New Me!

New Me!

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012 - Week update

March 2nd - I started getting the Neupogen shots on Tuesday and completed the fourth one today.  Hopefully my white blood cell counts are back were they need to be so that chemo treatments will continue on Monday.  The Neupogen shots caused me pain in my legs and sterum throughout the week in the nights when I was trying to sleep.  Sleep didn't go so well most nights so I've taking a nap most days to get my rest.  The nurse giving me the shots said that the pain was a sign that the shots were working...let's hope she's right! 

Today I had to be at the clinic at 6:15 a.m. for a MRI, blood work and the Neupogen shot.  I then had another biopsy in the afternoon, which along with the other tests will be sent to USF for the clinical trial that I am participating in.  This will show if the clinical trial drugs are making any sort of a different impact on the cancer cells then what the normal chemo drug, Taxol, would.  I will find that out hopefully next week when I meet with Dr. Tim. 

The hair continues to come out in handfuls... and no, I'm not bald yet!  I guess it is a "blessing" that I have a lot of hair!  The hair now just looks thinner.

Not much planned for the weekend.  Will just be hanging low for now.
Have a great weekend all!

1 comment:

  1. Kathy

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. We will keep you in our prayers. I am glad that Don sent us the link to your blog so we can see how you are doing. All the best as you continue your cancer journey.

    Katy Charboneau
