New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6, 2012 - home from surgery

December 6th - I had to report to Methodist Hospital today at 7:15am, and went into surgery around 10:00am.  Dr. Bakkum removed the ovaries and tubes in an outpatient procedure to get prepared to start taking the hormone therapy that Dr. Tim wants to place me on. After getting back to the room around 1:00pm, I was informed that the procedure went well and no cancer was found!!  Since the surgery was done laparoscopically they checked other areas in the abdomen area (like the liver, kidneys, etc) and there was no other areas suspicious of concern, which was terrific to hear.  I was dismissed around 4:00pm and other than some lower abdomen pain and feeling tired, I'm not doing too bad (knock on wood)!!!! Now onto the recuperating and starting 2013 out on a healthy note!!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!

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