New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012 - Weeks happenings!

March 11th - Sorry  haven't written on the blog for almost a week but I was struggling with very low energy this past week.  I believe it was coupled with not sleeping very well at night and was just getting really behind on the Z's.  About Thursday, I decided that I should sleep in until about 9:00am and then also took a 2 hour nap after lunch.  Then slept well that evening.  I just need to learn that if the evening doesn't go well I need to take more rest times during the day.  Live and learn!

I talked a little bit about the hair becoming very thin, well I couldn't take it anymore.  The hair was literally falling out with every move so on Thursday after Don and Marie got home from work I decided that enough was enough...the shaver came out and well, you know the rest. 
I am now as clean shaven as my hubby and my son-in-law, Justin!
Here is before the shaving....

Here is after...I don't even know what to say other than I will probably not go with the style once I'm through with all this chemo!  I am not a pretty bald headed women!!

The weirdest thing happened while this was all taking place, Marie's dog, Indy, was bound and determined that he needed to be by me, I mean by me as on my lap by me, while this was all taking place.  He must have sensed that this was not a normal thing to be happening and that I was a little uneasy with it all.  He keeping looking at me and licking me...dogs have that weird sense about them when things like that are happening.  He's a good dog!  Both, Indy and Captain have brought me a lot of comfort during my days at home.

The rest of the week and weekend where quiet.  Don's brother, Dennis, visited us from Menasha, WI.  It was good to talk with him about my journey and he always is concerned and interested in how things are going for me.  Thanks for coming Dennis, it was good to see you!

 Chemo treatment again tomorrow morning....#5!


  1. You know what they you get older you start looking like your spouse!!!!! CHEERS! Get Well!!!! Tom

  2. You look Beautiful!!!

  3. You never looked prettier Kathy!
