New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012 - This is what friends are for!

March 14th - Some of you may know a family friend of ours, Jaime Prondzinski.  He had emailed Don last Monday (03/05/2012) while we were at chemo tx and asked Don what he could do for me - maybe flowers, etc.  I said that I really didn't need flowers although he could cut his hair for me which I knew might strike a cord with him.
Just some background on Jaime, he has shoulder length hair and a full bread and has had this look for quite some time (as you will see in a photo below).  We've joked with him over the years that he should cut his hair like he had it when he first started at Mayo back in 1998.  Then he was a young, clean shaven man but throughout the years has decided that shoulder length hair was the way to go, for whatever reason. 
Anyways, Don emailed him back my suggestion about the haircut and we did not hear anything back from him for about a week, which to me was probably a sign that he was not going to go through with it which I was ok with.  Someone’s hair preference is a personal thing and like me, even though mine was falling out, the decision to shave what was remaining was not an easy one so to ask him to do this for me was quite bold and I knew that.  
Well, suddenly Tuesday (3/13/2012) Jaime emails me and wants to know if I’m ready to shave his head that night.  I told him that I don’t want him to do anything that he didn’t want to do…in regards to his hair.  I know that it was really hard for me to do and I don’t want him to hate me the rest of my life because of it.  Well, in good old Jaime fashion I receive the following response – “I REALLY don't want to do it :) but I'm going to do it (or rather you're going to do it :) ) because you're having to experience things you don't want to experience and I don't want you to have to experience those things alone.  This will be an experience we can share.  So you're going to take some enjoyment in my suffering and I already hate you so this won't make it any worse :)”.   I wouldn’t have expected anything less than this type of response from him…gotta Love him!!
Here is what transpired Tuesday evening...
This is Jaime prior to shaving his head and yes, I said to him again that he didn't have to do this but he was bound and determined to do this for me….what a special friend!!  This will be something that I will never forget and he has touched my heart forever!

The following are photos during the 'process'.

As you can see there is some fright in his eyes...

What the Hell did I do????

BFF - Baldy Friend Forever!

Me, donning my new wig and Jaime, clean shaven!

Me, clean shaven and Jamie, donning my new wig!! 
The Clean Shaven Foresome!!
Aren't we the best looking people around!!

You know having cancer has shown me a different side of people.  It is amazing to me what friends and family will do for you in your times of trials and tribulations.  They were probably always there for you before but when something like this happens they really show their true colors!!
Love you all!!


  1. Wow that is soooo cool!
    Emily Jensen

  2. It was easy for Justin and me...not much to begin with.

  3. I love all 4 of you baldies!!!!!! I have been struggling losing my weight, but when i found out you had cancer and my blood sugars are high, i have decided to lose my weight for you, Kathy, and to make me healthier. Don't think i will shave my head but you do look good in your beanie hat. Just to report to you, i have lost 10 pounds and now this week only 1 can of pop a day and the rest water. I will keep reporting to u as how my journey is going. Love you Lots!!!!! laurie

    1. Way to go Laurie!! Keep us informed on your progress, we are cheering for you! You should start your own blog to track your progress!
      Love you guys!

  4. Bald IS beautiful !!!

