New Me!

New Me!

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012 - No Chemo today

March 12th - Today was supposed to be the 5th chemo tx day but sometimes the best laid plans don't happen.
Let me explain...we went in early (7:15a.m.) to first get a blood draw before the chemo appointment.  After about an hour and a half the study coordinator told me that my blood work had come back and several of the levels were on the low end.  She needed to get in touch with Dr. Tim to see if they could proceed with chemo tx or not.  Well, shortly after she came back and shared that they were not going to do the chemo today and that I would have to get the Neupogen shots again this week.  This will hopefully get the counts back up where they need to be so chemo can be given next Monday.  Hopefully this is just a minor setback and we can get back on track next Monday!

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