April 19th - Monday I was able to receive my 8th chemo treatment just by the hair of my chinny chin chin...actually no, I don't have any hair, not even on my chin but you get the point!
Here are some of my blood count results from Monday:
My Hemoglobin was low 9.8 (normal range 12-15.5), Leukocytes 2.9 (3.5-10.5), Neutrophils 1.26 (1.70-7.00) and one of my liver functions, the ALT was 98 (7-45) this is still elevated but has come down from 142 - two weeks ago. I was considered to be in a grade 1 for receiving treatment and most times can still proceed if levels are in the grade 1 category which was the case this past Monday. I've had to continue the Neupogen shots this week to get my white blood counts back up for this coming Monday so that I can receive treatment. Please say a prayer for me that my counts stay within range or grade 1 range for treatment to continue. Let's get this over with already!!
On Tuesday, my daughter-in-law, Cathy, Ben and her two dogs made the trek from their home in North Mankato to spend a few days with us while Bill is attending a training class all week in
St. Paul. We thoroughly enjoy them being here. Ben has grown so much even from a week ago that I saw him. He is just starting to coo and looks at you so intently; I think he's trying to figure out who you are.
Ben sleeping in his car seat - look at those chubby cheeks! |
Bill, Cathy and Ben at Easter 2012
The Lace Up Against Breast Cancer article was in the PB last night.
Here is the electronic version:
Click on More photos from this story under the picture and you will find one of Melissa and Tracy.
The paper version actually talked about Team ESC.
Under Melissa and Tracy’s picture it stated “Melissa Mathias gets a hand with her bib number from boyfriend Tracy Sonnier. Mathias was part of Team ESC – Mayo’s Employee Service Center – a team of 40-50 people participating to show support for a co-worker who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.”
Way to Go Team ESC!! I'm still so very proud of you all!
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