New Me!

New Me!

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012 - who likes roller coasters?!??!

July 20 - When I was younger I used to LOVE roller coasters. In fact, when the kids were younger we purposely went to amusement parks that had the most and fastest roller coasters around. It was always a thrill and I couldn't get enough! The "roller coaster" that I'm on now in my life's journey isn't what I remember it to be like. This roller coaster has taken me places that I would never thought I would be traveling. This roller coaster is actually scary, not thrilling. Yesterday I was scheduled for a lung biopsy in the morning because a CT last week showed multiple small nodules in my lungs (scary stuff). Before surgery they did another CT to confirm the location for the radioactive dye.  The dye would help the surgeons find the area to biopsy. The CT showed that all the nodules were gone!!!!!!!!!!!  The surgery was cancelled and the doctors are thinking that the nodules must of formed in relation to an immune response to the chemo or an infection that cleared up in a weeks time. Needless to say, I don't think they will ever know. I also received a call from Dr. Tim this morning and he said at this point I'm done with chemo treatments!!! He wants me to recover the best I can prior to my surgery on August 1st. I have several appointments scattered throughout next week so that will keep me busy. I want to thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers! The power of prayer is amazing!! Love you all!!!


  1. It was good to be able to get down to the Rochester area and spend some time with you and most of the family. I was impressed after going through all the stuff Saturday at the farm, once again, with the brevity of life and the temporary nature of the "stuff" we went through.
    We are glad for blessings along the way in this hard spot you are going through. (Not needing a lung biopsy because your lungs had cleared up, and the little 'clip' you were showing us of your new grandson rolling over for the first time, are two examples and all too often we don't even see God's hand in each of these special 'happenings'.).... God has good in this hard journey your are going through!
