New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 - update on some tests

July 12 - the results of the back MRI is that I have a protruding disc. Dr. Tim is going to have me seen in the spine center with the hope of an injection for the pain that I am having. Hopefully that will be sooner than later as I'm having quite a bit of pain. The transesophogeal echocardiogram showed that my heart was perfect! Who would have thought anything differently:). The results of the CT abdomen/chest weren't so good. It showed multiple pulmonary nodules on both lungs. Dr. Tim and Dr. Karen Swanson (pulmanologist) think that the nodules may be a fungal infection, thus the fever, cough, etc. Thursday morning I am scheduled for a bronchoscopy to check these nodules on my lungs. Scary huh?!?!? Plus I had to do another type of blood test that checks for this. If these test come back normal (where it's not a fungal infection) I will be seeing a thoracic surgeon on Monday. At that point they will have to do a lung biopsy to figure out what these nodules are. Let's pray that it doesn't come for me to see the surgeon. If its the fungal infection, that, to my understanding can be treated by antibodics. Wow...things happen fast!! Psalms 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Kathy. I'm glad to hear the results were negative for mets. Although the back pain is certainly a challenge. I purchased the Diary of Divine Mercy on CD and it talks at great length about pain and suffering and how this can bring us nearer to God. If you are interested, I will share them with you. I have found them to be very inspirational.
