New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 17, 2012 - Appointment at Kasson Clinic

January 17th, I had to be at the Kasson clinic at 11:00am.  At this point I had not said anything to anyone about what was going on, not even Don, my kids nor anyone from work.  I really didn't think it would amount to anything so why have them worry about nothing. 
When I meet Heather Carrico , NP, she was very personable and was easy to talk to.  She examined me and I saw a slight concern in her face as the lump was large and was not hard to find.  She scheduled a mammogram and ultrasound for me that afternoon.  I kinda felt bad for her having to see someone for the first time and have to deal with all of this.
I traveled back to work and went to my appointment at Gonda 2 that afternoon.  Now if anyone with my sized breasts has ever had a mammogram, it is not the most enjoyable thing to have done...important of course, but not enjoyable!  They flatten them to pancake size!  Anyways...after the mammograms, they did the ultrasound of my right breast.  You know something is not right when you see concern on the techs faces.  Maybe they didn't mean to but that was my perception. 
After the ultrasound I was asked if they could preform a somewhat new test called Molecular Breast Imaging test.  It is a  nuclear medicine test that is done for women that have dense breast tissue which I am so blessed to have (right here I am being sarcastic!).  This was scheduled for the following day. 

That evening I told Don what was going on and that additional tests had been scheduled but that I was not really aware of the diagnosis yet.

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