo Clinic. The bone mineral density test is to ensure that my bones are strong enough so that he can start me on the Arimidex - hormone therapy.
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half.  Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.

Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6, 2012 - home from surgery

December 6th - I had to report to Methodist Hospital today at 7:15am, and went into surgery around 10:00am.  Dr. Bakkum removed the ovaries and tubes in an outpatient procedure to get prepared to start taking the hormone therapy that Dr. Tim wants to place me on. After getting back to the room around 1:00pm, I was informed that the procedure went well and no cancer was found!!  Since the surgery was done laparoscopically they checked other areas in the abdomen area (like the liver, kidneys, etc) and there was no other areas suspicious of concern, which was terrific to hear.  I was dismissed around 4:00pm and other than some lower abdomen pain and feeling tired, I'm not doing too bad (knock on wood)!!!! Now onto the recuperating and starting 2013 out on a healthy note!!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 2, 2012 - Yet another surgery

December 2nd - I started back to work November 19th working half days until Thursday of this week when I will be having another surgery which will be to remove my ovaries and tubes.  This is all being done on an out-patient basis and laparoscopically unless something else is discovered while the surgeon is in there.  I pray that nothing else is found!!!!  The surgeon says its a 2-3 week recovery time which is much better than the last surgery.

This reason for all of this is to ensure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen as possible so that it decreases the chance of a recurrence.  The ovaries are the biggest producer of estrogen thus the surgery.  I am scheduled for a bone mineral density test the 19th of December, depending on all of these results Dr. Tim will be placing me on Arimidex hormone therapy for 5 years.  I will be seeing him that day also.

Since I went back to work I've had the great opportunity to work from home which is wonderful.  I wasn't sure that I'd like it but its growing on me.

I'd like to wish my niece Alyssa happy birthday on December 4th.  Have a great day!

Also I want to remember my Dad who passed away December 4th back in 1999.  I can't believe he's been gone for 13 years already. I miss him so much still each and every you Dad!