New Me!

New Me!

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012 - 3rd chemo treatment

February 27th - Well, where do I begin? 
Today was a day of concern for me as you will see what I mean as you read this day's entry. 

I had to have the usual blood work prior to getting chemo and talked with the study coordinator regarding my past week symptoms and the results of the days blood test. After reviewing the findings it showed that my white and red blood counts are a bit lower than the normal ranges.  This has brought about some concern that they do not want those levels to get much lower as that will effect if chemo is given, adjusted or not given at all due to the severity of it.  They are going to start giving me booster shots to boost the white blood cells.  Right now my white blood cell counts are “okay”, and I’m not at any real danger of infection just yet.  However, as chemotherapy continues these could fall too low to a point where they 1). cannot give the chemotherapy on schedule or 2.) they may fall to a point where I’m at increased risk of infection. So in order to both be able to get the chemotherapy on time and to lower the chance of infection, they use these white blood cell booster shots.  Not everyone needs these, so they only do these in the event the blood counts are like mine (oh, lucky me!????)

Dr. Tim says this is very standard therapy however the trouble is this medicine is very expensive ($200.00 per shot given four days a week!), I know, crazy huh!!  And most likely once I start getting them they will have to continue with them until my chemo is done – you understand I’ve only completed my 3rd chemo treatment and I have 13 left, you do the math!  You’re probably wondering what’s the big deal, she has great medical insurance (thank God, I stayed with the Universal health plan for 2012!!) but the cost for this one item is astounding to me. 

I really don’t know what to think about all of this other than there is no real alterative for me at this point.  I still have a question into my Dr. as to what the side effects of this shot will be – sometimes I’m not really sure I want to know.  All I know is this really sucks – it sucks big time!  But I hear the great wisdom of my friend, Jean S. - she would say, pull up those granny pants and quit complaining – right Jean?! (I’m not sure those are her exact words but you get the gist!).  I will suck it up and do all that I can do to eat the right foods, exercise as much as possible, and get back on track!   I have too!

I ask for continued prayers as I have a feeling this road is starting to get a bit bumpy and I'm not really liking it!

P.S…another joyful (I’m being sarcastic!) thing started happening today – my hair is starting to come out a bit faster than normal.  Not yet quite the huge handfuls that they describe but more than usual.  One blessing is that I have a lot of hair so not quite so noticeable yet.  About a week ago my head really started to be itchy and this might sound weird but it was also hurting where the hair meets the scalp.   I told this to my study coordinator and she indicated that this was one of the first signs that the hair would soon by coming out…really, I’m not sure I’m ready for this!  Can I start this dream/nighmare over please !!


  1. Kathy, I just want to say that I admire your courage and your strength as you fight this battle. You can do it! Take it one day at a time. Clare Fisk

  2. It breaks my heart that you have to go through all of this... Stay strong!!!! I don't think I have ever prayed so much. Love your sister,, Nancy

  3. I'm now going to be praying for your "white blood cells" and they are going to get up to par!!!

    love ya Sis n law

    1. Thanks for all the prayers...I will take as many as you can give! Kathy

  4. There are ugly days, but there are more bright days beyond those. Hang in there you will be a survivor, too.

    Take care and my prayers will continue for you.


  5. Love your positive attitude, Kathy. Keep looking up; that's where the rainbows are !!

    Judy L
