New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Baby Gideon

So how do I start???? As I posted in my previous post Marie is pregnant and due the later part of August. She went to her regular 27 week appointment last week and found that there were some issues with the baby. They aren't 100% sure what is going on but they are calling it undiagnosed non immune hydrops fetalis which basically is an accumulation of fluid in his tummy and a small amount of fluid on his heart. They don't know why he's gotten this as it is not genetic, not an infection or issues with their blood types ( after many tests ). She did not have this on her last ultrasound so it appeared quickly. She will have ultrasounds twice a week until she delivers and is now considered a high risk pregnancy. The baby supposedly has a 60-90% mortality they think the odds are against him. However at her appointment on Tuesday, the fluid on the heart was gone and the fluid on his tummy was me that sounded like a positive! We are praying for baby Gideon to our hearts content and are praying to God for a Miracle!! So if your so incline - say a prayer for baby Gideon. I've been saying this prayer for Gideon many times a day... Father, thank you that when your Son graced this earth He welcomed the children and blessed them. Thank you that the same power that raised Him from the dead is at work within Gideon now. Lord, we give you Gideon. We invite you to come by the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this beautiful child to health. Come and pulse through his body by your Spirit. Bring your healing and strengthen his being. We ask that in the name of Jesus that this sickness would leave his body now. Thank you that you hear our prayer and no matter what happens You cherish Gideon and hold him in the palm of your hand now and forever. Amen We give it up to you God....