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New Me!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012 - No Neupogen shots and Flowers!

April 12th - Well, along with not have chemo treatments on Monday, I was told at my appointment to get my shot on Tuesday (after waiting 45 minutes), that I would not be having any Neupogen shots this week.  I told the nurse that if my white blood counts were low on Monday I was going to blame her.  I realize now that I was kind of harsh, as she really has no control of my MY white blood counts, in fact during chemo, neither do I!  They just do whatever they want to do and it's annoying!  So it's been a weird and interesting week!   I think that all of this happening was more an emotional /mental thing for me as I want these chemo treatments to be done, not linger on and on and on. 

Having said that, on Tuesday my wonderful hubby knew that I was not taking all this news well so he brought my home a beautiful bouquet of flowers to brighten my day...this was just the thing to take the edge off my "bad mood".  He is so kind and thoughtful...I love you dear!



  1. Hi Kathy ~
    I was just getting caught up on your "journey news." Sorry to read that you're having to wait on your treatments. I am sure that is very frustrating! Listen to your voice of reason (Marie) and hang in there. Praying your numbers and counts get where they need to be so you can move on.
    Thinking of you.

  2. Still praying for you Kathy and hoping for good news for you. Yes, you have an awesome hubby! I must attest to that! Love you all and hang in there. we are fighting this journey right along with you, but youre doing the most work. Sorry you have to go through this.
    love, laurie
