New Me!

New Me!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8, 2013 - Don & I both sick over New Years

January 8th - Don came home the Friday before New Years weekend not feeling well.  We was down and out with chills, fever, headaches, cough and body aches.  I was thinking I was going to fend it off but unfortunately New Year's Day evening I came down with a scratchy throat and before you know it I had all the symptoms that Don had.  He even stayed home from work that whole next week as he still was having headaches and was just not feeling 100%.  I still have a pretty good cough that's hanging on but for the most part feel a little better. We both had the flu shot but had heard the this "flu" was the A strain of the flu which of course we were not vaccinated for.  This is the sickest we've both been in over a year!!  Don and I hope that the rest of 2013 will keep us healthy!!!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had something really similar to what I came down with a couple weeks ago. I hope you are both feeling 100% better really soon!
