New Me!

New Me!

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012 - I hope you believe in Miracles!

July 30th - Last Monday I had another MRI of the breast and was waiting for the results of this test most of the week.  So on Friday, I emailed Dr. Moynihan for the results.  I received his out of office that he was in Ecuador and would respond to emails upon his return, which I was ok with...I would just wait until Monday for the results. Suddenly out of nowhere he responded and he was going to see if he could somehow get the MRI results.  To his (and my) success he was able to send me the results from the radiologist.
This is what he sent me:

"Complete resolution of suspicious enhancement in the right breast in the region of the known right breast malignancy." 

He commented that the results sounded really good and he would look at the scans upon his return on Monday.  Well, I don't know about you but when I read this I was in shock.  If I was reading this correctly this was indeed a Miracle!  So I emailed him back and asked if this changes anything with the surgery and that I wanted to confirm what I thought the radiologist was saying.  Was the tumor in the right breast gone? 

Dr. Tim indicated that because the chemo had did its thing by taking care of the tumor - it was indeed gone! This however does not change anything in regards to the surgery - that is still scheduled for this Wednesday and that everything in the right breast looks good - I did read it correctly!  He did get a chance to review the scan today and he said the scan looks great!  I indicated that I could still feel something there and he said that often times scarring or some fibrosis occurs at the turmor site and that it can still be felt.  The only way to know is to look at things under the microscope, which is what they will do during the operation.  That will give us more definitive answers.

All I can say is - Praise the Lord!  If you didn't believe in Miracles before you really should now!!
The power of prayer and the great belief in the Lord is amazing!

P.S. Sorry it took me until today to post my blog entry but I wanted to make complete sure with Dr. Tim of what I was reading before I posted anything!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 27, 212 - relief for the back

July 27 - Friday I went in for a cortisone injection in my L5-S1 joint area as I was having extreme pain in my lower back and down my left leg to my foot due to a disk protusion I was in such pain that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to Friday even on all the pain meds they had given me. A thought passed through my head that the pain was enough to pull my hair out but that wouldn't work since I had none to pull out! You know though, since my last chemo tx was June 25, I dare to say that some of the hair is starting to come back in, slowly but surely! It will be Interesting to see what it comes back in as. The injection has given me some relief but still dealing with some numbness and pain down my left leg. They said it could take anywhere from 3-7 days before the medicine totally starts I guess I have to be more patient. But let me tell you this is so much better then what I've been dealing with over the past several weeks and mostly this past week. Thank heaven for the relief!

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012 - who likes roller coasters?!??!

July 20 - When I was younger I used to LOVE roller coasters. In fact, when the kids were younger we purposely went to amusement parks that had the most and fastest roller coasters around. It was always a thrill and I couldn't get enough! The "roller coaster" that I'm on now in my life's journey isn't what I remember it to be like. This roller coaster has taken me places that I would never thought I would be traveling. This roller coaster is actually scary, not thrilling. Yesterday I was scheduled for a lung biopsy in the morning because a CT last week showed multiple small nodules in my lungs (scary stuff). Before surgery they did another CT to confirm the location for the radioactive dye.  The dye would help the surgeons find the area to biopsy. The CT showed that all the nodules were gone!!!!!!!!!!!  The surgery was cancelled and the doctors are thinking that the nodules must of formed in relation to an immune response to the chemo or an infection that cleared up in a weeks time. Needless to say, I don't think they will ever know. I also received a call from Dr. Tim this morning and he said at this point I'm done with chemo treatments!!! He wants me to recover the best I can prior to my surgery on August 1st. I have several appointments scattered throughout next week so that will keep me busy. I want to thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers! The power of prayer is amazing!! Love you all!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012 - update

July 17 - we finally got all the test/labs back and they were negative for a fungal infection.  Having said that they are going to proceed with the lung biopsy on thursday so they can get a definitive answer to what they are seeing in the CT scan. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 - update on some tests

July 12 - the results of the back MRI is that I have a protruding disc. Dr. Tim is going to have me seen in the spine center with the hope of an injection for the pain that I am having. Hopefully that will be sooner than later as I'm having quite a bit of pain. The transesophogeal echocardiogram showed that my heart was perfect! Who would have thought anything differently:). The results of the CT abdomen/chest weren't so good. It showed multiple pulmonary nodules on both lungs. Dr. Tim and Dr. Karen Swanson (pulmanologist) think that the nodules may be a fungal infection, thus the fever, cough, etc. Thursday morning I am scheduled for a bronchoscopy to check these nodules on my lungs. Scary huh?!?!? Plus I had to do another type of blood test that checks for this. If these test come back normal (where it's not a fungal infection) I will be seeing a thoracic surgeon on Monday. At that point they will have to do a lung biopsy to figure out what these nodules are. Let's pray that it doesn't come for me to see the surgeon. If its the fungal infection, that, to my understanding can be treated by antibodics. Wow...things happen fast!! Psalms 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012 - Interesting day as things didn't go as planned

July 9th - Well where do I start...the two weeks following my 3rd A/C chemo was doing relatively better than the prior two weeks.  Dr. Tim switched up my drugs and anti-nausea drugs and as I said things were going ok other than the excessive tiredness and nausea.  Which brings us to last Saturday (July 7), I woke up with another painful clot very close to the one on my right arm along with severe pain in my lower back and down my left leg.  The day went relatively well until late afternoon when I started feeling chilled, shivery and very nauseated.  I was so chilled that I had on a light jacket, slippers along with a blanket and was still cold.  Don took my temperature and it was 101.3, so I started pushing fluids.  Later the temp went down to 100.3 and stayed there throughout the night.  In the morning when I took my temp it was back to normal. 
Sunday (July 8) I woke feeling very weak and lightheaded.  Pretty much just hung low for the rest of the day.  Until later in the afternoon when I again became chilled/shivery along with temp back up to 100.3. Sunday evening I emailed Dr. Tim with what was going on and I was scheduled to see him on Monday morning prior to my 4th and final chemo treatment.  Well, as I stated in my post title....Things didn't go as planned...
The 4th and final chemo treatment did not happen today as Dr. Tim was concerned with why I was having extreme back pain, fevers, slight cough and continuing to get clots in my arms with me taking blood thinners and a baby aspirin a day.  Having said that he has scheduled me several appointments this week.  This afternoon I had a couple more blood test to rule out a bacterial infection.  Tuesday, I have an MRI of my back.  Wednesday, I have a transesophageal echocardiogram (to look at my heart) and a CT of the chest and abdomen.   Hopefully this will rule out any further clots or cancers in my body. Along with a return appointment to see Dr. Tim on Thursday for the results.  Now the waiting game...he has me on pain meds for my back and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of all these tests.  As far as having the 4th A/C chemo treatment, Dr. Tim asked me if I wanted to do it or not...I said do I have a choice?  He indicated that there was no magic number as far as how many chemo treatments are necessary and he felt that if I missed one he would be OK with that...we'll see.  I 'm sure the outcome of these tests will of course have a factor on if I have the 4th and final chemo tx. 
I am also scheduled to have surgery on August 1st.  This will include bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.  A lot of things are going on right now and I hope and pray that there are no other cancers or other issues in my body.  Please send your prayers!