New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012 - A/C chemo treatment started on Wednesday

May 31st - On Wednesday I meet with Dr. Moynihan to review my test results.  He said my heart was strong from the findings of the echocardiogram that was done last Friday.  The blood work looked Ok for the new round of chemo to start and the results for the Breast MRI showed significant dimishment in the size of the tumor.  Dr. Tim said the tumor appeared to have reduced by more than 50%.  This is great news!!  It means that the chemo drugs were doing what they were supposed to be doing and more!!  He showed Don and me the scans from my first MRI back in January to the one that was done on Tuesday and it was a significant change.  Thank God for small victories!!  And thank you all for all the prayers...keep'em flowing as I’m not through yet!!

The second round of chemo (A/C chemo) started that afternoon. 
If you are at all interested the A/C stands for this:
A = Adriamycin and C = Cyclophosphamide (CTX, Cytosan or Neosar). 
Big words, I know and they come with some of the same side effects as the first chemo drugs.  Hair loss (well I've lost most of that), nausea, vomiting, decreased white blood and platelet counts, mouth sores, poor appetite and metallic taste in mouth, to name a few. 
To start they gave me a half a dozen of various pill.  Then they started with the new chemo drugs.  The “A” chemo drug comes in two huge syringes and the drug is red in color.  Kind of scary in a way and I had to asked myself – what kind of poison is this.  The color red to me was always the color of danger but I guess it’s also a “power” color.  So I have go with the power thing, that the drug will have the power to kill that darn tumor – have to think positive!!  They injected that into my IV which takes about 10-15 minutes.  After that they hooked up the “C” chemo drug to my IV which is just a clear fluid.  This takes about 30-40 minutes to drip in.  It was a lot more “new” information but the good thing is that I only have to go back every two weeks for a total of 4 treatments. At that point they will do another Breast MRI to see if the A/C drugs have reduced the size of the tumor any more.  Then we are talking surgery and then 5 weeks of radiation following the surgery.  That is the long range plan unless something changes along the way but I will keep you posted.

For now that is all I know and these little eyes are getting sleepy!  Don says to say "Hi" so Hi to all !!
Have a good rest of the week and I’ll talk with you soon.

Prayer is the voice of faith.
~William Van Horne

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012 - what's been going on?

May 23rd - I'd first like to say Happy Birthday to my brother Larry (birthday was Tuesday) and Happy Birthday on Thursday to my Mom. She will be 85 years old and going strong!!! Love you both!!

Since I'm on somewhat of a small break until this Friday when my tests start happening, Don and I managed to get some much needed time away for a few days over last weekend. We drove down around Chicago and then up the western side of Michiagn to our ultimate destination of Mackinaw City, MI. One day we went out to Mackinac Island. Its so beautiful out there...if your not familiar with Mackinac Island, they have no cars on the island...they do everything by horse and buggy or on bicycle. For the most part it is very peaceful out there. It's almost idyllic. We spent a lot of time relaxing, enjoying the great weather and of course each other. As I said earlier, it was much needed time away to be with each other and re-energize before I start this new round of chemo next week. Thanks honey for a great time!

Tuesday, we decided to go visit Ben (and Bill and Cathy, of course)...we hadn't had our Ben fix for a while so we gathered up Don's Mom and made the trek over to North Mankato. Ben is growing like a weed. He is sitting up, with a little assistance. Recognizing you and "talking" to you, smiling and cooing. He is so precious. Love him to pieces. He will be 10 weeks old already this coming saturday. Hopefully they will be able to come home for a couple days over Memorial Day weekend.

Tests start on Friday and resume on Tuesday after Memorial Day. See Dr. Moynihan on Wednesday to get my results and start A/C chemo that afternoon. Should be an interesting few days...wish me luck and say a prayer for me!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Be safe!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15,2012 - taxal treatments are done!!!!

May 15th - first I have to say Happy Birthday to my hubby. His birthday is today May 15th!! Love you!

Yesteray was the last of the Taxal chemo GIANT step checked off the list of care. Yippie!!!!! Now I have a small break to get my blood levels somewhat stable before I start the A/C chemo treatments. In the midst of the break I have a few tests such as en echocardiogram, MRI and blood work. Hopefully they will show that the tumor is getting smaller. The A/C chemo is supposed to make you more tired then Taxal and the other study drugs. So I'll have to wait and see how that all works out for me.

Not sure why I'm up at 11:30 pm but just couldn't sleep so thought I'd post my note on my progress. Some nights you just never know what time you'll wake up and can't get back to sleep. For me just laying there...I can't get back to sleep so I have to get up have a few saltines and maybe a yogurt to sooth the tummy. Plus get a few things off my mind either by writing on my blog or making a list of things to do or to not forget. You'd think I wouldn't have that much to think about or do but for some reason the mind just doesn't stop. My days and weeks fly by, maybe it's the tiredness that does it, as I rest/sleep/nap most days. Can't get enough rest!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012 - 11th Chemo Treatment

May 10th - well, as I said in my earlier post I was a bit anxious to see if I would be getting treatment on Monday due to my rough week last week but I guess the worry was for not.  The 11th chemo treatment was a go and my bloods and liver functions were mostly in range!  I am still getting my Neupogen shots every day this week though to ensure that my 12th Taxel chemo treatment goes as planned this coming Monday.  If all goes well I will be totally done with the Taxel chemo treatments!!  Yippee!!

I then have tests (echocardiogram, MRI and bloods) prior to the A/C chemo starting and those will happen prior to the first A/C treatment on May 30th.  Again I will have 4 treatments one every other week. 

It proved to be a beautiful day and I spent some time out in it! 

Having supper with a high school girlfriend tonight - should be fun!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012 - What happened this week?

May 6th - This week proved to be a challenging one.  The Carboplatin sure did a number on me.  By late Tuesday I could tell that I was getting more tired as the week progressed, more than normal.  Wednesday, I barely made it into Mayo to get my Neupogen shot and by the time I got home I crashed on the couch with absolutely NO energy...I think I fell asleep until 1:30pm.  I had no energy and really no appetite.  I had a very heavy metallic taste in my mouth so food did not sound good at all.  I did manage to get down a half of a turkey sandwich and some crackers with peanut butter to provide some nourishment and energy but it really didn't help.  Laid on the couch all day until bedtime.  Don came home from work and cooked me some butter noodles which was very kind of him.  Thursday, the morning was slightly better and the day got better as it progressed. I made it into Mayo for my shot.  On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I was feeling  my normal tiredness.  Let's hope my blood counts are OK for tomorrows treatment. 

Have a great week all!