New Me!

New Me!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15,2012 - taxal treatments are done!!!!

May 15th - first I have to say Happy Birthday to my hubby. His birthday is today May 15th!! Love you!

Yesteray was the last of the Taxal chemo GIANT step checked off the list of care. Yippie!!!!! Now I have a small break to get my blood levels somewhat stable before I start the A/C chemo treatments. In the midst of the break I have a few tests such as en echocardiogram, MRI and blood work. Hopefully they will show that the tumor is getting smaller. The A/C chemo is supposed to make you more tired then Taxal and the other study drugs. So I'll have to wait and see how that all works out for me.

Not sure why I'm up at 11:30 pm but just couldn't sleep so thought I'd post my note on my progress. Some nights you just never know what time you'll wake up and can't get back to sleep. For me just laying there...I can't get back to sleep so I have to get up have a few saltines and maybe a yogurt to sooth the tummy. Plus get a few things off my mind either by writing on my blog or making a list of things to do or to not forget. You'd think I wouldn't have that much to think about or do but for some reason the mind just doesn't stop. My days and weeks fly by, maybe it's the tiredness that does it, as I rest/sleep/nap most days. Can't get enough rest!!

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