New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012 A/C #3 down the tubes!

June 27th - Monday I had A/C chemo treatment #3 of 4.  Honestly I was not looking forward to it at all because of all the side effects that I had the past few weeks - this is nasty stuff.  After talking to Dr. Moynihan on Monday he suggested that I take the Prilosec every day as some of the nausea meds can cause heartburn which is hard to distinguish that between all the other side effects that I was having.  So far (knock on wood) the first couple of days here have been slight better as far as the nausea.  Today though I'm feeling a little bit more nauseated, no energy and tired along with getting that great metallic taste in my mouth again.   Even though I'm giving myself Heparin shots, I've continued to develop a couple more clots in my arms.  Dr. Tim seemed perplexed by that and told me take a baby aspirin a day along with the Heparin shots so we'll see how that goes over these next two weeks.

After these two weeks I will only have one more chemo treatment left!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that as I've noted it on many of my prior posts.  Yahoo!!!   That will be one huge milestone completed!!  Then I will have several apppointments coming up.  One with my general surgeon - Dr. Boughey and one with the plastic surgeon - Dr. Jacobson to get me ready for surgery.  Plus another breast MRI to complete the study that I am on which will be after the last A/C treatment on July 9th hopefully the tumor has responded well to this chemo drug and has reduced the size of the tumor even more.  More to come on that. 

On a happier note - got to see my grandson Ben over the weekend (and his parents, of course) it's always good to see them all!   Ben is getting so big and is getting such a little character for himself.  He laughs, smiles, tries to talk and is so much fun to have around.  He's the light of my life and he brings me so much joy and happiness at this point in my life which is what I need right now given what I'm going through.

Sitting with Grandpa at his home in N. Mankato

Ben in jammies getting ready for bed.


  1. Praying for you every morning and night! Love the Ben pics!

  2. What a sweet heart!!!! I am so jealous...
