New Me!

New Me!

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012 - Interesting day as things didn't go as planned

July 9th - Well where do I start...the two weeks following my 3rd A/C chemo was doing relatively better than the prior two weeks.  Dr. Tim switched up my drugs and anti-nausea drugs and as I said things were going ok other than the excessive tiredness and nausea.  Which brings us to last Saturday (July 7), I woke up with another painful clot very close to the one on my right arm along with severe pain in my lower back and down my left leg.  The day went relatively well until late afternoon when I started feeling chilled, shivery and very nauseated.  I was so chilled that I had on a light jacket, slippers along with a blanket and was still cold.  Don took my temperature and it was 101.3, so I started pushing fluids.  Later the temp went down to 100.3 and stayed there throughout the night.  In the morning when I took my temp it was back to normal. 
Sunday (July 8) I woke feeling very weak and lightheaded.  Pretty much just hung low for the rest of the day.  Until later in the afternoon when I again became chilled/shivery along with temp back up to 100.3. Sunday evening I emailed Dr. Tim with what was going on and I was scheduled to see him on Monday morning prior to my 4th and final chemo treatment.  Well, as I stated in my post title....Things didn't go as planned...
The 4th and final chemo treatment did not happen today as Dr. Tim was concerned with why I was having extreme back pain, fevers, slight cough and continuing to get clots in my arms with me taking blood thinners and a baby aspirin a day.  Having said that he has scheduled me several appointments this week.  This afternoon I had a couple more blood test to rule out a bacterial infection.  Tuesday, I have an MRI of my back.  Wednesday, I have a transesophageal echocardiogram (to look at my heart) and a CT of the chest and abdomen.   Hopefully this will rule out any further clots or cancers in my body. Along with a return appointment to see Dr. Tim on Thursday for the results.  Now the waiting game...he has me on pain meds for my back and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of all these tests.  As far as having the 4th A/C chemo treatment, Dr. Tim asked me if I wanted to do it or not...I said do I have a choice?  He indicated that there was no magic number as far as how many chemo treatments are necessary and he felt that if I missed one he would be OK with that...we'll see.  I 'm sure the outcome of these tests will of course have a factor on if I have the 4th and final chemo tx. 
I am also scheduled to have surgery on August 1st.  This will include bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.  A lot of things are going on right now and I hope and pray that there are no other cancers or other issues in my body.  Please send your prayers!

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