New Me!

New Me!

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012 - Healing Process

August 13th - I'm not sure if I mentioned before but the results of the surgery were amazing.  They removed 23 lymph nodes from under my right arm and all were free of cancer!  The final pathology of the right breast showed a single microscopic focus of residual invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.08cm.  The tumor itself had completely resolved so there was no tumor to send out to the I-SPY study that I was participating in.  The left breast was free of any cancer.  The surgeons and my oncologist were very thrilled with the results, as was I!! 

As I mentioned before, now I am into the "healing" process and I have to say the first week was challenging.  Quite a bit of pain, taking care of the five drains, fatigue, etc.  On August 8th, they took out 2 of the 5 drains and hopefully tomorrow they will be able to remove the last three.  The output has to be below 30cc's for two consecutive days before they will consider removing them.  Other than that the surgeons say that the surgical areas are healing well.  Now they want me to heal as much as possible and to be able to get my right arm up over my head so that radiation can be done.  So I have to work on my exercises to strengthen my arms again.

My first appointment for radiation therapy is Monday, August 27.  This will be a one hour appointment for them to place their markings and such.  Then I will have 25 radiation treatments – Monday through Friday excluding weekends.  My treatment journey is nearing an end which I’m very excited for.  It has definitely been a long, tiring, trying, roller coaster of a journey for the past seven months.

Sorry that I missed the ESC picnic.  I was not up to getting out with the drains still in place and not really feeling up to getting out it at that point.  I’m sure you all had a great time. 

1 comment:

  1. We missed you at the picnic but completly understand. I am so happy everything is going forward for you Kathy. Can't wait to see you again!

