New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20,2012 - This chemo is rough stuff

June 20th -  This past treatment that I had on June 11th has proven to be a rough one.  Since then I've been very tired, no energy and nauseated along with giving myself heparin shots each day.  Last week was the most difficult with these symptoms, with this week some of the nausea subsiding but now I have mouth sores (kinda of canker sores +).  I gargle with salt water and another product for dry mouth. 

Just trying to take one day at at time.  Since I get so exhausted so quickly, I do little things around the house, rest, then do some other little thing, get the picture.  It doesn't take much to get me to have to lay down. 

I have a my third of four treatments on Monday (that is if my blood counts are good).  After that only one more chemo treatment!!  That will be a huge milestone!!  Can't wait to be done with this!

1 comment:

  1. I hope these last 2 treatments go better for you. Let me know if there's anything I can do.


    Cooper says HI!
