New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 24, 2012 - Test Day

6:00a.m. PET scan
9:10a.m. Blood work
Following both of those tests we were to report to see Dr. Moynihan on W10 Gonda
3:15 MRI of the breast

Don and Marie joined me during my appointment with Dr. Moynihan, which I am so thankful they were there as it is always good to have extra sets of ears.  Dr. Tim (as he is called in my husband's bicycling world) said that the biopsy came back with infiltrating ductal carcinoma with lymph node involvement.  He went over, high level, the treatments such as chemo, surgery and radiation therapy.  Since I had several tests done that morning and the results weren't quite back yet he was not able to tell me which stage I'm in.

Further into the appointment the results from the PET scan came back and he asked me if I wanted to see the results which of course I did.  The PET scan showed that the cancer was in the right breast and right lymph nodes & had not spread to other organs in my body!!  Woot, woot ( small victory!  I got to take what I can!)!!! 

He asked if I would be willing to join a clinical trial whereas instead of getting the Standard of Care (SOC) that most cancer patients get for chemo treatments, this trial is more specialized to the patient in regards to the chemo part of the treatment.  They said that I would have to have another biopsy and blood work so that they could send to the University of San Fransisco for analysis.  I would hear back those results by February 8th and likely start my chemo treatments that week. 

I asked him about exercising and he said definately Yes - to keep exercising now and even into my treatments, if I felt I could.  Here I come Healthy Living Center (DAHLC)!!

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