New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012 - Update and time with hubby

August 19th - First off I'd like to wish my little brother Dave, Happy 44th Birthday!

Update on the drain removal - I was able to get two of the drains out on Monday (8/13) and the remaining one out on Friday (8/17).  What a relief that is, for me and for Don (no more cleaning the drains!).  I continue to work on my exercises to be able to get my arms up over my head.  It's slow going but I'm making some progress.  I have a couple appointments at Mayo on Wednesday this coming week.  A post-op visit with the plastic surgeon and an appointment in the Lymphedema Clinic.  Hopefully all goes well.  I'm feeling a bit better each day!

Today Don and I decided on taking a road trip to get out of the house for awhile - we drove to Winona and up the Wisconsin side to Stillwater.  After some walking around, we then enjoyed some bar-b-que at a place called Smalley's...yum, yum!  Thanks Bill for recommending this place.  Stillwater was busy with people and alot of boats on the St. Croix river.  It was a beautiful, relaxing day and we enjoyed the sights along with spending some quality time with my hubby which is always a great thing.  I love him so much!


  1. Hi Kathy, glad to hear things are on the up and up! I think about you a lot and keep up on your blog. I saw your sister Mary at Tony's wedding and bombarded her with questions on how you were doing after the surgery. Keep on that positive road ahead :)

  2. Kathy, you are a great inspiration to all women! Thank you! I hope you keep this blog up as your life moves on to bigger and better things! I would love to refer other women to your "Journey".
