New Me!

New Me!

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012 - one of those days

February 6th - They say being diagnosed with cancer will bring many up days and down days.  Well today was one of those down days.  It seemed like everything I read, looked at and heard made me cry.  I can't really explain it.  Maybe it's because of seeing my daughter-in-law 8 months pregnant (so precious!) and having great family and friends around me yesterday.  It reminds me of what the battle is for!  Or maybe it's because it's one day closer to my chemo treatments to start and the reality will set in...I'm blaming it on nerves.

I need to be here to be the greatest grandma, mom, wife, friend, sister & daughter there is!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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