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Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30,2012 - 10th chemo treatment

April 30th -Waiting with my hubby on Gonda W10 to see if I "pass" my blood work test to be able to have treatment today.  More to come.
Well, here is the verdict - Chemo was a go today!! Yessss!!
Hemoglobin 9.6 (12-15.5) lower than 4/16, Leukocytes 6.0 (3.5-10.5) higher than 4/16 but within range, Neutrophiles 3.5 (1.70-7.00) higher than 04/16 but within range, ALT (liver function) 89 (7-45) lower than 04/16 out of range but still a grade 1 which is ok to do ahead with treatment.  With these counts I was still able to have treatment.  At least they were better than last week so thank you all for your continued prayers!  The Power of Prayer...isn't it Wonderful!!
I will do the wait and see approach on how the Carboplatin plays a role on me this week.  This chemo drug is a tough one but it's the last one of this drug!!!  I'm also through with taking the study drug - ABT888 which is a pill form, as of today.  I'm scheduled to have another MRI prior to starting the A/C chemo drug.  This will be after, hopefully, two more Taxel treatments that were missed early on. This will be scheduled around May 25th. 
I'm getting there but I'm not going to lie....It's a long, tiring and at times painful journey! 

 "Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again" ~ Alex Tan

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know, I miss you. I've been thinking about you a lot and saying lots of prayers for you and your family. You are an amazing person and I can't wait to see you back in Ozmun.
