New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 18, & 19, 2012 - MBI test, telling my kids & spa day

January 18th I went back to Gonda 2 for the MBI test.  The MBI test was somewhat similar to a mammogram but not to the same extent of discomfort.  A few follow up mammograms followed this test.  The test was done within an hour and I went about my day.

Later this day, Heather Carrico called me to see how I was doing and wanted to know what I knew.  I told her that I really didn't know anything.  She said that she had the results back from the ultrasound and MBI test and that they both came back with suspicious for malignancy and that a biopsy of the lump and subsequent lymph nodes was scheduled for the following day. 

Initially I was taken aback with the words that I was hearing.  Was I hearing her correctly?  Was this moving in a direction that any women would fear?   I was totally stunned.  I think at that point I really quit listening although I knew that I had to tell my family.  Not an easy thing to do.  One thing that I do remember hearing is Heather saying that this is very treatable.

I called my husband at work to let him know what I had learned.  Upon his return  home and after an emotional breakdown with my husband, I had to tell Marie and Bill what was going on.  Lets just say - difficult at best and alot of tears were shed this day.  As the saying goes - your life can change in the blink of an eye.  I wish I would never have blinked.

January 19th - Marie was so nice to offer a day at the spa for her and I.  She scheduled us to one hour massages and pedicures....relaxing, to say the least!  Thank you so much Marie - this is exactly what I needed at that point in my life!  You are definately a gift from God!

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