New Me!

New Me!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012 - Needed to see my Son

February 7th - There are times in your life that you know that you just have to see someone but your not quite sure why, well today was one of those days.  I hadn't had the chance to see my son Bill since I've been diagnosed and I know from his busy work schedule it is difficult at best to get back home.  I've talked to him several times on the phone though but not in person. 

So I got in the car today and drove over to their North Mankato home to see him. While there he showed me the baby’s room and let me tell you that baby is set for at least the first few years of his life.  The cute room that Don and I went over to help paint about 2 months ago is now filled to the brim with baby boy stuff!  It will be the perfect space for that little Gerhart boy.  I can't wait...only about a month away!!

After that we went to have lunch at TGI Friday's and we had a chance to really talk about his and my feelings/thoughts about my diagnosis.  Since Bill and Cathy live 1 1/2 hours away it is hard for him to feel connected to what is going with me at home, which I totally understand and have no ill feelings about this whatsoever.  Bill is a very good listener and is a very sensible person so for me he is a joy to talk to.  We had a terrific talk - mother and son - which was very important to me!

Thanks for listening Bill and always remember that I love you and Cathy more than you know.

I'm so glad you were willing to wear the pink 'find the cure' bracelet for me and I told him that each time he looked at it to think of me...he said he would and that is just what I wanted to hear!

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