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New Me!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27, 2012 - Ben update

October 27th - I realized that I haven't given a Benjamin update for quite some time. Ben has regained some movement in his right hip, toes and ankle but has a ways to go to gain full strength and movement in the right leg. Despite this Ben is a happy - go lucky 7 month old. He is sitting up by himself and rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back so his set back hasn't stopped him from moving around. He is receiving physical therapy and will be getting a second series of IVIG treatments here shortly. The 1st doses where given when he was in the hospital back in August. Lets hope and pray that this series of IVIG will help stimulate somemore of the nerves in the little right leg.
Ben 7 months
Ben and Daddy in their Vikings gear!
Ben out for a stroller ride. Ben has brought great happiness to our family! We facetime with him and his family quite often as we need our Ben fix. We love him with all of our heart and will do anything we can for our grandchild. Dear God, keep Ben in your loving care and bring him strength and complete healing in that little right leg...Amen!


  1. I love the renaming of your blog. Amen! Stay well sister. M

  2. He is so adorable!!!!!!
