New Me!

New Me!

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012 - 4th Chemo treatment

March 5th - First I have to recognize my wonderful, beautiful sister on her 51st birthday on March 4th!  Happy birthday sister Mary!  Celebrate all your birthday with happiness and a love for life!  It's a day all about YOU!   Hope you enjoyed it!

On Sunday, Don and I went to visit my son, Bill and wife, Cathy in North Mankato.  We enjoyed great conversation and a wonderful supper at Tav on the Ave in Mankato with them.  They have decorated the baby’s new room so cute and everything looks ready for the Little Gerhart baby.  Seven more days to the due date!  We are on alert :)

Today was an appointment with Dr Tim (oncologist) and he indicated that I would not have to take the neupogen shots this week!  The white counts answered well to last week shots.  Way to go White Blood Cells!!  And thanks to all that said prayers for that - see, pray does miraculous things!  Keep them coming!  He said the nosebleeds & heartburn are all side effects of chemo and gave me ways to try to alleviate them to some extent.  He said after 3 chemo treatments the ‘size’ of the tumor really hasn’t changed (darn it) but it feels ‘softer’ – not sure what that mean but I’m taking it as a good sign.  He encouraged me that the ABT-888 clinical trial drug has shown great outcomes in others in the clinical trial so to keep optimistic as I’ve only had 3 treatments!  He said the results of the mri/bloods/biopsy that I did on Friday will be back in about 2 weeks so will update you once I hear the results.  I was at chemo treatment all afternoon.  I had to have the Cardoplatin along with all the other IV’s that I normally get so took awhile longer today.  We didn’t leave Mayo until 5:00pm along with all the other employee’s trying to exit Mayo at that time!  The 5 o’clock rush!!  Who could forget!

I have an appointment with the radiation oncologist Wednesday afternoon - Dr Schomberg.  Dr Tim said that he would like me to meet with her so that she could see were I am at this point in my treatments.  She will need time to plan out what will be needed as far as radiation treatments after chemo is done and the surgery is preformed.  It’s a ways down the road but he felt it would be important. 

Hope this finds you all well and enjoying life!  God bless you all!


  1. You will love Dr. Schomberg, she is very nice, and willing to take time to explain everything and answer all your questions.


  2. Been praying for your white blood cells!!! Praise God.

