New Me!

New Me!

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10, 2012 - T.G.I.F

February 10th - This morning I woke up not feeling so well and I think it had to do with the pneumonia shot that I had to have on Wednesday.  The arm was really sore and it felt like I was maybe getting the flu.  Well after everyone went off to work I lay back down and slept until 10:30a.m.  I felt a bit better after that and decided I needed to get up and moving.  Marie offered to meet me for lunch so I picked her up and we headed to Olive Garden for the soup/salad lunch.  Thanks Marie for a great lunch!  After dropping Marie back off at work I headed to DAHLC to get some exercise in which I really needed.  I always feel better after I've been there and since it’s Dr.’s orders how can you argue!

From there I went to a good friend’s office to deliver a pink "find the cure" bracelet as he specifically requested one.  So how could I resist…thanks Jamie for wearing pink for me!!  (You know, real men wear Pink!!)

Later this afternoon I received a call from Dr. Tim asking if I had any questions about the study chemo drugs that I will be given on Monday.  He is always genuinely concerned for the patient in regards to their anxiety and is very good at explaining anything that you may have questions about and then some.  He has proved to be a great Dr.!

He explained that the ABT888 and the Carboplatin is usually well tolerated and they have similar side effects as the Taxel which is hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash…just to name a few.  Now doesn’t that just sound appealing?  He did say that he was excited (and he did say excited) that I was placed on the ABT888 drug as they have seen great things with this experimental chemo drug.  However they would be watching my kidney’s and be given a blood test each time I come in for chemo treatment just to make sure that my white blood counts don’t get to low or that I don’t get a fever over 101 degrees. 

This weekend will be busy…we are invited to Don’s brothers house on Saturday for tacos.  His cousin and family from Iowa are staying at their home because their youngest son, Jake, is being seen at Mayo for possibly having epilepsy.  Please keep them in your prayers also!  Then Sunday is the Lace Up Against Breast Cancer run/walk in the morning.  So that should be a fun event…pray for nice weather!

1 comment:

  1. We had a nice time eating tacos and spending some time with u and r awesome loving family! Thank God for family support. We love u kathy and think of u every day and pray for u. Jake and matt said they would have walked today for u. We would walk 100 miles for u! Good luck tomorro and we will bthinking of u. Jake says u could share his room at the hospital with him. Oh and I do want a bracelet if u have any left.
    Kev, laurie, matt and jake
