New Me!

New Me!

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012 - doctor's appointment

December 17th - On Wednesday I have a few appointments at Mayo.  Starting off with blood work, then a bone mineral density test then onto an appointment with Dr. Tim plus another appointment after that. So needless to say I will have a busy day at the Mayo Clinic. The bone mineral density test is to ensure that my bones are strong enough so that he can start me on the Arimidex - hormone therapy.
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half.  Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.

Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!

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