New Me!

New Me!

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012 - Let's just say GRRRRRRRRR

April 9th - Well, today would have been my 8th chemo treatment but as I just stated would have been. should have been, could have been... 

My white blood counts proved to be 'ok' which is good but now it is my liver functions that are causing the problem, they are to high.  We believe it is because of the trial drug Carboplatin that is given with every 4th treatment.  Remember about 3-4 weeks ago I couldn't have treatment then either...well that was the week after my 2nd Carboplatin treatment. I'm scheduled to have one more closer to my 12th treatment.

This sure does I am 2 weeks behind on my Taxel chemo treatments which means it just prolongs this whole darn journey, not that the journey wasn't long enough in the first place.  As you can tell this really ticks me off.  But as my voice of reason - Marie- says, they do not want to give you treatment if your levels are to high as it would make me either more sicker, tired, fatigued plus who know's what else.  Also my hemoglobin is on the low end - 9.7 (normal 12-15.5), the study coordinator says that if that gets much lower or I start getting light headed or I start see stars, that I might have to have a blood transfusion.  Plus I started getting numbness/tingling in my left toes - also a symptom of the chemo. 
Will the fun ever end?!?!?!?

What can I say...other than (and I've said it before) CANCER STINKS!! 
People - PLEASE take care of yourselves the best you can so that you don't end up like me!!


  1. Oh, how frustrating to not be able to check another treatment off the list. Regardless, I am pleased to read about the good results you are having in the reduced tumor and lymph node. These are signs that you are taking enough of that dreaded stuff to make a difference. Listen to your health care providers...they know when your body needs a break. Until we connect for coffee...I pray that you continue to see good results and that you have the patience to tolerate a slow and often frustrating process to return to good health. Ann

  2. Kathy - I am sorry that you are experiencing another set back, but remember those BIG STRIDES you have already made getting through your journey. If you need some BIG GRANNI PANTS to pull up - let me know - I can get you some! Thoughts and prayers for you. /Granni Scheevel
