New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What's been happening?

Health-wise things are going ok. However back on 7/18/2016 I went into dermatology at Mayo Clinic to have a small pencil eraser mole looked at. I had noticed that it appeared on my right thigh relatively fast and had changed color along with becoming raised. The dermatologist did a punch procedure and sent that along with a spot that they noticed on my back to pathology. Unfortunately the pathology on my right thigh came back as a very low grade of melanoma skin cancer and the spot on my back came back as basal cell skin cancer (very treatable). They scheduled me to see plastics since it was melanoma they needed to get more margins around the mole sight. It wasn't just a small incision. It was 3 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide and pretty deep. That also went to pathology and thank goodness that came back as no cancer remained. Thank the Lord! Going forward I have to be seen by dermotology every 3-6 month or if ever any more suspicious moles appear.