New Me!

New Me!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 3, 2012 - You Just Never Know

February 3rd - I had ordered some "find the cure' bracelets for my family to wear to support my journey with cancer and they arrived today. 

Justin and I meet Don and Marie at Glynner's for supper and Marie noticed that I was wearing one of the new bracelets that I had gotten.  She wanted one and I, of course, had brought one for her and Don to wear.  Towards the end of our meal, Missy - who is a waitress that we know there, commented to me about my two pink bracelets that I was wearing.  Don asked her if she wanted his and she was like - Sure.  I then asked her if she would wear it in my honor - at that point I was not ready for the response that I got from Missy.  She looked at me and started to cry which, of course, made me cry.  She was truly touched and so was I.  Come to find out she just went through the breast cancer journey with her mom recently so it was very fresh in her mind which I assume was why we got the reaction that we did.  We talked about when I found out and when my treatments would start.  We cried, hugged and offered each other words of encouragement. 

This is just another example of the many people breast cancer affects - you just never know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey where is r bracelet aunt kathy? Jake just heard me reading ur blog. He said thats ok I will wear my I love boobies bracelet in honor of her. Love u kathy! Thanks for comin to c jaker inlthe hospital. He said, u know mom I dont say much but I love those guys!

    Laurie and jake
