New Me!

New Me!

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012 - I hope you believe in Miracles!

July 30th - Last Monday I had another MRI of the breast and was waiting for the results of this test most of the week.  So on Friday, I emailed Dr. Moynihan for the results.  I received his out of office that he was in Ecuador and would respond to emails upon his return, which I was ok with...I would just wait until Monday for the results. Suddenly out of nowhere he responded and he was going to see if he could somehow get the MRI results.  To his (and my) success he was able to send me the results from the radiologist.
This is what he sent me:

"Complete resolution of suspicious enhancement in the right breast in the region of the known right breast malignancy." 

He commented that the results sounded really good and he would look at the scans upon his return on Monday.  Well, I don't know about you but when I read this I was in shock.  If I was reading this correctly this was indeed a Miracle!  So I emailed him back and asked if this changes anything with the surgery and that I wanted to confirm what I thought the radiologist was saying.  Was the tumor in the right breast gone? 

Dr. Tim indicated that because the chemo had did its thing by taking care of the tumor - it was indeed gone! This however does not change anything in regards to the surgery - that is still scheduled for this Wednesday and that everything in the right breast looks good - I did read it correctly!  He did get a chance to review the scan today and he said the scan looks great!  I indicated that I could still feel something there and he said that often times scarring or some fibrosis occurs at the turmor site and that it can still be felt.  The only way to know is to look at things under the microscope, which is what they will do during the operation.  That will give us more definitive answers.

All I can say is - Praise the Lord!  If you didn't believe in Miracles before you really should now!!
The power of prayer and the great belief in the Lord is amazing!

P.S. Sorry it took me until today to post my blog entry but I wanted to make complete sure with Dr. Tim of what I was reading before I posted anything!


  1. Yea! I am so happy for you! I feel like doing cartwheels in the office!! You go girl!

  2. That's great news! Good luck with surgery!


  3. Thanks for the wonderful news and the witness to God's healing power! Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." May you continue to heal and feel God's presence and strength as you undergo surgery.

    Love Cindy

  4. Thrilled to see your great news Kathy!! So happy you also have some relief to your back pain as well. Truly cause for celebrating!
    Thinking of you and continuing to pray for your complete recovery.

    Take care!

  5. YAY Kathy! Good luck tomorrow. clare
