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New Me!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 19, 2013 - One year out

January 19th - yesterday, January 18, was one year ago that I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I've been feeling pretty good (with exception of getting the flu a few weeks back) since the mastectomy back in August, then radiation therapy then the ovary surgery in November.  I still get tired rather easily however I'm trying to push myself into getting back to the healthy living center to workout.  Two of my coworkers and I are doing a ten week Ride It Out for women, which is on spin bikes.   Hopefully this goes well as my stamina and endurance is rather low right now.  Wish me luck!!  Marie and I have also been trying to frequent it as many times as possible too.  We are trying our hand at yoga!  We have a cruise booked for late April/early May.  Can't wait!!!!

I don't have a follow up appointment with Dr. Tim until mid March but I'm going pretty well on the Arimidex (hormone drug).  Just a few mild hot flashes to contend with which is good from my opinion.

Tomorrow we are heading to St Peter as Benjamin is getting baptized.  He was 10 months old on January 17th.  I had the pleasure of watching him on Tuesday this past week as Cathy's parents were both not feeling well. They've moved back from Spokane and now live in Eagle Lake and provide day care for Benjamin.

Here to a cancer-free year and many more to come.
P.S.  Don and I may go down to the Eagles cancer telethon this evening which starts at 8:00pm and goes through tomorrow.  Lets hope they find a CURE for cancer soon!!!

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