New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 2012 - Baby Benjamin is HERE!!

March 18th - We are so very blessed to welcome a healthy Benjamin William Gerhart into the world Saturday, March 17th at 2:18pm.  Yes, a St. Patrick's Day baby and WE are so very Lucky!!  He was 7lbs 13oz and was 21 1/4 inches long.  He has dark hair and big blue eyes.  Mom is going well; she was such a trooper during the whole labor and delivery.  Great job Mom!  Dad was right there helping in anyway he could.  Dad even got to change the first diaper (of course, one of many more to come!).

Ben coming into the world only solidifies for me that I have to be here to guide him (as a grandparent) through his journey through life so I have to beat this horrible disease called cancer.  This brings a greater importance for my recovery which is and always will be going forward my number one priority.  Ben will need his Grandma here to spoil him, of course!

Here is Benjamin William Gerhart (aka Ben).
Little Ben

Aunt Marie, Bill and Ben

Ben and Grandma Kathy share the same love for beanie hats!!

Grandpa Don and Baby Ben

Ben - only an hour old.

Ben with Auntie Marie, already sucking on his hand!
 Welcome to the world Ben!  We love you so much already!


  1. Congratulations,what a precious joy for all of you, you will love and spoil him to pieces.

  2. Congratulations! What a cute little blessing!!

  3. Congratulations; so happy for you and the healthy little bundle fo joy!

  4. Congrats Grandma!!! How exciting for you! I cannot wait to be a grandma either...He looks like him's dad and grandpa!!

    Judy B.

  5. Congratulations Grandma Kathy ~ he is perfectly beautiful!!
    Hope this is just the beginning of more blessings coming your way. Thinking of you as you continue on with your treatments.
