December 27th - Well I'm about 2 weeks out from starting the Arimidex hormone pills and the side effects haven't been too bad (knock on wood). Just a few hot flashes and joint pain. Along with the hormone pills I also have to take 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU's of vitamin D3 on a daily basis. This is because the bone mineral density test showed that I was on the verge of having osteoporosis which causes fractures and we don't want that to happen. Also the Arimidex causes bone thinning also not good. I will also have to have two shots per year of Xgeva which is a bone strengthener. Lets hope the side effects are kept at bay for many years to come as I have to take the hormone pills at least for the next five years or more.
I will be starting back to work starting 1/2/2013 working half days through January, the upping to 6 hours per day in February with the hopes of returning full time in March. So have to get my brain back into work mode...aghhhh!
Christmas was very fun this year with little Ben. He was on cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, great grandparents and present overload. We had the Kramer Christmas at the villa in Hayfield, the Gerhart Christmas at Mary and Jerry's here in Rochester and our family Christmas at my daughters home and he made all three and did extremely well!! It was so much fun seeing everyone!!
Don and I hope that you all have a blessed and healthy 2013!
New Me!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
December 17, 2012 - doctor's appointment
December 17th - On Wednesday I have a few appointments at Mayo. Starting off with blood work, then a bone mineral density test then onto an appointment with Dr. Tim plus another appointment after that. So needless to say I will have a busy day at the Mayo Clinic. The bone mineral density test is to ensure that my bones are strong enough so that he can start me on the Arimidex - hormone therapy.
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half. Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.
Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!
I've been recuperating from my surgery over the past week and a half. Initially a lot of pain, swelling, black and blue marks everywhere, but now some of those symptoms have lessened or subsided and I'm on the mend.
Hopefully these tests on Wednesday go well and I can bring in 2013 on a good healthy note!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 - home from surgery
December 6th - I had to report to Methodist Hospital today at 7:15am, and went into surgery around 10:00am. Dr. Bakkum removed the ovaries and tubes in an outpatient procedure to get prepared to start taking the hormone therapy that Dr. Tim wants to place me on. After getting back to the room around 1:00pm, I was informed that the procedure went well and no cancer was found!! Since the surgery was done laparoscopically they checked other areas in the abdomen area (like the liver, kidneys, etc) and there was no other areas suspicious of concern, which was terrific to hear. I was dismissed around 4:00pm and other than some lower abdomen pain and feeling tired, I'm not doing too bad (knock on wood)!!!! Now onto the recuperating and starting 2013 out on a healthy note!!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!
Thanks to all the kind well wishes from family and friends. I appreciate it so much!
Monday, December 3, 2012
December 2, 2012 - Yet another surgery
December 2nd - I started back to work November 19th working half days until Thursday of this week when I will be having another surgery which will be to remove my ovaries and tubes. This is all being done on an out-patient basis and laparoscopically unless something else is discovered while the surgeon is in there. I pray that nothing else is found!!!! The surgeon says its a 2-3 week recovery time which is much better than the last surgery.
This reason for all of this is to ensure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen as possible so that it decreases the chance of a recurrence. The ovaries are the biggest producer of estrogen thus the surgery. I am scheduled for a bone mineral density test the 19th of December, depending on all of these results Dr. Tim will be placing me on Arimidex hormone therapy for 5 years. I will be seeing him that day also.
Since I went back to work I've had the great opportunity to work from home which is wonderful. I wasn't sure that I'd like it but its growing on me.
I'd like to wish my niece Alyssa happy birthday on December 4th. Have a great day!
Also I want to remember my Dad who passed away December 4th back in 1999. I can't believe he's been gone for 13 years already. I miss him so much still each and every you Dad!
This reason for all of this is to ensure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen as possible so that it decreases the chance of a recurrence. The ovaries are the biggest producer of estrogen thus the surgery. I am scheduled for a bone mineral density test the 19th of December, depending on all of these results Dr. Tim will be placing me on Arimidex hormone therapy for 5 years. I will be seeing him that day also.
Since I went back to work I've had the great opportunity to work from home which is wonderful. I wasn't sure that I'd like it but its growing on me.
I'd like to wish my niece Alyssa happy birthday on December 4th. Have a great day!
Also I want to remember my Dad who passed away December 4th back in 1999. I can't believe he's been gone for 13 years already. I miss him so much still each and every you Dad!
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 - Appointment with Dr. Tim
November 19th - I had a follow-up visit with Dr Tim last Thursday. We talked a lot about the aspect of placing me on Arimidex (hormone therapy - HT) to reduce the risk of a recurrence. Prior to him starting me on the HT he wants to make sure that my bones are strong enough so he has scheduled me blood work and a bone mineral density test in December as the HT causes bone thinning. He won’t use Tamoxifin as that can cause blood clots which I’ve had problems while on chemo. Since the tumor was estrogen positive they need to make sure that my body is producing the least amount of estrogen possible prior to going on this drug (Arimedix is a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors). This works by decreasing the amount of estrogen the body makes. This can slow or stop the growth of many types of breast cancer cells that need estrogen to grow. Because they are not 100% sure that I’m in menopause he is recommending having my ovaries removed. A hysterectomy may also be an option to relieve any anxieties of any gynecological types of cancers. I will be meeting with a GYN surgeon sometime in the upcoming weeks. This is all very overwhelming to me and the information that I’ve read on Arimidex and the side effects are not the most appealing. Heaven help me make the best decision.
Dr Tim also thought I may have shingles as I had a rash on my right shoulder blade. He placed me on Valtrex for this but I’m not 100% convinced that I have it as I have no itching, pain, or any other symptoms…weird, I know.
I started back to work today, working up to 4 hours as tolerated. Today went well as it was nice to see my co-workers and reconnect with them. Many things have changed while I was away from the office for 10 month so Jenny and Melissa (my co-workers) will have to take some time to “re-train” me in.
I have a new found prospective on work which is to try not to take it too seriously and get all stressed out about it. Life, family and happiness are way more important to me then getting all riled up about work stuff. Any who…We’ll see how that goes!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~Edward Sandford Martin
Dr Tim also thought I may have shingles as I had a rash on my right shoulder blade. He placed me on Valtrex for this but I’m not 100% convinced that I have it as I have no itching, pain, or any other symptoms…weird, I know.
I started back to work today, working up to 4 hours as tolerated. Today went well as it was nice to see my co-workers and reconnect with them. Many things have changed while I was away from the office for 10 month so Jenny and Melissa (my co-workers) will have to take some time to “re-train” me in.
I have a new found prospective on work which is to try not to take it too seriously and get all stressed out about it. Life, family and happiness are way more important to me then getting all riled up about work stuff. Any who…We’ll see how that goes!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~Edward Sandford Martin
Friday, November 9, 2012
November 9, 2012 - what's new in November
November 9th - an update on the radiation burns - other than a little bit of pealing skin remaining, the burns are healing quite well. My checkup with my oncologist and plastic surgeon are on Thursday this coming week. Other than tiredness, I've had some low back and leg pain which I feel is a different pain than my normal back pain. It could be due to me trying to get back to DAHLC (Mayo's fitness center) to get back into shape or the meds I'm on for hot flashes. This will certainly be a topic of conversation at my appointment. Also Dr. Moynihan has given me the ok to come off the Lovenox (blood thinner) by the end of 2012!!!! It is good news!!!! Giving yourself shots in your belly twice per day is not a fun thing. I have a greater respect for diabetic people that have to do that daily.
Update on Ben, he will be getting the IVIG treatments this next week. They will be staying with us for four days as he will be getting the treatments on an outpatient basis at St Mary's. The treatments take about four hours to complete so they will be at the hospital most of the mornings. Good luck to you my sweet grandson! Prayers are coming your way for this treatment to aid in your recovery for your little leg. God be with you!
Today I'm heading into the DAHLC for a Reiki treatment. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. So I'll see how I feel after this...can't wait!
Have a great weekend with your families!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012 - Ben update
October 27th - I realized that I haven't given a Benjamin update for quite some time. Ben has regained some movement in his right hip, toes and ankle but has a ways to go to gain full strength and movement in the right leg. Despite this Ben is a happy - go lucky 7 month old. He is sitting up by himself and rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back so his set back hasn't stopped him from moving around. He is receiving physical therapy and will be getting a second series of IVIG treatments here shortly. The 1st doses where given when he was in the hospital back in August. Lets hope and pray that this series of IVIG will help stimulate somemore of the nerves in the little right leg.
Ben 7 months
Ben and Daddy in their Vikings gear!
Ben out for a stroller ride.
Ben has brought great happiness to our family! We facetime with him and his family quite often as we need our Ben fix. We love him with all of our heart and will do anything we can for our grandchild.
Dear God, keep Ben in your loving care and bring him strength and complete healing in that little right leg...Amen!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012 - dealing with radiation burns
October 23rd - I'm still dealing with the radiation burns. Putting on Aquaphor and Xeroform gauze strips to get the burns to heal. It's a slow process but seeing some slight progress. The radiation nurse and nurse practitioner didn't feel the burns would be better by next week so they have delayed my return to work from 11/1 to 11/19/2012. I see Dr. Tim (oncologist) along with Dr Jacobson (plastic surgeon) on 11/15/2012 for a check up so hopefully that goes well. They have adjusted my medication for hot flashes as they were causing some weird sides effects such a dizziness, headaches, weight gain and the list goes on and on. I need to talk to Dr. Tim more about that when I see him on the 15th to see if this is all really necessary. I assume at that appointment he will be talking about placing me on a hormone therapy. Not sure which one that will be or what the side effects will be.
Here are a couple of pictures that show the radiation burns...and YES they do hurt!! Along with these two there was one on my right back shoulder blade area and a smaller patch on the front upper right closer to my neck. Those two areas have healed up nicely and just look like a light brown tan. This would not be my recommendation on how to get a tan:) They said I would have to wear 30 spf on my skin in those areas along with a 15-20 spf on the rest of my exposed areas.
Arm pit radiation burn
Chest radiation burn
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
October 10, 2012 - Last day of treatment!
October 10th - well today at 11:00am is my LAST radiation treatment!!!
It's a very exciting and emotional day for me as this has been a long and trying journey.
I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband, Don, my kids and their families,
my family, Don's family, our many supportive friends and the belief and faith in The Lord.
Once the last radiation treatment is done, Desk R has a bell that patients ring three times to let all know that their treatments are complete...I get to ring that bell today!! I can't wait!!
On my last day of treatment I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me after treatment. Don, Bill and family, Marie, Don's parents, my brother Dave, along with several friends were there to see me ring the bell! Thanks to all of you that were there to share this day with me. It was an emotional experience for end to cancer treatments and a new beginning to life without cancer! What a great feeling!!
It's a very exciting and emotional day for me as this has been a long and trying journey.
I couldn't have done it without the support of my husband, Don, my kids and their families,
my family, Don's family, our many supportive friends and the belief and faith in The Lord.
Once the last radiation treatment is done, Desk R has a bell that patients ring three times to let all know that their treatments are complete...I get to ring that bell today!! I can't wait!!
I'll write more later today once the treatment is done.
More to come!
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Radiation scanner - Desk R |
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Radiation Techs - Dave and Tracy on last day of treatments |
Ringing the bell.
On my last day of treatment I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me after treatment. Don, Bill and family, Marie, Don's parents, my brother Dave, along with several friends were there to see me ring the bell! Thanks to all of you that were there to share this day with me. It was an emotional experience for end to cancer treatments and a new beginning to life without cancer! What a great feeling!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October 3, 2012 - update on radiation treatments
October 3rd - just an update on the radiation treatments. I've completed 20 of 25 treatments. I have two treatments left this week and three next week. Wednesday, October 10th will be my LAST radiation treatment!!!!! Having said that I've developed a pretty good sunburn on my front chest and on my back right clavicle area. Its pretty painful, itchy and red. They say that the effects from radiation will last 2-3 weeks after radiation is done so I may see blistering yet. I've been somewhat tired but not as tired as when I was going through chemo, thank goodness!!
I can hardly believe that my 9 1/2 month cancer journey is coming to an end. You know someone told me early on, the day I became a cancer patient, I also became a survivor! I didn't feel so much of a survivor at that time but now that I'm nearing my last radiation treatment I'm getting that feeling of a survivor!!!! And it feels mighty good!!
Prayers go out to those that are newly diagnosed with cancer and those who are in the midst of it!
May God be with you and give you strengh!
I can hardly believe that my 9 1/2 month cancer journey is coming to an end. You know someone told me early on, the day I became a cancer patient, I also became a survivor! I didn't feel so much of a survivor at that time but now that I'm nearing my last radiation treatment I'm getting that feeling of a survivor!!!! And it feels mighty good!!
Prayers go out to those that are newly diagnosed with cancer and those who are in the midst of it!
May God be with you and give you strengh!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
September 25, 2012 - checkup & radiation treatments
September 25 - I had a check up with my oncologist on Monday along with completing my 13th radiation treatment.
My checkup with Dr. Tim went well. We discussed several aspects of my continued care such as hormone therapy and future checkups. I had noticed a small bump/nodule in the armpit of the right arm where they took 23 lymph nodes. He thinks this is due to scar tissue associated with my operation. He thought an ultrasound should be done to rule out anything else so that was done on Monday also. Dr. Tim called me later in the day and indicated it was a small fluid filled cyst which sometimes happens after surgery. At this point there is no worry for recurrent cancer. He indicated to just watch it and if it got bigger they sometimes have to remove or drain the fluid. I'm still dealing with hot flashes and neuropathy in my left foot and we are trying to decide if another medication my help both of these along with helping me sleep. (gabapentin)
On Monday I completed my 13th radiation treatment of 25, so I'm about half way through these! I've developed a light to moderate "sunburn" on my chest, which is very itchy!! They say this will get worse as the treatments continue...awesome:(
I'm trying to do my exercises every day to stretch my back and to work my arms so that I do not get lymph edema. I have to remember to not work my right arm so much or lift heavy objects as this can increase the chances of developing lymph edema. So far that is helping. I don't have a lot of energy but trying to stay as active as possible. Fall is in the air so would be a great time to get outdoors for little walks. Enjoy!!!
My checkup with Dr. Tim went well. We discussed several aspects of my continued care such as hormone therapy and future checkups. I had noticed a small bump/nodule in the armpit of the right arm where they took 23 lymph nodes. He thinks this is due to scar tissue associated with my operation. He thought an ultrasound should be done to rule out anything else so that was done on Monday also. Dr. Tim called me later in the day and indicated it was a small fluid filled cyst which sometimes happens after surgery. At this point there is no worry for recurrent cancer. He indicated to just watch it and if it got bigger they sometimes have to remove or drain the fluid. I'm still dealing with hot flashes and neuropathy in my left foot and we are trying to decide if another medication my help both of these along with helping me sleep. (gabapentin)
On Monday I completed my 13th radiation treatment of 25, so I'm about half way through these! I've developed a light to moderate "sunburn" on my chest, which is very itchy!! They say this will get worse as the treatments continue...awesome:(
I'm trying to do my exercises every day to stretch my back and to work my arms so that I do not get lymph edema. I have to remember to not work my right arm so much or lift heavy objects as this can increase the chances of developing lymph edema. So far that is helping. I don't have a lot of energy but trying to stay as active as possible. Fall is in the air so would be a great time to get outdoors for little walks. Enjoy!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
September 14, 2012 - Update on radiation treatments
September 14 - well, I have 7 radiation txs under my belt thus far. I've had some mild side effects such as increased hot flashes and waking up again in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep. This is a bummer because I sure do like my sleep!
When I met with the nurse at Desk R she suggested several lotions and creams to start using in the radiated area of my body. Radiation thins the skin and she indicated by the 15 or so tx my skin would start turning red as if I had a light sunburn. By the 25th tx, sometimes peoples skin will be red as if they"ve gotten a real bad sunburn and will sometime cause blistering of the skin. During the last 10 txs I will be meeting with the nurse on a daily basis following my tx to access my skin issues, if there are any. As of right now there aren't any...but keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way!!
You know, since I've been diagnosed with cancer I have heard of so many others that have been newly diagnosed with various forms of cancer. I'm not sure why or how cancer ever came about but we need to find a way to stop it.! So if I could put a plea out there...please show your support to elimate this awful disease in whatever way you can! Participate in a walk/run to support your cause of choice, donate to the Eagles cancer telethon, along with various other ways. All of our involvement will make a difference! As I've said before...cancer truly sucks!
When I met with the nurse at Desk R she suggested several lotions and creams to start using in the radiated area of my body. Radiation thins the skin and she indicated by the 15 or so tx my skin would start turning red as if I had a light sunburn. By the 25th tx, sometimes peoples skin will be red as if they"ve gotten a real bad sunburn and will sometime cause blistering of the skin. During the last 10 txs I will be meeting with the nurse on a daily basis following my tx to access my skin issues, if there are any. As of right now there aren't any...but keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way!!
You know, since I've been diagnosed with cancer I have heard of so many others that have been newly diagnosed with various forms of cancer. I'm not sure why or how cancer ever came about but we need to find a way to stop it.! So if I could put a plea out there...please show your support to elimate this awful disease in whatever way you can! Participate in a walk/run to support your cause of choice, donate to the Eagles cancer telethon, along with various other ways. All of our involvement will make a difference! As I've said before...cancer truly sucks!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
September 5, 2012 - 50th birthday & 1st radiation treatment
September 5th - if you don't already know I CELEBRATED my 50th birthday on 9/5. My sneaky little family decided to plan a little secret get-together instead of taking me to Outback for a delicious steak. The plan that I knew was that we were going to Glynners for a drink and to say " hi" to Missy (one of the waitresses there), then on to Outback by 6:30 pm to get my birthday steak, then back to our house for DQ cake. Now doesn't that sound like a nice low key 50th?!?!?
Well, it didn't actually work out that way. We did make it to Glynners but to my surprise there were several of my family and Don's family members there and many co-workers, friends and old friends that I haven't seen in a while. Wow, was I surprised!! It was so good to see everyone! And it surely was a great 50th birthday...thank you all for taking the time to spend it with me!!! A special thanks to all the sneaky people (you know who you are and payback is HE-double toothpicks!!!!) for making my day great! Thanks to Bill for bringing Ben over to see me earlier that day. Wished you could have stayed to see everyone!! As I said last night 50 is great!!!!!
Today, 9/6, was my first radiation treatment. I went to Desk R in the Charlton building of Mayo Clinic with a little apprehension. I was not sure if radiation was going to noticabley cause immediate hurt or pain to me or what since it was my first treatment. The two techs were very nice and explained everything they were doing. They took a couple of X-rays and radiated me a few times and I was there maybe only 20 minutes or so. So far it was painless but I did go home and take a few hour nap...I'm not sure if it was the treatment or from all the excitement from last night. They did say tiredness is one of the symptoms of radiation txs (treatments). This was the first of 25 txs so here we go! I'm on the downhill path of my cancer treatments/surgery journey and I'm looking forward to feeling a whole lot better in about a month or so when txs are completed. I really do not want anymore surprises in regards to my health! So here's to my health!!!!
Well, it didn't actually work out that way. We did make it to Glynners but to my surprise there were several of my family and Don's family members there and many co-workers, friends and old friends that I haven't seen in a while. Wow, was I surprised!! It was so good to see everyone! And it surely was a great 50th birthday...thank you all for taking the time to spend it with me!!! A special thanks to all the sneaky people (you know who you are and payback is HE-double toothpicks!!!!) for making my day great! Thanks to Bill for bringing Ben over to see me earlier that day. Wished you could have stayed to see everyone!! As I said last night 50 is great!!!!!
Today, 9/6, was my first radiation treatment. I went to Desk R in the Charlton building of Mayo Clinic with a little apprehension. I was not sure if radiation was going to noticabley cause immediate hurt or pain to me or what since it was my first treatment. The two techs were very nice and explained everything they were doing. They took a couple of X-rays and radiated me a few times and I was there maybe only 20 minutes or so. So far it was painless but I did go home and take a few hour nap...I'm not sure if it was the treatment or from all the excitement from last night. They did say tiredness is one of the symptoms of radiation txs (treatments). This was the first of 25 txs so here we go! I'm on the downhill path of my cancer treatments/surgery journey and I'm looking forward to feeling a whole lot better in about a month or so when txs are completed. I really do not want anymore surprises in regards to my health! So here's to my health!!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
August 29, 2012 - A week busy with Ben
August 29th - Our little grandson, Ben has been in the hospital since last Wednesday. So that is part of the reason I've been MIA for awhile. He was finally discharged this morning. He has weakness in his right leg and he is unable to move it. After an MRI, lumbar puncture, multiple blood work, ultrasound, X-rays, EMG, transfusions, nose and throat swabs and being inspected by multiple doctors (as he was classified as an "unusual" case), they are still unable to determine a cause for his partial paralysis. The theory is an entervirus similar to polio. It attacked his anterior horn cells of his spinal cord which affected his leg movement. He has regained some sensation in his foot and his hip and has a good physical therapy plan. The pediatric neurologist is optimistic that Ben will regain most or all of his movement in his leg. Please send your prayers! Thank you for all the family and friends support and visits during Ben's hospital stay.
As far as me, I continue to feel better each day after my surgery. Through several visits to physical therapy I am able to get my arms above my heads for the radiation treatments. I had the radiation simulation today which placed marks on my chest and they created a mold of my right breast for the treatments. My first radiation treatment is September 6th, the day after my 50th birthday! What a birthday present:(. I guess I'm still alive so I better quit complaining!! 50 is awesome!!
As far as me, I continue to feel better each day after my surgery. Through several visits to physical therapy I am able to get my arms above my heads for the radiation treatments. I had the radiation simulation today which placed marks on my chest and they created a mold of my right breast for the treatments. My first radiation treatment is September 6th, the day after my 50th birthday! What a birthday present:(. I guess I'm still alive so I better quit complaining!! 50 is awesome!!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
August 19, 2012 - Update and time with hubby
August 19th - First off I'd like to wish my little brother Dave, Happy 44th Birthday!
Update on the drain removal - I was able to get two of the drains out on Monday (8/13) and the remaining one out on Friday (8/17). What a relief that is, for me and for Don (no more cleaning the drains!). I continue to work on my exercises to be able to get my arms up over my head. It's slow going but I'm making some progress. I have a couple appointments at Mayo on Wednesday this coming week. A post-op visit with the plastic surgeon and an appointment in the Lymphedema Clinic. Hopefully all goes well. I'm feeling a bit better each day!
Today Don and I decided on taking a road trip to get out of the house for awhile - we drove to Winona and up the Wisconsin side to Stillwater. After some walking around, we then enjoyed some bar-b-que at a place called Smalley's...yum, yum! Thanks Bill for recommending this place. Stillwater was busy with people and alot of boats on the St. Croix river. It was a beautiful, relaxing day and we enjoyed the sights along with spending some quality time with my hubby which is always a great thing. I love him so much!
Update on the drain removal - I was able to get two of the drains out on Monday (8/13) and the remaining one out on Friday (8/17). What a relief that is, for me and for Don (no more cleaning the drains!). I continue to work on my exercises to be able to get my arms up over my head. It's slow going but I'm making some progress. I have a couple appointments at Mayo on Wednesday this coming week. A post-op visit with the plastic surgeon and an appointment in the Lymphedema Clinic. Hopefully all goes well. I'm feeling a bit better each day!
Today Don and I decided on taking a road trip to get out of the house for awhile - we drove to Winona and up the Wisconsin side to Stillwater. After some walking around, we then enjoyed some bar-b-que at a place called Smalley's...yum, yum! Thanks Bill for recommending this place. Stillwater was busy with people and alot of boats on the St. Croix river. It was a beautiful, relaxing day and we enjoyed the sights along with spending some quality time with my hubby which is always a great thing. I love him so much!
Monday, August 13, 2012
August 13, 2012 - Healing Process
August 13th - I'm not sure if I mentioned before but the results of the surgery were amazing. They removed 23 lymph nodes from under my right arm and all were free of cancer! The final pathology of the right breast showed a single microscopic focus of residual invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.08cm. The tumor itself had completely resolved so there was no tumor to send out to the I-SPY study that I was participating in. The left breast was free of any cancer. The surgeons and my oncologist were very thrilled with the results, as was I!!
As I mentioned before, now I am into the "healing" process and I have to say the first week was challenging. Quite a bit of pain, taking care of the five drains, fatigue, etc. On August 8th, they took out 2 of the 5 drains and hopefully tomorrow they will be able to remove the last three. The output has to be below 30cc's for two consecutive days before they will consider removing them. Other than that the surgeons say that the surgical areas are healing well. Now they want me to heal as much as possible and to be able to get my right arm up over my head so that radiation can be done. So I have to work on my exercises to strengthen my arms again.
My first appointment for radiation therapy is Monday, August 27. This will be a one hour appointment for them to place their markings and such. Then I will have 25 radiation treatments – Monday through Friday excluding weekends. My treatment journey is nearing an end which I’m very excited for. It has definitely been a long, tiring, trying, roller coaster of a journey for the past seven months.
Sorry that I missed the ESC picnic. I was not up to getting out with the drains still in place and not really feeling up to getting out it at that point. I’m sure you all had a great time.
As I mentioned before, now I am into the "healing" process and I have to say the first week was challenging. Quite a bit of pain, taking care of the five drains, fatigue, etc. On August 8th, they took out 2 of the 5 drains and hopefully tomorrow they will be able to remove the last three. The output has to be below 30cc's for two consecutive days before they will consider removing them. Other than that the surgeons say that the surgical areas are healing well. Now they want me to heal as much as possible and to be able to get my right arm up over my head so that radiation can be done. So I have to work on my exercises to strengthen my arms again.
My first appointment for radiation therapy is Monday, August 27. This will be a one hour appointment for them to place their markings and such. Then I will have 25 radiation treatments – Monday through Friday excluding weekends. My treatment journey is nearing an end which I’m very excited for. It has definitely been a long, tiring, trying, roller coaster of a journey for the past seven months.
Sorry that I missed the ESC picnic. I was not up to getting out with the drains still in place and not really feeling up to getting out it at that point. I’m sure you all had a great time.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
August 5, 2012 - 4 days post-operation
August 5th - first off I'd like to thank my husband for keeping the blog up-to-date during surgery and days following. I'm still pretty sore with quite a bit of pain, to say the least. Trying to keep the pain management under control right now. Trying to get up and walk as much as possible so as not to get any clots. Don is doing a wonderful job keeping my drain tubes, etc clean and drained. Love you so much and appreciate all your patience with me! Other than the pain and being tired I'm doing ok. Now onto the healing process! Then radiation treatments.
Talk to you soon. Kathy
Talk to you soon. Kathy
Friday, August 3, 2012
Home at last
Went home from the hospital yesterday at around 3:30pm.
Got settled in at home and slept very well last night.
They setup several appointments for next week, so we" ll see how that goes.
They did give us some great news before we left, they found only a very small amount of disease (less then 1mm) in the samples they tested.
Dr. Tim was very happy with those results.
Got settled in at home and slept very well last night.
They setup several appointments for next week, so we" ll see how that goes.
They did give us some great news before we left, they found only a very small amount of disease (less then 1mm) in the samples they tested.
Dr. Tim was very happy with those results.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Thur. August 2, 9:45am
Not much sleep last night with people stopping in every 10 minutes or so.
Otherwise, feeling much better and looking real good.
Most likely be going home today, but we'll see what they say later today.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers through all of this.
Otherwise, feeling much better and looking real good.
Most likely be going home today, but we'll see what they say later today.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers through all of this.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Wed. August 1, 3:20pm
They said that Dr. Jacobson is finishing up(about 30 minutes to go), then about 2 hours in recovery before Kathy is brought up to her room.
Wed. August 1, 1:15pm
Dr. Boughie (sp) is done they are waiting on biopsy results, then Dr. Jacobson will start, about another 2 hours.
Wed. August 1, 11:30am
Surgery is roughly halfway through, going slower than expected at this point.
Wed. August 1, 7:00am
They just took Kathy down to surgery.
About 1 1/2 hours of prep before the actual surgery starts.
Then about 5 hours of actual surgery.
About 1 1/2 hours of prep before the actual surgery starts.
Then about 5 hours of actual surgery.
Monday, July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012 - I hope you believe in Miracles!
July 30th - Last Monday I had another MRI of the breast and was waiting for the results of this test most of the week. So on Friday, I emailed Dr. Moynihan for the results. I received his out of office that he was in Ecuador and would respond to emails upon his return, which I was ok with...I would just wait until Monday for the results. Suddenly out of nowhere he responded and he was going to see if he could somehow get the MRI results. To his (and my) success he was able to send me the results from the radiologist.
This is what he sent me:
"Complete resolution of suspicious enhancement in the right breast in the region of the known right breast malignancy."
He commented that the results sounded really good and he would look at the scans upon his return on Monday. Well, I don't know about you but when I read this I was in shock. If I was reading this correctly this was indeed a Miracle! So I emailed him back and asked if this changes anything with the surgery and that I wanted to confirm what I thought the radiologist was saying. Was the tumor in the right breast gone?
Dr. Tim indicated that because the chemo had did its thing by taking care of the tumor - it was indeed gone! This however does not change anything in regards to the surgery - that is still scheduled for this Wednesday and that everything in the right breast looks good - I did read it correctly! He did get a chance to review the scan today and he said the scan looks great! I indicated that I could still feel something there and he said that often times scarring or some fibrosis occurs at the turmor site and that it can still be felt. The only way to know is to look at things under the microscope, which is what they will do during the operation. That will give us more definitive answers.
All I can say is - Praise the Lord! If you didn't believe in Miracles before you really should now!!
The power of prayer and the great belief in the Lord is amazing!
P.S. Sorry it took me until today to post my blog entry but I wanted to make complete sure with Dr. Tim of what I was reading before I posted anything!
This is what he sent me:
"Complete resolution of suspicious enhancement in the right breast in the region of the known right breast malignancy."
He commented that the results sounded really good and he would look at the scans upon his return on Monday. Well, I don't know about you but when I read this I was in shock. If I was reading this correctly this was indeed a Miracle! So I emailed him back and asked if this changes anything with the surgery and that I wanted to confirm what I thought the radiologist was saying. Was the tumor in the right breast gone?
Dr. Tim indicated that because the chemo had did its thing by taking care of the tumor - it was indeed gone! This however does not change anything in regards to the surgery - that is still scheduled for this Wednesday and that everything in the right breast looks good - I did read it correctly! He did get a chance to review the scan today and he said the scan looks great! I indicated that I could still feel something there and he said that often times scarring or some fibrosis occurs at the turmor site and that it can still be felt. The only way to know is to look at things under the microscope, which is what they will do during the operation. That will give us more definitive answers.
All I can say is - Praise the Lord! If you didn't believe in Miracles before you really should now!!
The power of prayer and the great belief in the Lord is amazing!
P.S. Sorry it took me until today to post my blog entry but I wanted to make complete sure with Dr. Tim of what I was reading before I posted anything!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
July 27, 212 - relief for the back
July 27 - Friday I went in for a cortisone injection in my L5-S1 joint area as I was having extreme pain in my lower back and down my left leg to my foot due to a disk protusion I was in such pain that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to Friday even on all the pain meds they had given me. A thought passed through my head that the pain was enough to pull my hair out but that wouldn't work since I had none to pull out! You know though, since my last chemo tx was June 25, I dare to say that some of the hair is starting to come back in, slowly but surely! It will be Interesting to see what it comes back in as.
The injection has given me some relief but still dealing with some numbness and pain down my left leg. They said it could take anywhere from 3-7 days before the medicine totally starts I guess I have to be more patient. But let me tell you this is so much better then what I've been dealing with over the past several weeks and mostly this past week. Thank heaven for the relief!
Friday, July 20, 2012
July 20, 2012 - who likes roller coasters?!??!
July 20 - When I was younger I used to LOVE roller coasters. In fact, when the kids were younger we purposely went to amusement parks that had the most and fastest roller coasters around. It was always a thrill and I couldn't get enough!
The "roller coaster" that I'm on now in my life's journey isn't what I remember it to be like. This roller coaster has taken me places that I would never thought I would be traveling. This roller coaster is actually scary, not thrilling.
Yesterday I was scheduled for a lung biopsy in the morning because a CT last week showed multiple small nodules in my lungs (scary stuff). Before surgery they did another CT to confirm the location for the radioactive dye. The dye would help the surgeons find the area to biopsy. The CT showed that all the nodules were gone!!!!!!!!!!! The surgery was cancelled and the doctors are thinking that the nodules must of formed in relation to an immune response to the chemo or an infection that cleared up in a weeks time. Needless to say, I don't think they will ever know. I also received a call from Dr. Tim this morning and he said at this point I'm done with chemo treatments!!! He wants me to recover the best I can prior to my surgery on August 1st. I have several appointments scattered throughout next week so that will keep me busy.
I want to thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers! The power of prayer is amazing!! Love you all!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 17, 2012 - update
July 17 - we finally got all the test/labs back and they were negative for a fungal infection. Having said that they are going to proceed with the lung biopsy on thursday so they can get a definitive answer to what they are seeing in the CT scan.
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012 - update on some tests
July 12 - the results of the back MRI is that I have a protruding disc. Dr. Tim is going to have me seen in the spine center with the hope of an injection for the pain that I am having. Hopefully that will be sooner than later as I'm having quite a bit of pain. The transesophogeal echocardiogram showed that my heart was perfect! Who would have thought anything differently:).
The results of the CT abdomen/chest weren't so good. It showed multiple pulmonary nodules on both lungs. Dr. Tim and Dr. Karen Swanson (pulmanologist) think that the nodules may be a fungal infection, thus the fever, cough, etc. Thursday morning I am scheduled for a bronchoscopy to check these nodules on my lungs. Scary huh?!?!? Plus I had to do another type of blood test that checks for this.
If these test come back normal (where it's not a fungal infection) I will be seeing a thoracic surgeon on Monday. At that point they will have to do a lung biopsy to figure out what these nodules are. Let's pray that it doesn't come for me to see the surgeon. If its the fungal infection, that, to my understanding can be treated by antibodics.
Wow...things happen fast!!
Psalms 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Monday, July 9, 2012
July 9, 2012 - Interesting day as things didn't go as planned
July 9th - Well where do I start...the two weeks following my 3rd A/C chemo was doing relatively better than the prior two weeks. Dr. Tim switched up my drugs and anti-nausea drugs and as I said things were going ok other than the excessive tiredness and nausea. Which brings us to last Saturday (July 7), I woke up with another painful clot very close to the one on my right arm along with severe pain in my lower back and down my left leg. The day went relatively well until late afternoon when I started feeling chilled, shivery and very nauseated. I was so chilled that I had on a light jacket, slippers along with a blanket and was still cold. Don took my temperature and it was 101.3, so I started pushing fluids. Later the temp went down to 100.3 and stayed there throughout the night. In the morning when I took my temp it was back to normal.
Sunday (July 8) I woke feeling very weak and lightheaded. Pretty much just hung low for the rest of the day. Until later in the afternoon when I again became chilled/shivery along with temp back up to 100.3. Sunday evening I emailed Dr. Tim with what was going on and I was scheduled to see him on Monday morning prior to my 4th and final chemo treatment. Well, as I stated in my post title....Things didn't go as planned...
The 4th and final chemo treatment did not happen today as Dr. Tim was concerned with why I was having extreme back pain, fevers, slight cough and continuing to get clots in my arms with me taking blood thinners and a baby aspirin a day. Having said that he has scheduled me several appointments this week. This afternoon I had a couple more blood test to rule out a bacterial infection. Tuesday, I have an MRI of my back. Wednesday, I have a transesophageal echocardiogram (to look at my heart) and a CT of the chest and abdomen. Hopefully this will rule out any further clots or cancers in my body. Along with a return appointment to see Dr. Tim on Thursday for the results. Now the waiting game...he has me on pain meds for my back and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of all these tests. As far as having the 4th A/C chemo treatment, Dr. Tim asked me if I wanted to do it or not...I said do I have a choice? He indicated that there was no magic number as far as how many chemo treatments are necessary and he felt that if I missed one he would be OK with that...we'll see. I 'm sure the outcome of these tests will of course have a factor on if I have the 4th and final chemo tx.
I am also scheduled to have surgery on August 1st. This will include bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. A lot of things are going on right now and I hope and pray that there are no other cancers or other issues in my body. Please send your prayers!
Sunday (July 8) I woke feeling very weak and lightheaded. Pretty much just hung low for the rest of the day. Until later in the afternoon when I again became chilled/shivery along with temp back up to 100.3. Sunday evening I emailed Dr. Tim with what was going on and I was scheduled to see him on Monday morning prior to my 4th and final chemo treatment. Well, as I stated in my post title....Things didn't go as planned...
The 4th and final chemo treatment did not happen today as Dr. Tim was concerned with why I was having extreme back pain, fevers, slight cough and continuing to get clots in my arms with me taking blood thinners and a baby aspirin a day. Having said that he has scheduled me several appointments this week. This afternoon I had a couple more blood test to rule out a bacterial infection. Tuesday, I have an MRI of my back. Wednesday, I have a transesophageal echocardiogram (to look at my heart) and a CT of the chest and abdomen. Hopefully this will rule out any further clots or cancers in my body. Along with a return appointment to see Dr. Tim on Thursday for the results. Now the waiting game...he has me on pain meds for my back and we'll have to wait and see what comes out of all these tests. As far as having the 4th A/C chemo treatment, Dr. Tim asked me if I wanted to do it or not...I said do I have a choice? He indicated that there was no magic number as far as how many chemo treatments are necessary and he felt that if I missed one he would be OK with that...we'll see. I 'm sure the outcome of these tests will of course have a factor on if I have the 4th and final chemo tx.
I am also scheduled to have surgery on August 1st. This will include bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. A lot of things are going on right now and I hope and pray that there are no other cancers or other issues in my body. Please send your prayers!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
June 27, 2012 A/C #3 down the tubes!
June 27th - Monday I had A/C chemo treatment #3 of 4. Honestly I was not looking forward to it at all because of all the side effects that I had the past few weeks - this is nasty stuff. After talking to Dr. Moynihan on Monday he suggested that I take the Prilosec every day as some of the nausea meds can cause heartburn which is hard to distinguish that between all the other side effects that I was having. So far (knock on wood) the first couple of days here have been slight better as far as the nausea. Today though I'm feeling a little bit more nauseated, no energy and tired along with getting that great metallic taste in my mouth again. Even though I'm giving myself Heparin shots, I've continued to develop a couple more clots in my arms. Dr. Tim seemed perplexed by that and told me take a baby aspirin a day along with the Heparin shots so we'll see how that goes over these next two weeks.
After these two weeks I will only have one more chemo treatment left!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that as I've noted it on many of my prior posts. Yahoo!!! That will be one huge milestone completed!! Then I will have several apppointments coming up. One with my general surgeon - Dr. Boughey and one with the plastic surgeon - Dr. Jacobson to get me ready for surgery. Plus another breast MRI to complete the study that I am on which will be after the last A/C treatment on July 9th hopefully the tumor has responded well to this chemo drug and has reduced the size of the tumor even more. More to come on that.
On a happier note - got to see my grandson Ben over the weekend (and his parents, of course) it's always good to see them all! Ben is getting so big and is getting such a little character for himself. He laughs, smiles, tries to talk and is so much fun to have around. He's the light of my life and he brings me so much joy and happiness at this point in my life which is what I need right now given what I'm going through.
After these two weeks I will only have one more chemo treatment left!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that as I've noted it on many of my prior posts. Yahoo!!! That will be one huge milestone completed!! Then I will have several apppointments coming up. One with my general surgeon - Dr. Boughey and one with the plastic surgeon - Dr. Jacobson to get me ready for surgery. Plus another breast MRI to complete the study that I am on which will be after the last A/C treatment on July 9th hopefully the tumor has responded well to this chemo drug and has reduced the size of the tumor even more. More to come on that.
On a happier note - got to see my grandson Ben over the weekend (and his parents, of course) it's always good to see them all! Ben is getting so big and is getting such a little character for himself. He laughs, smiles, tries to talk and is so much fun to have around. He's the light of my life and he brings me so much joy and happiness at this point in my life which is what I need right now given what I'm going through.
Sitting with Grandpa at his home in N. Mankato |
Ben in jammies getting ready for bed. |
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
June 20,2012 - This chemo is rough stuff
June 20th - This past treatment that I had on June 11th has proven to be a rough one. Since then I've been very tired, no energy and nauseated along with giving myself heparin shots each day. Last week was the most difficult with these symptoms, with this week some of the nausea subsiding but now I have mouth sores (kinda of canker sores +). I gargle with salt water and another product for dry mouth.
Just trying to take one day at at time. Since I get so exhausted so quickly, I do little things around the house, rest, then do some other little thing, get the picture. It doesn't take much to get me to have to lay down.
I have a my third of four treatments on Monday (that is if my blood counts are good). After that only one more chemo treatment!! That will be a huge milestone!! Can't wait to be done with this!
Just trying to take one day at at time. Since I get so exhausted so quickly, I do little things around the house, rest, then do some other little thing, get the picture. It doesn't take much to get me to have to lay down.
I have a my third of four treatments on Monday (that is if my blood counts are good). After that only one more chemo treatment!! That will be a huge milestone!! Can't wait to be done with this!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 14, 2012 - Pretty Flowers
June 14th - Yesterday I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the bicycling group that my husband rides with. Don truely enjoys rides with such a great group of guys.
Silver Cycling - thank you so much for your prayers and thoughtfulness during this long journey.
You've touched my heart!
Silver Cycling - thank you so much for your prayers and thoughtfulness during this long journey.
You've touched my heart!
June 14, 2012 - Update on clots
June 14th - well, I found out that I do not have the heparin-induced thombosis, which is good per my Dr. Although I have not heard back from my doctor to the reason why I'm getting these clots. Some reading that I've done is that chemo treatments can cause this. I will have to wait to talk to my Dr at my next appointment on June 25th. With the help of the heating pad, both areas pain has mostly subsided. Feeling pretty lousy these past few appetite, no energy, very tired, hopefully this will pass.
I did share with my Dr. that my dad had a blood clotting disorder that he ultimately passed away from. I will talk to him more about that at my next appt.
I did share with my Dr. that my dad had a blood clotting disorder that he ultimately passed away from. I will talk to him more about that at my next appt.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012 - Another blood clot confirmed.
Learned today, Tuesday June 12th, that it was indeed another clot. Now they want to go another blood test to see why I’m getting all these clots all of a sudden…is it because of the new chemo drugs that I’m on or the heparin shots that I just started giving myself starting last Friday.
They are thinking I have Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) which is the development of thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count), due to the administration of various forms of heparin, an anticoagulant. HIT predisposes to thrombosis, the abnormal formation of blood clots inside a blood vessel, and when thrombosis is identified the condition is called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (HITT). HIT is caused by the formation of abnormal antibodies that activate platelets. If someone receiving heparin develops new or worsening thrombosis, or if the platelet count falls, HIT can be confirmed with specific blood tests.[1]
Test today for this at 12:30. Plus I have another Neupogen shot right after.
Should be an interesting day.
June 11, 2012 - another clot noticed
June 11th- Today I woke up with another painful lump now on my right arm. Fortunately I had my chemo treatment this morning so I was able to show DeAnn Smith – Nurse Practitioner prior to chemo. She definitely wanted to ultrasound it to verify if this was another clot or not.
She spoke with Dr. Tim and they decided that I could go ahead with chemo as my blood work was relatively OK. The ultrasound was scheduled for that afternoon.
More to come.
She spoke with Dr. Tim and they decided that I could go ahead with chemo as my blood work was relatively OK. The ultrasound was scheduled for that afternoon.
More to come.
June 9, 2012 - One More Thing - ughhhh
June 9th - Just to get you up to speed...this new series of chemo has been a tough one. I've had a lot of nausea and a heavy metallic taste in my mouth for a good week following my treatment.
Also last Sunday evening (June 3rd) my left elbow began to have extreme pain in it. I was pretty sure that I didn't do anything to it to make it hurt that bad. That evening I went to bed after taking two extra strength Tylenols and I basically thought that it would be gone in the morning. wasn't and I lived with the pain until Wednesday when I thought I should bring this to the attention of my oncologist because the pain was not subsiding and it hurt like a son-of-a-gun. Dr. Tim suggested that I go into Mayo and talk with one of the chemo nurses. On Thursday, along with my sidekick - Marie, we did just that. When the chemo nurse saw it she was pretty sure that I had a clot in my arm and right then and there things started rolling. My oncologist just happened to be in the clinic that day and came over to access the situation and he ordered an ultrasound to confirm or not confirm a clot. After that he said that I should go home, take Advil and put a heating pad on it and he would call me with the findings later that afternoon.
The ultrasound showed that I had several superficial clots in the veins of my left arm (elbow area) thus the pain I was experiencing. They said it could possibly be a side effect of getting IV chemo treatments. It was decided that I needed to be put on blood thinners until my chemo treatments were complete so that I would not get anymore clots. On Friday I saw a Physicians Assistant who prescribed me Heparin (blood thinner) and proceeded to tell me that I would have to give myself a shot each day for the next 5-6 weeks until my chemo treatments come to an end. The assistant gave me a 5 minute demonstration on how to give myself the shot. Really, I have to give myself a shot! I was thinking, I could do that as my Mom has to give herself shots for her diabetes each day – so if she can do it then I surely could. They sent me on my way to the pharmacy and I received a 30 day supply at the cost of $749.99!! Ouch - evidently Mayo Clinic employee insurance doesn't cover this very well and the kicker is that I have to go back to get more. If I get through this for under a grand, I will be surprised. Don says don’t worry about the money…its well worth it. I then recognized that I have to agree!! The alternative is not an option.
My first shot was last night and the funny thing is I stood there for about a minute, maybe longer, with the needle about an eighth of inch from my skin, not able to give myself the injection. I then thought of my mom and that was all it took. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, thanks Mom for being my inspiration!!
Another chemo treatment is scheduled for this coming Monday if my blood work is ok. Then after that only two more treatments!! I'm getting there slowly but surely!
Keep the prayers a coming!!
Also last Sunday evening (June 3rd) my left elbow began to have extreme pain in it. I was pretty sure that I didn't do anything to it to make it hurt that bad. That evening I went to bed after taking two extra strength Tylenols and I basically thought that it would be gone in the morning. wasn't and I lived with the pain until Wednesday when I thought I should bring this to the attention of my oncologist because the pain was not subsiding and it hurt like a son-of-a-gun. Dr. Tim suggested that I go into Mayo and talk with one of the chemo nurses. On Thursday, along with my sidekick - Marie, we did just that. When the chemo nurse saw it she was pretty sure that I had a clot in my arm and right then and there things started rolling. My oncologist just happened to be in the clinic that day and came over to access the situation and he ordered an ultrasound to confirm or not confirm a clot. After that he said that I should go home, take Advil and put a heating pad on it and he would call me with the findings later that afternoon.
The ultrasound showed that I had several superficial clots in the veins of my left arm (elbow area) thus the pain I was experiencing. They said it could possibly be a side effect of getting IV chemo treatments. It was decided that I needed to be put on blood thinners until my chemo treatments were complete so that I would not get anymore clots. On Friday I saw a Physicians Assistant who prescribed me Heparin (blood thinner) and proceeded to tell me that I would have to give myself a shot each day for the next 5-6 weeks until my chemo treatments come to an end. The assistant gave me a 5 minute demonstration on how to give myself the shot. Really, I have to give myself a shot! I was thinking, I could do that as my Mom has to give herself shots for her diabetes each day – so if she can do it then I surely could. They sent me on my way to the pharmacy and I received a 30 day supply at the cost of $749.99!! Ouch - evidently Mayo Clinic employee insurance doesn't cover this very well and the kicker is that I have to go back to get more. If I get through this for under a grand, I will be surprised. Don says don’t worry about the money…its well worth it. I then recognized that I have to agree!! The alternative is not an option.
My first shot was last night and the funny thing is I stood there for about a minute, maybe longer, with the needle about an eighth of inch from my skin, not able to give myself the injection. I then thought of my mom and that was all it took. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, thanks Mom for being my inspiration!!
Another chemo treatment is scheduled for this coming Monday if my blood work is ok. Then after that only two more treatments!! I'm getting there slowly but surely!
Keep the prayers a coming!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
June 3, 2012 - Boat ride on Mississippi
June 3rd - Don's brother Doug and sister in law Lisa and son Tom asked us to come on a leisurely cruise on their cabin cruiser down the mighty Mississippi. Don’s parents and brother Dennis joined us as we went from Red Wing, south to almost Lake City. It was a very relaxing time with great conversations. We saw, I think 22 eagles, a lot of debris on the river as the waters just happen to be cresting that day, regardless of that our Captain – Doug did a fine job navigating the tree stumps floating on the river. After the leisurely ride we meet in downtown Red Wing at Liberty’s for a bite to eat.
Days like this mean a lot to me – getting together as family and spending time together is very invaluable.
Days like this mean a lot to me – getting together as family and spending time together is very invaluable.
"The family is one of nature's masterpieces."
-- George Santayana
-- George Santayana
Thursday, May 31, 2012
May 31, 2012 - A/C chemo treatment started on Wednesday
May 31st - On Wednesday I meet with Dr. Moynihan to review my test results. He said my heart was strong from the findings of the echocardiogram that was done last Friday. The blood work looked Ok for the new round of chemo to start and the results for the Breast MRI showed significant dimishment in the size of the tumor. Dr. Tim said the tumor appeared to have reduced by more than 50%. This is great news!! It means that the chemo drugs were doing what they were supposed to be doing and more!! He showed Don and me the scans from my first MRI back in January to the one that was done on Tuesday and it was a significant change. Thank God for small victories!! And thank you all for all the prayers...keep'em flowing as I’m not through yet!!
The second round of chemo (A/C chemo) started that afternoon.
If you are at all interested the A/C stands for this:
A = Adriamycin and C = Cyclophosphamide (CTX, Cytosan or Neosar).
Big words, I know and they come with some of the same side effects as the first chemo drugs. Hair loss (well I've lost most of that), nausea, vomiting, decreased white blood and platelet counts, mouth sores, poor appetite and metallic taste in mouth, to name a few.
To start they gave me a half a dozen of various pill. Then they started with the new chemo drugs. The “A” chemo drug comes in two huge syringes and the drug is red in color. Kind of scary in a way and I had to asked myself – what kind of poison is this. The color red to me was always the color of danger but I guess it’s also a “power” color. So I have go with the power thing, that the drug will have the power to kill that darn tumor – have to think positive!! They injected that into my IV which takes about 10-15 minutes. After that they hooked up the “C” chemo drug to my IV which is just a clear fluid. This takes about 30-40 minutes to drip in. It was a lot more “new” information but the good thing is that I only have to go back every two weeks for a total of 4 treatments. At that point they will do another Breast MRI to see if the A/C drugs have reduced the size of the tumor any more. Then we are talking surgery and then 5 weeks of radiation following the surgery. That is the long range plan unless something changes along the way but I will keep you posted.
For now that is all I know and these little eyes are getting sleepy! Don says to say "Hi" so Hi to all !!
Have a good rest of the week and I’ll talk with you soon.
Prayer is the voice of faith.
~William Van Horne
The second round of chemo (A/C chemo) started that afternoon.
If you are at all interested the A/C stands for this:
A = Adriamycin and C = Cyclophosphamide (CTX, Cytosan or Neosar).
Big words, I know and they come with some of the same side effects as the first chemo drugs. Hair loss (well I've lost most of that), nausea, vomiting, decreased white blood and platelet counts, mouth sores, poor appetite and metallic taste in mouth, to name a few.
To start they gave me a half a dozen of various pill. Then they started with the new chemo drugs. The “A” chemo drug comes in two huge syringes and the drug is red in color. Kind of scary in a way and I had to asked myself – what kind of poison is this. The color red to me was always the color of danger but I guess it’s also a “power” color. So I have go with the power thing, that the drug will have the power to kill that darn tumor – have to think positive!! They injected that into my IV which takes about 10-15 minutes. After that they hooked up the “C” chemo drug to my IV which is just a clear fluid. This takes about 30-40 minutes to drip in. It was a lot more “new” information but the good thing is that I only have to go back every two weeks for a total of 4 treatments. At that point they will do another Breast MRI to see if the A/C drugs have reduced the size of the tumor any more. Then we are talking surgery and then 5 weeks of radiation following the surgery. That is the long range plan unless something changes along the way but I will keep you posted.
For now that is all I know and these little eyes are getting sleepy! Don says to say "Hi" so Hi to all !!
Have a good rest of the week and I’ll talk with you soon.
Prayer is the voice of faith.
~William Van Horne
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012 - what's been going on?
May 23rd - I'd first like to say Happy Birthday to my brother Larry (birthday was Tuesday) and Happy Birthday on Thursday to my Mom. She will be 85 years old and going strong!!! Love you both!!
Since I'm on somewhat of a small break until this Friday when my tests start happening, Don and I managed to get some much needed time away for a few days over last weekend. We drove down around Chicago and then up the western side of Michiagn to our ultimate destination of Mackinaw City, MI. One day we went out to Mackinac Island. Its so beautiful out there...if your not familiar with Mackinac Island, they have no cars on the island...they do everything by horse and buggy or on bicycle. For the most part it is very peaceful out there. It's almost idyllic. We spent a lot of time relaxing, enjoying the great weather and of course each other. As I said earlier, it was much needed time away to be with each other and re-energize before I start this new round of chemo next week. Thanks honey for a great time!
Tuesday, we decided to go visit Ben (and Bill and Cathy, of course)...we hadn't had our Ben fix for a while so we gathered up Don's Mom and made the trek over to North Mankato. Ben is growing like a weed. He is sitting up, with a little assistance. Recognizing you and "talking" to you, smiling and cooing. He is so precious. Love him to pieces. He will be 10 weeks old already this coming saturday. Hopefully they will be able to come home for a couple days over Memorial Day weekend.
Tests start on Friday and resume on Tuesday after Memorial Day. See Dr. Moynihan on Wednesday to get my results and start A/C chemo that afternoon. Should be an interesting few days...wish me luck and say a prayer for me!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Be safe!
Since I'm on somewhat of a small break until this Friday when my tests start happening, Don and I managed to get some much needed time away for a few days over last weekend. We drove down around Chicago and then up the western side of Michiagn to our ultimate destination of Mackinaw City, MI. One day we went out to Mackinac Island. Its so beautiful out there...if your not familiar with Mackinac Island, they have no cars on the island...they do everything by horse and buggy or on bicycle. For the most part it is very peaceful out there. It's almost idyllic. We spent a lot of time relaxing, enjoying the great weather and of course each other. As I said earlier, it was much needed time away to be with each other and re-energize before I start this new round of chemo next week. Thanks honey for a great time!
Tuesday, we decided to go visit Ben (and Bill and Cathy, of course)...we hadn't had our Ben fix for a while so we gathered up Don's Mom and made the trek over to North Mankato. Ben is growing like a weed. He is sitting up, with a little assistance. Recognizing you and "talking" to you, smiling and cooing. He is so precious. Love him to pieces. He will be 10 weeks old already this coming saturday. Hopefully they will be able to come home for a couple days over Memorial Day weekend.
Tests start on Friday and resume on Tuesday after Memorial Day. See Dr. Moynihan on Wednesday to get my results and start A/C chemo that afternoon. Should be an interesting few days...wish me luck and say a prayer for me!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Be safe!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
May 15,2012 - taxal treatments are done!!!!
May 15th - first I have to say Happy Birthday to my hubby. His birthday is today May 15th!! Love you!
Yesteray was the last of the Taxal chemo GIANT step checked off the list of care. Yippie!!!!! Now I have a small break to get my blood levels somewhat stable before I start the A/C chemo treatments. In the midst of the break I have a few tests such as en echocardiogram, MRI and blood work. Hopefully they will show that the tumor is getting smaller. The A/C chemo is supposed to make you more tired then Taxal and the other study drugs. So I'll have to wait and see how that all works out for me.
Not sure why I'm up at 11:30 pm but just couldn't sleep so thought I'd post my note on my progress. Some nights you just never know what time you'll wake up and can't get back to sleep. For me just laying there...I can't get back to sleep so I have to get up have a few saltines and maybe a yogurt to sooth the tummy. Plus get a few things off my mind either by writing on my blog or making a list of things to do or to not forget. You'd think I wouldn't have that much to think about or do but for some reason the mind just doesn't stop. My days and weeks fly by, maybe it's the tiredness that does it, as I rest/sleep/nap most days. Can't get enough rest!!
Yesteray was the last of the Taxal chemo GIANT step checked off the list of care. Yippie!!!!! Now I have a small break to get my blood levels somewhat stable before I start the A/C chemo treatments. In the midst of the break I have a few tests such as en echocardiogram, MRI and blood work. Hopefully they will show that the tumor is getting smaller. The A/C chemo is supposed to make you more tired then Taxal and the other study drugs. So I'll have to wait and see how that all works out for me.
Not sure why I'm up at 11:30 pm but just couldn't sleep so thought I'd post my note on my progress. Some nights you just never know what time you'll wake up and can't get back to sleep. For me just laying there...I can't get back to sleep so I have to get up have a few saltines and maybe a yogurt to sooth the tummy. Plus get a few things off my mind either by writing on my blog or making a list of things to do or to not forget. You'd think I wouldn't have that much to think about or do but for some reason the mind just doesn't stop. My days and weeks fly by, maybe it's the tiredness that does it, as I rest/sleep/nap most days. Can't get enough rest!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
May 10, 2012 - 11th Chemo Treatment
May 10th - well, as I said in my earlier post I was a bit anxious to see if I would be getting treatment on Monday due to my rough week last week but I guess the worry was for not. The 11th chemo treatment was a go and my bloods and liver functions were mostly in range! I am still getting my Neupogen shots every day this week though to ensure that my 12th Taxel chemo treatment goes as planned this coming Monday. If all goes well I will be totally done with the Taxel chemo treatments!! Yippee!!
I then have tests (echocardiogram, MRI and bloods) prior to the A/C chemo starting and those will happen prior to the first A/C treatment on May 30th. Again I will have 4 treatments one every other week.
It proved to be a beautiful day and I spent some time out in it!
Having supper with a high school girlfriend tonight - should be fun!!
I then have tests (echocardiogram, MRI and bloods) prior to the A/C chemo starting and those will happen prior to the first A/C treatment on May 30th. Again I will have 4 treatments one every other week.
It proved to be a beautiful day and I spent some time out in it!
Having supper with a high school girlfriend tonight - should be fun!!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
May 6, 2012 - What happened this week?
May 6th - This week proved to be a challenging one. The Carboplatin sure did a number on me. By late Tuesday I could tell that I was getting more tired as the week progressed, more than normal. Wednesday, I barely made it into Mayo to get my Neupogen shot and by the time I got home I crashed on the couch with absolutely NO energy...I think I fell asleep until 1:30pm. I had no energy and really no appetite. I had a very heavy metallic taste in my mouth so food did not sound good at all. I did manage to get down a half of a turkey sandwich and some crackers with peanut butter to provide some nourishment and energy but it really didn't help. Laid on the couch all day until bedtime. Don came home from work and cooked me some butter noodles which was very kind of him. Thursday, the morning was slightly better and the day got better as it progressed. I made it into Mayo for my shot. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I was feeling my normal tiredness. Let's hope my blood counts are OK for tomorrows treatment.
Have a great week all!
Have a great week all!
Monday, April 30, 2012
April 30,2012 - 10th chemo treatment
April 30th -Waiting with my hubby on Gonda W10 to see if I "pass" my blood work test to be able to have treatment today. More to come.
Well, here is the verdict - Chemo was a go today!! Yessss!!
Hemoglobin 9.6 (12-15.5) lower than 4/16, Leukocytes 6.0 (3.5-10.5) higher than 4/16 but within range, Neutrophiles 3.5 (1.70-7.00) higher than 04/16 but within range, ALT (liver function) 89 (7-45) lower than 04/16 out of range but still a grade 1 which is ok to do ahead with treatment. With these counts I was still able to have treatment. At least they were better than last week so thank you all for your continued prayers! The Power of Prayer...isn't it Wonderful!!
I will do the wait and see approach on how the Carboplatin plays a role on me this week. This chemo drug is a tough one but it's the last one of this drug!!! I'm also through with taking the study drug - ABT888 which is a pill form, as of today. I'm scheduled to have another MRI prior to starting the A/C chemo drug. This will be after, hopefully, two more Taxel treatments that were missed early on. This will be scheduled around May 25th.
I'm getting there but I'm not going to lie....It's a long, tiring and at times painful journey!
"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again" ~ Alex Tan
Sunday, April 29, 2012
April 29,2012 - 9th Chemo Tx-Weekly Update
April 29th - I was able to receive my 9th chemo tx last Monday with blood counts waivering on the low end but I'm thankful that I was able to move forward on my chemo journey. This week proved to be very tiring for me with very low energy. I will be finishing the study part of my chemo on Monday so that will be out of the way....Amen!! Since I missed two previous Taxel treatments due to low counts I have to 'make them up'. This coming Monday I receive the final Carboplatin chemo (study chemo) along with Taxel. The Carboplatin, historically, has been the chemo that causes me to not have treatment the next week as it's very rough on me....let's hope that is not the case this time! We meet with Dr. Moynihan last Monday and he said that once I'm done with the Taxel chemo (3 more treatments), the A/C chemo will start. This is given once every other week for 4 treatments and he indicated that this will make be even more tired. I'm not sure how that will be possible but it sure DOES NOT sound fun! Anyways, let's take one day at a time and hope and pray that I can receive my treatment on Monday!
My son Bill was away this week again at training in St. Paul so Cathy, Ben and dogs stayed with us from Tuesday to Thursday. During this time we went and visited my mom, Ben's great grandmother in Hayfield. She was delighted to see her 5th great grandchild for the first time. He was 6 weeks old as of yesterday and he's growing like a weed!
My son Bill was away this week again at training in St. Paul so Cathy, Ben and dogs stayed with us from Tuesday to Thursday. During this time we went and visited my mom, Ben's great grandmother in Hayfield. She was delighted to see her 5th great grandchild for the first time. He was 6 weeks old as of yesterday and he's growing like a weed!
Great Grandmother Martha and Benjamin |
Thursday, April 19, 2012
April 19, 2012 - 8th chemo tx and Ben is here to visit!
April 19th - Monday I was able to receive my 8th chemo treatment just by the hair of my chinny chin chin...actually no, I don't have any hair, not even on my chin but you get the point!
Here are some of my blood count results from Monday:
My Hemoglobin was low 9.8 (normal range 12-15.5), Leukocytes 2.9 (3.5-10.5), Neutrophils 1.26 (1.70-7.00) and one of my liver functions, the ALT was 98 (7-45) this is still elevated but has come down from 142 - two weeks ago. I was considered to be in a grade 1 for receiving treatment and most times can still proceed if levels are in the grade 1 category which was the case this past Monday. I've had to continue the Neupogen shots this week to get my white blood counts back up for this coming Monday so that I can receive treatment. Please say a prayer for me that my counts stay within range or grade 1 range for treatment to continue. Let's get this over with already!!
On Tuesday, my daughter-in-law, Cathy, Ben and her two dogs made the trek from their home in North Mankato to spend a few days with us while Bill is attending a training class all week inSt. Paul . We thoroughly enjoy them being here. Ben has grown so much even from a week ago that I saw him. He is just starting to coo and looks at you so intently; I think he's trying to figure out who you are.
Here are some of my blood count results from Monday:
My Hemoglobin was low 9.8 (normal range 12-15.5), Leukocytes 2.9 (3.5-10.5), Neutrophils 1.26 (1.70-7.00) and one of my liver functions, the ALT was 98 (7-45) this is still elevated but has come down from 142 - two weeks ago. I was considered to be in a grade 1 for receiving treatment and most times can still proceed if levels are in the grade 1 category which was the case this past Monday. I've had to continue the Neupogen shots this week to get my white blood counts back up for this coming Monday so that I can receive treatment. Please say a prayer for me that my counts stay within range or grade 1 range for treatment to continue. Let's get this over with already!!
On Tuesday, my daughter-in-law, Cathy, Ben and her two dogs made the trek from their home in North Mankato to spend a few days with us while Bill is attending a training class all week in
Ben sleeping in his car seat - look at those chubby cheeks! |
Sunday, April 15, 2012
April 15, 2012 - Visit from sister Sharon
April 15th - On Friday my sister, Sharon, from Kimberly, WI came to visit. I have not seen her since I've been diagnosed, talked with her several times but had not had the opportunity to see her. After a nice visit we then went to Newt's North for lunch were we shared their signature hamburgers such as the one with a fried egg on it and the other one with peanut butter on it...yum, yum!!
We then decided to go visit my mom who lives in the assisted living at the nursing home in Hayfield.
Here is a photo of my niece, Emma, my Mom and my sister, Sharon. Isn't family great!!
We then decided to go visit my mom who lives in the assisted living at the nursing home in Hayfield.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012 - No Neupogen shots and Flowers!
April 12th - Well, along with not have chemo treatments on Monday, I was told at my appointment to get my shot on Tuesday (after waiting 45 minutes), that I would not be having any Neupogen shots this week. I told the nurse that if my white blood counts were low on Monday I was going to blame her. I realize now that I was kind of harsh, as she really has no control of my MY white blood counts, in fact during chemo, neither do I! They just do whatever they want to do and it's annoying! So it's been a weird and interesting week! I think that all of this happening was more an emotional /mental thing for me as I want these chemo treatments to be done, not linger on and on and on.
Having said that, on Tuesday my wonderful hubby knew that I was not taking all this news well so he brought my home a beautiful bouquet of flowers to brighten my day...this was just the thing to take the edge off my "bad mood". He is so kind and thoughtful...I love you dear!
Having said that, on Tuesday my wonderful hubby knew that I was not taking all this news well so he brought my home a beautiful bouquet of flowers to brighten my day...this was just the thing to take the edge off my "bad mood". He is so kind and thoughtful...I love you dear!
Monday, April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012 - Let's just say GRRRRRRRRR
April 9th - Well, today would have been my 8th chemo treatment but as I just stated would have been. should have been, could have been...
My white blood counts proved to be 'ok' which is good but now it is my liver functions that are causing the problem, they are to high. We believe it is because of the trial drug Carboplatin that is given with every 4th treatment. Remember about 3-4 weeks ago I couldn't have treatment then either...well that was the week after my 2nd Carboplatin treatment. I'm scheduled to have one more closer to my 12th treatment.
This sure does I am 2 weeks behind on my Taxel chemo treatments which means it just prolongs this whole darn journey, not that the journey wasn't long enough in the first place. As you can tell this really ticks me off. But as my voice of reason - Marie- says, they do not want to give you treatment if your levels are to high as it would make me either more sicker, tired, fatigued plus who know's what else. Also my hemoglobin is on the low end - 9.7 (normal 12-15.5), the study coordinator says that if that gets much lower or I start getting light headed or I start see stars, that I might have to have a blood transfusion. Plus I started getting numbness/tingling in my left toes - also a symptom of the chemo.
Will the fun ever end?!?!?!?
What can I say...other than (and I've said it before) CANCER STINKS!!
People - PLEASE take care of yourselves the best you can so that you don't end up like me!!
My white blood counts proved to be 'ok' which is good but now it is my liver functions that are causing the problem, they are to high. We believe it is because of the trial drug Carboplatin that is given with every 4th treatment. Remember about 3-4 weeks ago I couldn't have treatment then either...well that was the week after my 2nd Carboplatin treatment. I'm scheduled to have one more closer to my 12th treatment.
This sure does I am 2 weeks behind on my Taxel chemo treatments which means it just prolongs this whole darn journey, not that the journey wasn't long enough in the first place. As you can tell this really ticks me off. But as my voice of reason - Marie- says, they do not want to give you treatment if your levels are to high as it would make me either more sicker, tired, fatigued plus who know's what else. Also my hemoglobin is on the low end - 9.7 (normal 12-15.5), the study coordinator says that if that gets much lower or I start getting light headed or I start see stars, that I might have to have a blood transfusion. Plus I started getting numbness/tingling in my left toes - also a symptom of the chemo.
Will the fun ever end?!?!?!?
What can I say...other than (and I've said it before) CANCER STINKS!!
People - PLEASE take care of yourselves the best you can so that you don't end up like me!!
April 8, 2012 - Easter and weekly update
April 8th - Don's brother, Dennis and his son Josh were back from Menasha, WI and we all were invited to Don's parents for Easter lunch. Don's aunt and uncle and his cousin and family from Iowa, and his other brother, Doug and nephew, Tom from Rochester were present. Bill, Cathy and Ben made the trip over from Mankato along with Marie, Justin and Don and I. We had a fun time as many of them had not yet had the chance to see Ben.
This was Ben's official 1st Easter and got an Easter basket to boot! He was for sure the life of the party!
As far as my week - well it was rough. I had the Carboplatin chemo on April 2 and have found that is doesn't not agree with me well. Had stomachaches and a heavy metalic taste in my mouth all week. We will see how my counts are in the morning.
This was Ben's official 1st Easter and got an Easter basket to boot! He was for sure the life of the party!
As far as my week - well it was rough. I had the Carboplatin chemo on April 2 and have found that is doesn't not agree with me well. Had stomachaches and a heavy metalic taste in my mouth all week. We will see how my counts are in the morning.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April 3, 2012 - 7th Chemo treatment & one small victory!!
April 3rd - Monday I finished the 7th chemo treatment and as of today I have 5 more weeks of the chemo drug Taxel (that is if my blood levels stay up so that I can have treatments) and then 4 treatments of the A/C chemo drug which is one treatment every two weeks for 4 treatments so roughly two more months of chemo there. In total this will bring me to the end of June before chemo is done. After that I may have a small break before I actually have the mastectomy & reconstruction surgery, then another small break before the 5-6 weeks of radiation treatments every work day. I guess I don't know what all of this will bring or be like for me so I'm just trying to take 'one day at a time', that's the best I can do at this point.
I do have one small (but big) victory that I have to mention following my visit with Dr. Moynihan on Monday. He measured the tumor and it has actually, for the first time, decreased in size! Also one of my lymph nodes have decrease in size by half and one was not visible any longer - per the MRI that I had on 03/05/2012. This means that something is working! A lot more pain and struggling to get to the end of my journey but it will all pay off in the end! Its a journey that I never thought in a million years that I would be taking but here I am trying to stay as strong as possible willing to go the extra mile to beat this thing. Having cancer is not only a tiring and long process but an emotional one, something that I knew would happen but did not know the extent that it would play on me. Maybe that is why they say that after all of this you will be a changed person, I know that I am already. Life is precious!
I'm continuing to have the Neupogen shots all the rest of this week to keep my blood levels up so I have to make the trek to Gonda 10 each day.
Bill, Cathy and baby Benjamin are coming home on Sunday for Easter. Their first 'long' journey with Ben in tow since he was born. He will be 3 weeks old on Saturday. Don's aunt and uncle and cousin and family from Iowa will be here so they will get to see Ben for the first time also.
Lunch at Great Grandma Gerhart's house!! Yum-yum!!
Have a great rest of the week!
I do have one small (but big) victory that I have to mention following my visit with Dr. Moynihan on Monday. He measured the tumor and it has actually, for the first time, decreased in size! Also one of my lymph nodes have decrease in size by half and one was not visible any longer - per the MRI that I had on 03/05/2012. This means that something is working! A lot more pain and struggling to get to the end of my journey but it will all pay off in the end! Its a journey that I never thought in a million years that I would be taking but here I am trying to stay as strong as possible willing to go the extra mile to beat this thing. Having cancer is not only a tiring and long process but an emotional one, something that I knew would happen but did not know the extent that it would play on me. Maybe that is why they say that after all of this you will be a changed person, I know that I am already. Life is precious!
I'm continuing to have the Neupogen shots all the rest of this week to keep my blood levels up so I have to make the trek to Gonda 10 each day.
Bill, Cathy and baby Benjamin are coming home on Sunday for Easter. Their first 'long' journey with Ben in tow since he was born. He will be 3 weeks old on Saturday. Don's aunt and uncle and cousin and family from Iowa will be here so they will get to see Ben for the first time also.
Lunch at Great Grandma Gerhart's house!! Yum-yum!!
Have a great rest of the week!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012 - 6th Chemo and Weekly Update
March 28th - Monday's chemo went as planned even though some of my counts were on the lower end even with the Neupogen shots that are to boost my white blood counts. I am continuing to come into the clinic each day this week to get my shot. Along with all of that due to me having chemo it also puts me into menopause so I am so lucky to have those side effects too...awesome huh! Each night regardless of the temperature, the bedspread and sheets come off...HOT FLASH...all night long!
Yesterday, Don's brother Dennis was in town as he had a 5+hour interview at Mayo Clinic. We sure do wish he could be closer to family. Good luck Dennis.
Today, Marie brought home the most wonderful basket, plump-full of goodies from my friends in the ESC and Payroll. I was truly overcome with emotion with all the generous and thoughtful gifts that were given to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much again for this kind gesture, you are all awesome and I am again very humbled with your thoughtfulness.
Yesterday, Don's brother Dennis was in town as he had a 5+hour interview at Mayo Clinic. We sure do wish he could be closer to family. Good luck Dennis.
Today, Marie brought home the most wonderful basket, plump-full of goodies from my friends in the ESC and Payroll. I was truly overcome with emotion with all the generous and thoughtful gifts that were given to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much again for this kind gesture, you are all awesome and I am again very humbled with your thoughtfulness.
"I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom."
~ Unknown Thursday, March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012 - 5th chemo treatment
March 22nd - The blood tests on Monday were good enough for me to have the chemo treatment. They are watching my liver functions now as they are on the lower end of the scale. I've had to come in for the Neupogen shots each day this week to keep my white blook counts up for this coming Monday's treatment. On Monday, the chemo nurse offered to slow down the IV on the Benedrayl because she said that sometimes causes the restless legs that I've been having. Well it did the trick - hope someone would have offered that sooner! Next week I will definately have to ask for that again. The week thus far has been good although late Wednesday and Thursday I've felt very sluggish and very tired. Not much energy.
Wednesday afternoon, Don, Marie and I went over to Bill and Cathy's to see Baby Ben. He has grown and filled out even since Saturday when he was born. Not that I'm partial but he is the most handsomest little boy ever! Love you little Ben!
Wednesday afternoon, Don, Marie and I went over to Bill and Cathy's to see Baby Ben. He has grown and filled out even since Saturday when he was born. Not that I'm partial but he is the most handsomest little boy ever! Love you little Ben!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
March 18, 2012 - Baby Benjamin is HERE!!
March 18th - We are so very blessed to welcome a healthy Benjamin William Gerhart into the world Saturday, March 17th at 2:18pm. Yes, a St. Patrick's Day baby and WE are so very Lucky!! He was 7lbs 13oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. He has dark hair and big blue eyes. Mom is going well; she was such a trooper during the whole labor and delivery. Great job Mom! Dad was right there helping in anyway he could. Dad even got to change the first diaper (of course, one of many more to come!).
Ben coming into the world only solidifies for me that I have to be here to guide him (as a grandparent) through his journey through life so I have to beat this horrible disease called cancer. This brings a greater importance for my recovery which is and always will be going forward my number one priority. Ben will need his Grandma here to spoil him, of course!
Here is Benjamin William Gerhart (aka Ben).
Welcome to the world Ben! We love you so much already!
Ben coming into the world only solidifies for me that I have to be here to guide him (as a grandparent) through his journey through life so I have to beat this horrible disease called cancer. This brings a greater importance for my recovery which is and always will be going forward my number one priority. Ben will need his Grandma here to spoil him, of course!
Here is Benjamin William Gerhart (aka Ben).
Little Ben |
Aunt Marie, Bill and Ben |
Ben and Grandma Kathy share the same love for beanie hats!! |
Grandpa Don and Baby Ben |
Ben - only an hour old. |
Ben with Auntie Marie, already sucking on his hand! |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012 - This is what friends are for!
March 14th - Some of you may know a family friend of ours, Jaime Prondzinski. He had emailed Don last Monday (03/05/2012) while we were at chemo tx and asked Don what he could do for me - maybe flowers, etc. I said that I really didn't need flowers although he could cut his hair for me which I knew might strike a cord with him.
Just some background on Jaime, he has shoulder length hair and a full bread and has had this look for quite some time (as you will see in a photo below). We've joked with him over the years that he should cut his hair like he had it when he first started at Mayo back in 1998. Then he was a young, clean shaven man but throughout the years has decided that shoulder length hair was the way to go, for whatever reason.
Anyways, Don emailed him back my suggestion about the haircut and we did not hear anything back from him for about a week, which to me was probably a sign that he was not going to go through with it which I was ok with. Someone’s hair preference is a personal thing and like me, even though mine was falling out, the decision to shave what was remaining was not an easy one so to ask him to do this for me was quite bold and I knew that.
Just some background on Jaime, he has shoulder length hair and a full bread and has had this look for quite some time (as you will see in a photo below). We've joked with him over the years that he should cut his hair like he had it when he first started at Mayo back in 1998. Then he was a young, clean shaven man but throughout the years has decided that shoulder length hair was the way to go, for whatever reason.
Anyways, Don emailed him back my suggestion about the haircut and we did not hear anything back from him for about a week, which to me was probably a sign that he was not going to go through with it which I was ok with. Someone’s hair preference is a personal thing and like me, even though mine was falling out, the decision to shave what was remaining was not an easy one so to ask him to do this for me was quite bold and I knew that.
Well, suddenly Tuesday (3/13/2012) Jaime emails me and wants to know if I’m ready to shave his head that night. I told him that I don’t want him to do anything that he didn’t want to do…in regards to his hair. I know that it was really hard for me to do and I don’t want him to hate me the rest of my life because of it. Well, in good old Jaime fashion I receive the following response – “I REALLY don't want to do it :) but I'm going to do it (or rather you're going to do it :) ) because you're having to experience things you don't want to experience and I don't want you to have to experience those things alone. This will be an experience we can share. So you're going to take some enjoyment in my suffering and I already hate you so this won't make it any worse :)”. I wouldn’t have expected anything less than this type of response from him…gotta Love him!!
Here is what transpired Tuesday evening...
This is Jaime prior to shaving his head and yes, I said to him again that he didn't have to do this but he was bound and determined to do this for me….what a special friend!! This will be something that I will never forget and he has touched my heart forever!
The following are photos during the 'process'.
As you can see there is some fright in his eyes... |
What the Hell did I do???? |
BFF - Baldy Friend Forever! |
Me, donning my new wig and Jaime, clean shaven! |
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