New Me!

New Me!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012 - Day of Great Conversation

February 2nd - Today I had the pleasure to have great conversation with several amazing women.

My day started off with a visit from my sister-in-law, Lisa.  She and I go way back as we were friends throughout elementary and high school and ironically she married my husband's brother.  We talked about my journey thus far and about the great belief in the Higher power.  It was a great visit and I am grateful for the three hours that we spent together, at that point we decided to go grab lunch at Panera. 

While we were eating I happened to look out the window and noticed my sister, Mary.  She was coming into Panera!  This might not seem odd to you but my sister lives in Brownsdale, MN and what are the odds that we meet at the same place for lunch in all of Rochester and on the same day.  She was also meeting up with a friend (Linda) for lunch.  When her friend showed up she introduced her to us and then went about their way with their lunch date.  A few minutes later my sister appeared back at our table explaining to me that Linda was very religious.  My sister had told her that I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and her friend wanted to know if I would be interested in being blessed with oil.  I really didn’t know quite how to respond so I said – Sure!  (thinking  - I can take all the help that I can get).  We went back to their table and Linda explained the oil that she had and proceeded to bless me with oil and said amazing prayers for me and my recovery!  Mary says that Linda loves the Lord with all her heart which was very apparant to me.

I was very moved by this all and something that I will never forget. God works in mysterious ways! 

I was a believer before today but things that have happened to me recently only strengthened that belief.  Praise the Lord!

Later that evening Marie and I went and had supper with Marie's college friend Amanda and her mother, JoAnn.  Amanda lives in town with her mother who happens to be a nurse in the Onocology Clinic at Mayo (ironic to say the least).  JoAnn began her breast cancer journey about three years ago.  It was also nice to have Amanda there so that Marie could relate to how a daughter feels and goes through the journey with their mom. 
You know it's truly amazing since I've been diagnosed, all the loving people that I've meet.   They are so willing to share their story and ultimately gain a new friendships from all of this.

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