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New Me!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 9, 2012 - One More Thing - ughhhh

June 9th - Just to get you up to speed...this new series of chemo has been a tough one.  I've had a lot of nausea and a heavy metallic taste in my mouth for a good week following my treatment. 

Also last Sunday evening (June 3rd) my left elbow began to have extreme pain in it.  I was pretty sure that I didn't do anything to it to make it hurt that bad.  That evening I went to bed after taking two extra strength Tylenols and I basically thought that it would be gone in the morning. wasn't and I lived with the pain until Wednesday when I thought I should bring this to the attention of my oncologist because the pain was not subsiding and it hurt like a son-of-a-gun.  Dr. Tim suggested that I go into Mayo and talk with one of the chemo nurses.  On Thursday, along with my sidekick - Marie, we did just that.  When the chemo nurse saw it she was pretty sure that I had a clot in my arm and right then and there things started rolling.  My oncologist just happened to be in the clinic that day and came over to access the situation and he ordered an ultrasound to confirm or not confirm a clot.  After that he said that I should go home, take Advil and put a heating pad on it and he would call me with the findings later that afternoon.   

The ultrasound showed that I had several superficial clots in the veins of my left arm (elbow area) thus the pain I was experiencing.  They said it could possibly be a side effect of getting IV chemo treatments.  It was decided that I needed to be put on blood thinners until my chemo treatments were complete so that I would not get anymore clots.  On Friday I saw a Physicians Assistant who prescribed me Heparin (blood thinner) and proceeded to tell me that I would have to give myself a shot each day for the next 5-6 weeks until my chemo treatments come to an end.  The assistant gave me a 5 minute demonstration on how to give myself the shot.  Really, I have to give myself a shot!  I was thinking, I could do that as my Mom has to give herself shots for her diabetes each day – so if she can do it then I surely could.  They sent me on my way to the pharmacy and I received a 30 day supply at the cost of $749.99!!  Ouch - evidently Mayo Clinic employee insurance doesn't cover this very well and the kicker is that I have to go back to get more.  If I get through this for under a grand, I will be surprised.  Don says don’t worry about the money…its well worth it.  I then recognized that I have to agree!!  The alternative is not an option. 

My first shot was last night and the funny thing is I stood there for about a minute, maybe longer, with the needle about an eighth of inch from my skin, not able to give myself the injection.  I then thought of my mom and that was all it took.  It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, thanks Mom for being my inspiration!! 

Another chemo treatment is scheduled for this coming Monday if my blood work is ok.  Then after that only two more treatments!!  I'm getting there slowly but surely! 

Keep the prayers a coming!!

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