New Me!

New Me!

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012 - 3rd chemo treatment

February 27th - Well, where do I begin? 
Today was a day of concern for me as you will see what I mean as you read this day's entry. 

I had to have the usual blood work prior to getting chemo and talked with the study coordinator regarding my past week symptoms and the results of the days blood test. After reviewing the findings it showed that my white and red blood counts are a bit lower than the normal ranges.  This has brought about some concern that they do not want those levels to get much lower as that will effect if chemo is given, adjusted or not given at all due to the severity of it.  They are going to start giving me booster shots to boost the white blood cells.  Right now my white blood cell counts are “okay”, and I’m not at any real danger of infection just yet.  However, as chemotherapy continues these could fall too low to a point where they 1). cannot give the chemotherapy on schedule or 2.) they may fall to a point where I’m at increased risk of infection. So in order to both be able to get the chemotherapy on time and to lower the chance of infection, they use these white blood cell booster shots.  Not everyone needs these, so they only do these in the event the blood counts are like mine (oh, lucky me!????)

Dr. Tim says this is very standard therapy however the trouble is this medicine is very expensive ($200.00 per shot given four days a week!), I know, crazy huh!!  And most likely once I start getting them they will have to continue with them until my chemo is done – you understand I’ve only completed my 3rd chemo treatment and I have 13 left, you do the math!  You’re probably wondering what’s the big deal, she has great medical insurance (thank God, I stayed with the Universal health plan for 2012!!) but the cost for this one item is astounding to me. 

I really don’t know what to think about all of this other than there is no real alterative for me at this point.  I still have a question into my Dr. as to what the side effects of this shot will be – sometimes I’m not really sure I want to know.  All I know is this really sucks – it sucks big time!  But I hear the great wisdom of my friend, Jean S. - she would say, pull up those granny pants and quit complaining – right Jean?! (I’m not sure those are her exact words but you get the gist!).  I will suck it up and do all that I can do to eat the right foods, exercise as much as possible, and get back on track!   I have too!

I ask for continued prayers as I have a feeling this road is starting to get a bit bumpy and I'm not really liking it!

P.S…another joyful (I’m being sarcastic!) thing started happening today – my hair is starting to come out a bit faster than normal.  Not yet quite the huge handfuls that they describe but more than usual.  One blessing is that I have a lot of hair so not quite so noticeable yet.  About a week ago my head really started to be itchy and this might sound weird but it was also hurting where the hair meets the scalp.   I told this to my study coordinator and she indicated that this was one of the first signs that the hair would soon by coming out…really, I’m not sure I’m ready for this!  Can I start this dream/nighmare over please !!

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24, 2012 - What happened all week?

February 24th – Sorry I’ve been MIA (missing in action) all week so I'll bring you up to speed.

Monday evening/night proved to be not as bad as the previous Monday.  However I did have pains and burning sensations in my legs and arms and did not sleep welll but definitely not as bad as the week before.  This appears to be the pattern after the chemo treatment.  Wednesday and Thursday I was somewhat sick to my stomach most of the day and night, felt nauseated but did not actually get sick that way however the other end wasn’t so friendly.  I and the porcelain throne became good friends those couple days.   

Early Wednesday morning, Don left for a trip to Scottsdale, AZ on a five day biking extravaganza with six or seven of his biking friends from Lakeville, MN.  They  had their bicycles shipped down and then they all flew down later.  I’ve talked to him each evening and he’s says that they’ve had wonderful weather (in the 80’s) each day and getting in 80+ miles of riding in per day…needless to say he is in heaven and I’m glad he decided to still go with all that is going on with me. He will be back late Sunday night. 

Also on Wednesday I met a long time high school friend (Teresa) for lunch.  We had great conversation about how it sucks getting old and how our backs, knees, and other parts of our body don’t seem to cooperate as they did 30 years ago.  Thanks Teresa, I have a wonderful time.

Thursday I had a massage scheduled at DAHLC and I was going to cancel however they evidently will not cancel after 24 hours prior to the appointment.  Even though my stomach was still not cooperating I went in for my ½ hour massage (should have done an hour but maybe next time).  I’m glad I did as my back/shoulders/neck were in a knotted mess.  Maybe it was what the doctor ordered as I was feeling much better after the massage – even my stomach! 

I had been thinking long and hard about my hair – about 2-3 weeks ago I cut about 4-5 inches off to kind of prepare myself for the inevitable but I was still not sure that was going to be enough of a change for me when the hair does finally start falling out.  I scheduled an appointment with my hair dresser and we settled on a pixie haircut.  My hair has not been this short for probably 14 years.

So what do you think?!?!?!?  It's not easy to get use to, that is for sure...
Today, I mostly hung out with Marie as she had the day off.  We had a fun day together...thanks Marie! 
Hope you all have a great weekend! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012 - 2nd Chemo Treatment

February 20th - Today I had to be at Gonda 10 at 7:00am to have a blood test prior to the chemo treatment (tx).  Then Don and I met with the study coordinator (Jean) so that she could 'hear my story' on how my week went after the 1st chemo treatment.  After filling her in on ALL the gory details, she reviewed the results of my blood work and all levels were within range which is awesome!  They really watch the white and red blood counts along with platelet counts.  They also watch the liver functions because of the Carboplatin they administer can be rough on the liver. Those were good as well!  I then proceeded to the Gonda 10 east desk for the chemo tx.  This round I did not have as much of the steroids and Benadryl nor the Carboplatin drug (that is only given every third week) so we got out of there by 11:30 instead of 12:15 like last week. It really is a full morning of appointments!  We went and had a small bite for lunch and Don took me home where I crashed for about 1 ½ to 2 hours – man, it takes a lot out of ya!

I’m felt pretty well later this afternoon and evening but I will have to see how the night goes as that was where the issues where last week.  Jean and the chemo nurse said that with a smaller dose of steroids/Benadryl, I should sleep better and not be on the edge of nausea every day and night. 

Things are moving along and next week will be even busier.  I have chemo Monday and then another MRI and biopsy on Friday.  This will show them if the clinical trials drugs are making any sort of additional impact on the tumor…Keep your fingers and toes crossed that it does!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012 - Weekend stuff

February 19th - I felt a little bit better Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The feeling of being sick to your stomach kinda subsided on Friday. Friday and Saturday I finally felt good enough to get to DAHLC and got a workout in which felt real good and I needed it!! On Sunday, Don and I went to AT&T to look at iPads. I purchased one with some of the money from the fundraiser so that I can take it with me to my treatment appointments. I can add my music to it, books, movies, games etc., to help the time (2-4 hours) go by during treatments. What a wonderful gifts many of you were involved in helping me purchase! A heartfelt thank you! Sunday, Bill and Cathy came home to visit. They needed to visit BabeRUs for a few more items before baby come in about three weeks. Three weeks I will be a full pledged grandma!!!! I can't wait!!! I've gotten so many wonderful emails, cards and facebook messages from so many of my old friends, family and coworkers over the past few weeks that are so encouraging and caring. Many of them have brought tears to my eyes and have given me a new life perspective on being present in the moment. Please don't take life for granted as things can change your life so quickly. Live for today as we cannot control tomorrow. Do the things you want to do today, take no regrets! Love you all!!! PS. 2nd chemo treatment in the morning, have to be there by 7:00am so I guess I should be getting to bed. Goodnight.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012 - Touching base from past two days

February 16th - Sorry I've been MIA (missing in action) for the past couple of days.  I will get you up to speed of what's been going on the past days. 

I was feeling pretty sluggish on Wednesday.  Don and I went to visit my Mom (who is 84 yrs old) who resides in the Assisted Living Apartments at the Hayfield Nursing Home.  I hadn’t actually visited her since my diagnosis so we felt I better get over there to see her.  It is always good to see my Mom.  My Mom is rarely, if ever sick other than developing diabetes at an older age...she has always been the 'pillar' of health.  I'm sure it is hard for her to see her youngest daughter with cancer as it's probably one of parent’s worst nightmares.  I love my Mom with all my heart!!

After that visit I met Marie at the Erickson's Hair and Skin Care class that is held in the Cancer Center on the Main floor of the Gonda building.  They shared how important it is to keep your cosmetics clean as possible while going through chemo as to not spread infection while your immune system is low.  They also demonstrated how to care for wigs and tie scarves.  We purchased a few hats and scarves that day for the day when the hair to be prepared, so they say!

Thursday, was just an all around lazy day.  I had very little energy, with a mild headache and stomach uneasiness all day.  I did however manage to work on some training materials from home. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling a little bit better as Monday this starts all over againL

Have a great Friday all! 

PS...I would like to thank everyone again for the money that was raised for me from the fundraiser.  I am truly humbled by the generosity you have all shown me!  Your kindness has so touched my heart!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day

Februray 14th - Happy Valentine's Day to all! 
I had a restless night last night.  Tossed and turned mostly.  Felt like creepy, crawly things were in my body.  The nurses told me that I would have symptoms of restless legs syndrome from all the meds they gave me but that was ridiculous.  My heart was pounding hard like I was anxious about something...kind of the way I feel the night before we go on a cruise, hoping that I don't forget anything important.  But let me tell you this is no cruise by any means! This morning I looked in the mirror because my face seems warm and my cheeks were red/warm and the site of my tumor was red/warm.  I was not itchy or short of breath.  I phoned my study coordinator and provided all the details.  She passed the info along to Dr. Tim and he indicated that it was possibly a reaction to all the steroids that they pumped into me yesterday.  Since I wasn't itchy and was breathing fine to just observe myself during the day.  If I did get SOB (shortness of breath) to go directly to the ER or call 911 so I’m holding my own for now and hopefully this just goes away!

This evening my cheeks are still a little red but feeling much better.  I got a lovely Valentines's card from my hubby - I love him so much!

Marie and Justin made a nice supper of spaghetti and wine!  Perfect!

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012 - 1st day of Chemo

February 13th - Well, the dreaded anticipation is over and....drum roll please!
Overall it wasn't so bad although a very tiring day plus I didn't puke!  So that's a huge bonus!!

I checked in at 9:00am  up at Gonda 10 East along with my group of peeps (Don and Marie) and we did not get out of there until 12:15ish.  Long morning to say the least.

Here is regiment that I received today:
1st - steroids via IV.
2nd- anti-nausea meds via IV.
3rd - Benadryl via IV.  This seemed like they were pushing this into me at a rate comparable to the speed of sound!  I got really tired - fast and just a little dizzy. The reasoning behind the top three drugs is to offset the awesome side effects that can happen with the Taxol and Carboplatin drugs. (Diarrhea, constipation, nausea, fatigue, etc)
4th – saline (IV) as they were waiting on the Taxol & Carboplatin from the pharmacy.
5th – Taxol (chemo drug).  This one went in without any issues.
6th – Carboplatin (chemo drug).   This one made me really sleeping.  I think I even fell asleep to a point of even waking myself up with a little snort and drool coming down my cheek.  LOL - this even makes me laugh!!  And very attractive - to say the least!  When I woke up, Marie was just looking at me shaking her head – bless her heart!  I could not see Don’s reaction as he was sitting kind of more up by my head – but I can only imagine or on the other hand, maybe he’s use to it after all these years being together! Gotta Love him!!

They sent me home with some anti-nausea drugs, if needed, and the ABT-888 clinical trial drug which is in a pill form that I have to take two times per day/every day.  At home I was still rather sleepy so I laid down for a couple of hours basically passed out.  Other than being tired, I haven’t had any other side effects (knock on wood!) but my day is not yet finished.  We’ll see how the night goes. 

Again, a great big thank you to Don (the greatest husband ever) and Marie (the greatest daughter ever) for coming with me to my 1st chemo treatment.  The long journey has begun!

Also to a couple other guests while I was there…Ann Oldenburg – my pink ribbon mentor, who I got to actually meet for the first time.  I have talked to her via email & phone but not in person.  Not sure how I got so blessed to have Ann there with me along my journey but I’m glad God placed her with me!  JoAnn Williams – Marie’s friend Amanda’s mom, who I spoke about on a previous post.  We chatted a bit about my morning and how her treatments/surgeries were going.  Keep JoAnn also in your prayer as her breast cancer journey is not quite complete. 

Also thanks to those that emailed and texted me this morning with thoughts and prayers of support – Mike (brother in law), Mary (mother-in-law), Bill (my son), Cathy (my daughter-in-law) & Sharon (sister) and Melissa (co-worker). 

More to come!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thoughts going into my 1st chemo treatment

Illness is a kind of initiation or rite of passage, taking you from a good life to a better one, from a limited understanding of your world to one that is much more sophisticated.  Illness may transform you, giving you a vision and understanding you may have sought but never found.

Your cancer has a tragic side, but it can also change your emotional life and affect your relationships for the better.  It can heal you as a person.  Even as it threatens to take your life, it can give you more life.  You don't have to be a genius or full of courage to receive its gifts.  You only have to open your imagination wide, keep your sense of wonder alive, and feel the love of life that is already in you.  Bring that love to the people around you and you will discover for yourself that illness heals.

~Thomas Moore

This is so awesome!

February 12, 2012 - Lace Up Against Breast Cancer Run/Walk

February 12th - the Lace Up Against Breast Cancer (LUABC) run/walk event to raise money for Mayo Clinic breast cancer research was today and their were many in attendance!  Many of my friends and family attended to walk in my honor and for others that are and have traveled the breast cancer journey. 

I would, personally, like to thank the following that showed up today ~ Don, Marie & Justin, Jenny, Jason, Hannah & Grace, Mary and Bill, Christina, Shawna, Liz, Sue and daughter, Tammy F, Maureen and Jane, Karen N, Cindy and Kenny, Leslie, Katie, Kathy M., Charlene and Tony, Danita and hubby, Chris, Emily, Nicole and hubby, Melissa and Tracy, Larisa, Andy and Mom, Brothers Dave and Larry, Chris and Andy.  Hopefully I didn't miss anyone!  If I did, I apologize!  And for those that were thinking of us in spirit ~ thank for that!!

Wow, what a crew and so, so inspiring!!  Thank you all for coming and offering your support for me in my breast cancer journey!  You all play a huge part in it and I will never forget it!!  Love you all!  Kathy

Jenny, Me, Mary, Christina (are you hiding back there!?) Chris, Emily & Karen

Leslie, Christina, Shawna & Maureen

Team least most of them!
5K runners ~ Katie, Jenny & Shawna
At the Finish Line!

Family ~ brother Dave, sister-in-law Chris, brother Larry, nephew Andy, Me, Marie & Justin

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10, 2012 - T.G.I.F

February 10th - This morning I woke up not feeling so well and I think it had to do with the pneumonia shot that I had to have on Wednesday.  The arm was really sore and it felt like I was maybe getting the flu.  Well after everyone went off to work I lay back down and slept until 10:30a.m.  I felt a bit better after that and decided I needed to get up and moving.  Marie offered to meet me for lunch so I picked her up and we headed to Olive Garden for the soup/salad lunch.  Thanks Marie for a great lunch!  After dropping Marie back off at work I headed to DAHLC to get some exercise in which I really needed.  I always feel better after I've been there and since it’s Dr.’s orders how can you argue!

From there I went to a good friend’s office to deliver a pink "find the cure" bracelet as he specifically requested one.  So how could I resist…thanks Jamie for wearing pink for me!!  (You know, real men wear Pink!!)

Later this afternoon I received a call from Dr. Tim asking if I had any questions about the study chemo drugs that I will be given on Monday.  He is always genuinely concerned for the patient in regards to their anxiety and is very good at explaining anything that you may have questions about and then some.  He has proved to be a great Dr.!

He explained that the ABT888 and the Carboplatin is usually well tolerated and they have similar side effects as the Taxel which is hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash…just to name a few.  Now doesn’t that just sound appealing?  He did say that he was excited (and he did say excited) that I was placed on the ABT888 drug as they have seen great things with this experimental chemo drug.  However they would be watching my kidney’s and be given a blood test each time I come in for chemo treatment just to make sure that my white blood counts don’t get to low or that I don’t get a fever over 101 degrees. 

This weekend will be busy…we are invited to Don’s brothers house on Saturday for tacos.  His cousin and family from Iowa are staying at their home because their youngest son, Jake, is being seen at Mayo for possibly having epilepsy.  Please keep them in your prayers also!  Then Sunday is the Lace Up Against Breast Cancer run/walk in the morning.  So that should be a fun event…pray for nice weather!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9, 2012 - Update on chemo drugs

February 9th - Here is what I found out today in regards to the chemo drugs that I will be taking for the next 16 weeks:
Paclitaxel (Taxel) - used to treat cancer by blocking cell growth.
ABT 888 - is an investigational drug - not yet approved by the FDA.  It's a molecule that prevents proteins from interacting with other proteins in cells.  By preventing these interactions the cancer cells may stop growing.
Carboplatin - is approved by the FDA.  It's a molecule that binds to DNA and stops cancer cells from growing.
Giving all 3 drugs together may help kill more cancer cells.  The ABT888 and the Carboplatin are 'extra' chemo drugs that are given through the clinical trial that I am participating in. The Paclitaxel is the chemo drug commonly given.

After that I go on the AC drug - which is Doxorubicin used to treat cancer by killing cells and Cyclophosphamide is used to treat cancer by slowing or stopping cell growth.  This I will have every two weeks for 4 treatments. 

I stopped at the office today to see my coworkers.  They are having a Valentine's basket raffle in my honor and I was completely overwhelmed, to say the least.  There were 15-16 wonderful baskets made  -  they are SO AWESOME!!  I can't even explain.  I have the best group of coworkers, EVER!! Love you ALL!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012 - Clinical Trial Results & Wig Shopping

February 8th - Today we (Don, Marie and I) met with Dr. Moynihan (oncologist) about the results from the 2nd biopsy done for the clinical trial that I am participating in.  The results indicated that I needed chemo (duh!) and that they needed to randomize me with another agent/drug to go along with the Taxol that will be the flavor of choice for the next 12 weeks. The study coordinator called me with the name of the other agent/drug later today and for the life of me I didn't get it written down.  It's a big long 'fancy' name and I will have her write it down for me so I can tell you what it is in my blog tomorrow.  Dr. Tim indicated that the tumor had not changed size since he last examined me 2 weeks ago...which is good news!  At the time of the appointment he was not sure what the agent/drug was so he was not sure what the side effects of the new agent/drug would be.  I'm sure its something awesome.  Again I will find out more tomorrow and update the blog. 

From there Marie and I decided to visit Erickson's Hair and Skin Care which is located in the Subway Level of the Methodist Hospital as Dr. Tim indicated that in about 14 or so days after my initial chemo treatment  (Feb.13th) I will start losing my hair. (Oh, great...I can't even imagine what I look like bald!)  Well, regardless if I like it or not the hair will come out!  We met with the most wonderful, caring woman at Erickson's and she knew that I was new to this (the hair must have given it away).  I tried on several cranial prosthesis (wigs) in many lengths and colors, I felt like a movie star (just kidding!) 

Seriously, I was having a real hard time trying to figure out why I was really there…I had hair right now why would I need a wig?  Was this all a really bad dream?  I would look at myself in the mirror with the wig on and I kept thinking this wasn’t me, none of them look good and they just made me feel so - old.  Granted, I will be 50 in September but come on!   Anyways, the last one that I tried on was probably the best.  It looked like me and was a style and color that I could deal with if I felt that a wig was something that I thought that I needed.  Women going through chemo treatments sometimes only wear scarves, hats or go bald (that one I will have to see about!).  At this point they explained that they would not order me one just yet as I had way too much hair to really get a good size & fit (ok, that just sounds so funny) so we left without one and to come back when the hair is much thinner or gone (awesome).  We are also scheduled to go back next Wednesday so that they can teach me the secrets of scarf tying (similar to basket weaving but different…I’m quite spunky tonight, aren’t I?!!?  As you can tell I’m not liking this much!). 

This was an eye opening day for me!!  But let’s get the party started and get over with all of this already!!!!!

I would like to thank Don and Marie for coming to my Dr. appointments with me. I couldn’t do this without you!  I love you both so much!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012 - Needed to see my Son

February 7th - There are times in your life that you know that you just have to see someone but your not quite sure why, well today was one of those days.  I hadn't had the chance to see my son Bill since I've been diagnosed and I know from his busy work schedule it is difficult at best to get back home.  I've talked to him several times on the phone though but not in person. 

So I got in the car today and drove over to their North Mankato home to see him. While there he showed me the baby’s room and let me tell you that baby is set for at least the first few years of his life.  The cute room that Don and I went over to help paint about 2 months ago is now filled to the brim with baby boy stuff!  It will be the perfect space for that little Gerhart boy.  I can't wait...only about a month away!!

After that we went to have lunch at TGI Friday's and we had a chance to really talk about his and my feelings/thoughts about my diagnosis.  Since Bill and Cathy live 1 1/2 hours away it is hard for him to feel connected to what is going with me at home, which I totally understand and have no ill feelings about this whatsoever.  Bill is a very good listener and is a very sensible person so for me he is a joy to talk to.  We had a terrific talk - mother and son - which was very important to me!

Thanks for listening Bill and always remember that I love you and Cathy more than you know.

I'm so glad you were willing to wear the pink 'find the cure' bracelet for me and I told him that each time he looked at it to think of me...he said he would and that is just what I wanted to hear!

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012 - one of those days

February 6th - They say being diagnosed with cancer will bring many up days and down days.  Well today was one of those down days.  It seemed like everything I read, looked at and heard made me cry.  I can't really explain it.  Maybe it's because of seeing my daughter-in-law 8 months pregnant (so precious!) and having great family and friends around me yesterday.  It reminds me of what the battle is for!  Or maybe it's because it's one day closer to my chemo treatments to start and the reality will set in...I'm blaming it on nerves.

I need to be here to be the greatest grandma, mom, wife, friend, sister & daughter there is!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5, 2012 - Baby shower

February 5th - today Marie had a baby shower for my daugher-in-law, Cathy, at my home in Rochester.  Cathy's Mom, Char and sister, Amy from Spokane, WA made the trip back along with Cathy's sister-in-law, Rachel from the Milwaukee area.  There were many other family and friends that were also able to join in the festivities - two of my sisters, Mary and Nancy,  Mary's daughter-in-law, Lindsay and her daughter, Addison, Cathy's aunt, Judy and future sister-in-law, Tammy & niece, Kirsten, & three friends from St.Peter.  They were all willing to wear pink 'find a cure' bracelets in my honor!  I am so very blessed to have so many wonderful people praying and pulling for me! 

Cathy received many great gifts for that new baby that is due the first part of March...only a month away and Don and I will be grandparents for the first time! 

This is a very bittersweet time for me as I'm very nervous & anxious of the months that lay ahead for me with my treatments and surgery but very happy and excited for a new beautiful soul to join our family soon.  Really what could be more inpiring for me to beat this cancer than a beautiful grandchild!  I have to will keep the faith!! 

A special thanks to my daughter, Marie, for planning such a fun and special day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 4, 2012 - Baby shower shopping

February 4th - Marie and I went out to pick up groceries for the baby shower that she is having for my son's wife - Cathy.  Bill and Cathy are expecting their 1st baby March 8th and Don and my 1st grandchild. 

After many stops for various items we came back home to prepare for the shower on Sunday.  We decorated the house and did the baking.  We are having a Sunday brunch with egg bake, a yogurt granola cup with fruit on top, bagels, pastries, and cupcakes.  We are expecting 12-15 guests with her Mom and sister Amy coming from Spokane, WA.   

Should be a fun time!!

February 3, 2012 - You Just Never Know

February 3rd - I had ordered some "find the cure' bracelets for my family to wear to support my journey with cancer and they arrived today. 

Justin and I meet Don and Marie at Glynner's for supper and Marie noticed that I was wearing one of the new bracelets that I had gotten.  She wanted one and I, of course, had brought one for her and Don to wear.  Towards the end of our meal, Missy - who is a waitress that we know there, commented to me about my two pink bracelets that I was wearing.  Don asked her if she wanted his and she was like - Sure.  I then asked her if she would wear it in my honor - at that point I was not ready for the response that I got from Missy.  She looked at me and started to cry which, of course, made me cry.  She was truly touched and so was I.  Come to find out she just went through the breast cancer journey with her mom recently so it was very fresh in her mind which I assume was why we got the reaction that we did.  We talked about when I found out and when my treatments would start.  We cried, hugged and offered each other words of encouragement. 

This is just another example of the many people breast cancer affects - you just never know.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012 - Day of Great Conversation

February 2nd - Today I had the pleasure to have great conversation with several amazing women.

My day started off with a visit from my sister-in-law, Lisa.  She and I go way back as we were friends throughout elementary and high school and ironically she married my husband's brother.  We talked about my journey thus far and about the great belief in the Higher power.  It was a great visit and I am grateful for the three hours that we spent together, at that point we decided to go grab lunch at Panera. 

While we were eating I happened to look out the window and noticed my sister, Mary.  She was coming into Panera!  This might not seem odd to you but my sister lives in Brownsdale, MN and what are the odds that we meet at the same place for lunch in all of Rochester and on the same day.  She was also meeting up with a friend (Linda) for lunch.  When her friend showed up she introduced her to us and then went about their way with their lunch date.  A few minutes later my sister appeared back at our table explaining to me that Linda was very religious.  My sister had told her that I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and her friend wanted to know if I would be interested in being blessed with oil.  I really didn’t know quite how to respond so I said – Sure!  (thinking  - I can take all the help that I can get).  We went back to their table and Linda explained the oil that she had and proceeded to bless me with oil and said amazing prayers for me and my recovery!  Mary says that Linda loves the Lord with all her heart which was very apparant to me.

I was very moved by this all and something that I will never forget. God works in mysterious ways! 

I was a believer before today but things that have happened to me recently only strengthened that belief.  Praise the Lord!

Later that evening Marie and I went and had supper with Marie's college friend Amanda and her mother, JoAnn.  Amanda lives in town with her mother who happens to be a nurse in the Onocology Clinic at Mayo (ironic to say the least).  JoAnn began her breast cancer journey about three years ago.  It was also nice to have Amanda there so that Marie could relate to how a daughter feels and goes through the journey with their mom. 
You know it's truly amazing since I've been diagnosed, all the loving people that I've meet.   They are so willing to share their story and ultimately gain a new friendships from all of this.