New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012 - A week busy with Ben

August 29th - Our little grandson, Ben has been in the hospital since last Wednesday.  So that is part of the reason I've been MIA for awhile.  He was finally discharged this morning.  He has weakness in his right leg and he is unable to move it.  After an MRI, lumbar puncture, multiple blood work, ultrasound, X-rays, EMG, transfusions, nose and throat swabs and being inspected by multiple doctors (as he was classified as an "unusual" case), they are still unable to determine a cause for his partial paralysis.   The theory is an entervirus similar to polio.  It attacked his anterior horn cells of his spinal cord which affected his leg movement.  He has regained some sensation in his foot and his hip and has a good physical therapy plan.  The pediatric neurologist is optimistic that Ben will regain most or all of his movement in his leg.  Please send your prayers!  Thank you for all the family and friends support and visits during Ben's hospital stay.

As far as me, I continue to feel better each day after my surgery.  Through several visits to physical therapy I am able to get my arms above my heads for the radiation treatments. I had the radiation simulation today which placed marks on my chest and they created a mold of my right breast for the treatments.  My first radiation treatment is September 6th, the day after my 50th birthday!  What a birthday present:(.  I guess I'm still alive so I better quit complaining!!  50 is awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy. I was just catching up on your blog. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better every day. I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery. I will also add prayers tor little Ben. did 50 sneak up on you (us)???? Happy (early) Birthday! XOXO
