New Me!

New Me!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012 - 2nd Chemo Treatment

February 20th - Today I had to be at Gonda 10 at 7:00am to have a blood test prior to the chemo treatment (tx).  Then Don and I met with the study coordinator (Jean) so that she could 'hear my story' on how my week went after the 1st chemo treatment.  After filling her in on ALL the gory details, she reviewed the results of my blood work and all levels were within range which is awesome!  They really watch the white and red blood counts along with platelet counts.  They also watch the liver functions because of the Carboplatin they administer can be rough on the liver. Those were good as well!  I then proceeded to the Gonda 10 east desk for the chemo tx.  This round I did not have as much of the steroids and Benadryl nor the Carboplatin drug (that is only given every third week) so we got out of there by 11:30 instead of 12:15 like last week. It really is a full morning of appointments!  We went and had a small bite for lunch and Don took me home where I crashed for about 1 ½ to 2 hours – man, it takes a lot out of ya!

I’m felt pretty well later this afternoon and evening but I will have to see how the night goes as that was where the issues where last week.  Jean and the chemo nurse said that with a smaller dose of steroids/Benadryl, I should sleep better and not be on the edge of nausea every day and night. 

Things are moving along and next week will be even busier.  I have chemo Monday and then another MRI and biopsy on Friday.  This will show them if the clinical trials drugs are making any sort of additional impact on the tumor…Keep your fingers and toes crossed that it does!!

1 comment:

  1. Jake literally is crossing his toes. Funny little story for you. We couldn't fit all of jakes balloons in the trunk, only 1 would not fit. so he broke it off from the others, stood behind the car, looked up in the sky and let it go saying "God, thank you for fixing me at mayo clinic and please help my aunt kathy with her cancer." Then after that is when we saw u and jake said "I knew we would see them before we left, God works in mysterious ways". His face lit up so big when we saw you at the gas station. Have Faith
    Laurie and Jake and rest of family
