New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10, 2012 - Last day of treatment!

October 10th - well today at 11:00am is my LAST radiation treatment!!!
It's a very exciting and emotional day for me as this has been a long and trying journey.
I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband, Don, my kids and their families,
my family, Don's family, our many supportive friends and the belief and faith in The Lord.

Once the last radiation treatment is done, Desk R has a bell that patients ring three times to let all know that their treatments are complete...I get to ring that bell today!!  I can't wait!!

I'll write more later today once the treatment is done.
More to come!
Radiation scanner - Desk R

Radiation Techs - Dave and Tracy on last day of treatments
Ringing the bell.

On my last day of treatment I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me after treatment. Don, Bill and family, Marie, Don's parents, my brother Dave, along with several friends were there to see me ring the bell! Thanks to all of you that were there to share this day with me. It was an emotional experience for end to cancer treatments and a new beginning to life without cancer! What a great feeling!!


  1. thank you dear, couldn't have done it without you!
    Love you!

  2. Glad you are done! Great post! What an ordeal you have gone through!
    ~ <3 Annette

  3. Hi Kathy,

    Congratulations on finishing your treatment! I have a quick question about your blog. Could you email me when you get a chance?


  4. Cameron...I'm not sure who you are. Can you tell who you are and how you located my blog?.
