New Me!

New Me!

Friday, January 27, 2012

January 25, 2012 - Another Test Day

January 25
10:00am - scheduled for 2nd biopsy that would be send to the USF (University of San Fransisco) for analysis
12:30pm - scheduled for blood work and urine test to also be send along with my MRI results to USF

After all of my appointments I went up to W10 Breast Clinic to sign a form allowing Don and the kids the ability to call in and ask about my appointments and my results, etc.  While I was up there I noticed a small room which had information and pamphlets on breast cancer.  As I was looking around an older women and another women roughly my age walked in.  Come to find out they were Pink Ribbon volunteers that assisted breast cancer patients with support and information.  An awesome role these women play in the care of breast cancer patients.

I meet a wonderful women that day in that small room by the name of Linda Miller.  She was so caring and supportive to me (being the breast cancer newbie that I was) and she offered many good thoughts/ideas and when I left I felt that I had known her forever.  There are not many people in my life that have that kind of impact on me and I will never forget the moment.   She told me that I was on journey, not an easy journey, but she was more than confident that everything would be ok.  She told me that I had a lot of things to think about over the next days, weeks, months but to remember to take one day at a time. 

From this point on  - I'm taking one day at a time!

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