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Friday, July 31, 2015

Answered prayers - 07/30/2015

Marie went in for her ultrasound today and our prayers we answered!! The fluid around Baby Gideon's heart is completely gone!! We will continue to pray that he comes into this world strong and with full health. We love you so much already little boy!! Praise the Lord!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Update on Gideon and Marie - 7/28/2015

For the past several weeks the fluid on baby Gideon's tummy has subsided considerably even to the point where the doctors were saying it was gone!! He continued to have small fluid accumulations in his kidneys and ventricles (brain). They had told her last Monday (7/20), that her and Justin should pick out a due date the last week of August. So they've chosen 8/24 (Monday) for the c-section birth. At the appointment yesterday (7/27), they thought they saw some accumulation of fluid again around his heart. They are going to double check that again this Thursday with another ultrasound. If they are seeing more fluid then they saw on Monday, they will deliver the baby that day. If the fluid is the same or gone again, they will proceed with her normal ultrasounds each Monday with hopes to get to the 8/24 delivery date. We ask that if you could offer continued prayers for baby Gibeon and Marie (and her family) during this difficult, roller coaster of a time in their lives. We have great faith in God and hope that Gideon will be a healthy, strong little boy. Thank you from the bottom of our heart! God Bless