New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012 - A week busy with Ben

August 29th - Our little grandson, Ben has been in the hospital since last Wednesday.  So that is part of the reason I've been MIA for awhile.  He was finally discharged this morning.  He has weakness in his right leg and he is unable to move it.  After an MRI, lumbar puncture, multiple blood work, ultrasound, X-rays, EMG, transfusions, nose and throat swabs and being inspected by multiple doctors (as he was classified as an "unusual" case), they are still unable to determine a cause for his partial paralysis.   The theory is an entervirus similar to polio.  It attacked his anterior horn cells of his spinal cord which affected his leg movement.  He has regained some sensation in his foot and his hip and has a good physical therapy plan.  The pediatric neurologist is optimistic that Ben will regain most or all of his movement in his leg.  Please send your prayers!  Thank you for all the family and friends support and visits during Ben's hospital stay.

As far as me, I continue to feel better each day after my surgery.  Through several visits to physical therapy I am able to get my arms above my heads for the radiation treatments. I had the radiation simulation today which placed marks on my chest and they created a mold of my right breast for the treatments.  My first radiation treatment is September 6th, the day after my 50th birthday!  What a birthday present:(.  I guess I'm still alive so I better quit complaining!!  50 is awesome!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012 - Update and time with hubby

August 19th - First off I'd like to wish my little brother Dave, Happy 44th Birthday!

Update on the drain removal - I was able to get two of the drains out on Monday (8/13) and the remaining one out on Friday (8/17).  What a relief that is, for me and for Don (no more cleaning the drains!).  I continue to work on my exercises to be able to get my arms up over my head.  It's slow going but I'm making some progress.  I have a couple appointments at Mayo on Wednesday this coming week.  A post-op visit with the plastic surgeon and an appointment in the Lymphedema Clinic.  Hopefully all goes well.  I'm feeling a bit better each day!

Today Don and I decided on taking a road trip to get out of the house for awhile - we drove to Winona and up the Wisconsin side to Stillwater.  After some walking around, we then enjoyed some bar-b-que at a place called Smalley's...yum, yum!  Thanks Bill for recommending this place.  Stillwater was busy with people and alot of boats on the St. Croix river.  It was a beautiful, relaxing day and we enjoyed the sights along with spending some quality time with my hubby which is always a great thing.  I love him so much!

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012 - Healing Process

August 13th - I'm not sure if I mentioned before but the results of the surgery were amazing.  They removed 23 lymph nodes from under my right arm and all were free of cancer!  The final pathology of the right breast showed a single microscopic focus of residual invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.08cm.  The tumor itself had completely resolved so there was no tumor to send out to the I-SPY study that I was participating in.  The left breast was free of any cancer.  The surgeons and my oncologist were very thrilled with the results, as was I!! 

As I mentioned before, now I am into the "healing" process and I have to say the first week was challenging.  Quite a bit of pain, taking care of the five drains, fatigue, etc.  On August 8th, they took out 2 of the 5 drains and hopefully tomorrow they will be able to remove the last three.  The output has to be below 30cc's for two consecutive days before they will consider removing them.  Other than that the surgeons say that the surgical areas are healing well.  Now they want me to heal as much as possible and to be able to get my right arm up over my head so that radiation can be done.  So I have to work on my exercises to strengthen my arms again.

My first appointment for radiation therapy is Monday, August 27.  This will be a one hour appointment for them to place their markings and such.  Then I will have 25 radiation treatments – Monday through Friday excluding weekends.  My treatment journey is nearing an end which I’m very excited for.  It has definitely been a long, tiring, trying, roller coaster of a journey for the past seven months.

Sorry that I missed the ESC picnic.  I was not up to getting out with the drains still in place and not really feeling up to getting out it at that point.  I’m sure you all had a great time. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5, 2012 - 4 days post-operation

August 5th - first off I'd like to thank my husband for keeping the blog up-to-date during surgery and days following.  I'm still pretty sore with quite a bit of pain, to say the least.  Trying to keep the pain management under control right now.  Trying to get up and walk as much as possible so as not to get any clots.   Don is doing a wonderful job keeping my drain tubes, etc clean and drained. Love you so much and appreciate all your patience with me!  Other than the pain and being tired I'm doing ok.  Now onto the healing process!  Then radiation treatments.

Talk to you soon.  Kathy

Friday, August 3, 2012

Home at last

Went home from the hospital yesterday at around 3:30pm.

Got settled in at home and slept very well last night.

They setup several appointments for next week, so we" ll see how that goes.

They did give us some great news before we left, they found only a very small amount of disease (less then 1mm) in the samples they tested.

Dr. Tim was very happy with those results.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thur. August 2, 9:45am

Not much sleep last night with people stopping in every 10 minutes or so.

Otherwise, feeling much better and looking real good.

Most likely be going home today, but we'll see what they say later today.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers through all of this.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wed. August 1, 3:20pm

They said that Dr. Jacobson is finishing up(about 30 minutes to go), then about 2 hours in recovery before Kathy is brought up to her room.

Wed. August 1, 1:15pm

Dr. Boughie (sp) is done they are waiting on biopsy results, then Dr. Jacobson will start, about another 2 hours.

Wed. August 1, 11:30am

Surgery is roughly halfway through, going slower than expected at this point.

Wed. August 1, 9:15am

Surgery started at 9:15am.

Wed. August 1, 7:00am

They just took Kathy down to surgery.

About 1 1/2 hours of prep before the actual surgery starts.

Then about 5 hours of actual surgery.

Wed. August 1, 6:00am

All checked in at Charlton, waiting for the surgery to begin.