New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012 - What happened this week?

May 6th - This week proved to be a challenging one.  The Carboplatin sure did a number on me.  By late Tuesday I could tell that I was getting more tired as the week progressed, more than normal.  Wednesday, I barely made it into Mayo to get my Neupogen shot and by the time I got home I crashed on the couch with absolutely NO energy...I think I fell asleep until 1:30pm.  I had no energy and really no appetite.  I had a very heavy metallic taste in my mouth so food did not sound good at all.  I did manage to get down a half of a turkey sandwich and some crackers with peanut butter to provide some nourishment and energy but it really didn't help.  Laid on the couch all day until bedtime.  Don came home from work and cooked me some butter noodles which was very kind of him.  Thursday, the morning was slightly better and the day got better as it progressed. I made it into Mayo for my shot.  On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I was feeling  my normal tiredness.  Let's hope my blood counts are OK for tomorrows treatment. 

Have a great week all!

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