New Me!

New Me!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 3, 2012 - Boat ride on Mississippi

June 3rd - Don's brother Doug and sister in law Lisa and son Tom asked us to come on a leisurely cruise on their cabin cruiser down the mighty Mississippi.  Don’s parents and brother Dennis joined us as we went from Red Wing, south to almost Lake City.  It was a very relaxing time with great conversations.  We saw, I think 22 eagles, a lot of debris on the river as the waters just happen to be cresting that day, regardless of that our Captain – Doug did a fine job navigating the tree stumps floating on the river.  After the leisurely ride we meet in downtown Red Wing at Liberty’s for a bite to eat. 

Days like this mean a lot to me – getting together as family and spending time together is very invaluable. 

"The family is one of nature's masterpieces."
-- George Santayana

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